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Pastoral Ministry
in the Real World Click Now to Order


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, reportedly told of a time when he climbed into a taxicab in Paris. Before he could utter a word, the driver turned to him and asked, "Where can I take you, Mr. Doyle?"

Doyle was flabbergasted. He asked the driver if he had ever seen him before.

"No, sir," the driver responded, "I have never seen you before. But this morning's paper had a story about you being on vacation in Marseilles. This is the taxi stand where people who return from Marseille always come. Your skin color tells me you have been on vacation. The ink-spot on your right index finger suggest to me that you are a writer. Your clothing is very English, not French. Adding up all those pieces of information, I deduced that you are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."

"This is truly amazing!" the writer exclaimed. "You are a real-life counterpart to my fictional creation, Sherlock Holmes."

"There was one other clue," the driver said.

"What was that?"

"Your name is on the front of your suitcase."

--Go the Distance, p 150 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson

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Fresh Sermon Illustrations
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