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Pastoral Ministry
in the Real World Click Now to Order


When he moved to a new home eleven years ago, Bob Markovich stopped looking for a wedding ring that he had misplaced. He had scoured the garbage cans and searched the yard, but since he could not find his ring, he gave it up for lost.

Recently, Grace Debrowa, the home's second owner after the Markoviches, found the gold wedding band while raking the backyard. She did a little detective work and was able to contact Markovich's mother, who helped her son get his ring back just in time for his twentieth anniversary.

As a reward for finding the ring, and ensuring its return, Markovich gave Debrowa $20 and a card. He told a local newspaper, "For her to go the extra mile like that, I thought that was really spectacular."

—The Associated Press, New Homeowner Finds Long-lost Wedding Band, June 7, 2005. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.

Matthew 5:41 NLT "If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles.

Fresh Sermon Illustrations
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