Most Recent Books

Illustrating Well by Jim L.

Illustrating Well: Preaching Sermons that Connect

Preachers face all kinds of obstacles on Sunday mornings. A sermon that employs interesting and appropriate illustrations can help break through barriers and convey truth in a fresh way.  Illustrating Well provides pastors with the tools to effectively use sermon illustrations to help them communicate the Bible's teachings. To reach the hearts and minds of their congregations, preachers must do more than explain the truth; they must demonstrate how the truth relates to real life. Every sermon should be theologically rich and thoroughly biblical, but a good illustration can take what might be an abstract concept and turn it into a concrete reality for the listener.

In Illustrating Well, preachers will discover what makes for a compelling illustration as well as the benefits and potential pitfalls of particular types of illustrations.

Available in Logos Software and on Amazon
Watch Dr. Wilson teach from chapter 6 of Illustrating Well as he wrestles with the question, "Should preachers use bible stories as sermon illustrations?"

The proponents and opponents for their use cite the same reason for using or not using them. What should you do?

A Guide To Theological Reflection

Effective evaluation includes critique and potential course correction for the honest and willing minister, as well as positive affirmation of how one's desires influence good ministry decisions. A Guide to Theological Reflection introduces tools by which a minister can interact with his or her own thoughts, beliefs, and feelings; external feedback, such as that of a ministry supervisor; and Scripture to inform deep and transformative theological reflection.

Available from Zondervan, in Logos Software and on  Amazon

Watch Dr. Wilson teach the Reflection Loop from chapter 2 of A Guide to Theological Reflection

Impact Preaching: A Case for the One-Point Expository Sermon


 2018 Lexham Press  Available on Amazon, Kindle, and direct from the distributor or in Logos Software

Pastoral Ministry in the Real World: Loving, Teaching and Leading God's People

Pastoral Ministry
                                  in the Real World
  2018  Lexham Press (2nd Edition) Available on Amazon, direct from the distributor, or in Logos Software
300 Illustrations

300 Illustrations for Preachers

2015 Lexham Press

Whether it's a story or a statistic, a well-chosen illustration will help biblical truths stick in the minds of a congregation. However, not all pastors have the time or resources to read and select fresh illustrations week after week.

The illustrations in this book are edited for maximum storytelling effect and tagged with preaching themes and Scripture references, making them easy to find in Logos. You'll no longer need to comb through multiple books looking for an appropriate illustration. Each illustration is tagged with multiple topics, making it easier than ever to find the right words.
Logos Bible Software
Amazon Kindle

Older Books

Soul Shaping

2009 Lifeway (1st edition) 2014 FreshMinistry (reprint edition)

Available on Amazon and  Amazon Kindle and with a Small Group Guide

Fresh Illustrations: Forgiveness & Reconciliation
2014 FreshMinistry
Amazon Kindle
Accordance Software
WordSearch Software

Fresh Illustrations: Family
2015 FreshMinistry

Amazon Kindle
Accordance Software
WordSearch Software

Fresh Illustrations: Faith, Hope & Love
2015 FreshMinistry

Amazon Kindle
Accordance Software
WordSearch Software

Fresh Illustrations: Evangelism & Missions
2015  FreshMinistry
Amazon Kindle
Accordance Software
WordSearch Software

Fresh Illustrations: Sin & Salvation
2015 FreshMinistry

Amazon Kindle
Accordance Software
WordSearch Software

Fresh Illustrations: Stewardship
2015 FreshMinistry

Amazon Kindle
Accordance Software
WordSearch Software

Fresh Start Devotionals
2006 Logos

Logos Bible Software
Fresh Start Devotionals
Jan -Mar
Amazon Kindle 

Fresh Start Devotionals

Amazon Kindle

Fresh Start Devotionals
Amazon Kindle

Fresh Start Devotionals
Amazon Kindle

365 Days includes Volumes 1-4
Amazon Kindle
Logos Bible Software

1000 Fresh Illustrations

2006 WordSearch

Word Search Bible Software

More Fresh Illustrations

2006 Wordsearch

Word Search Bible Software

Future Church: Ministry in a Post-Seeker Age

2004 Broadman
& Holman
Amazon Kindle
Logos Bible Software
WordSearch Bible Software

The Boomerang Mandate: Returning the Ministry to the People of God

1999 Willow City Press


Books that contain a chapter by Jim

Ministry in the New Marriage Culture

2015 B&H Books

America's Favorite Sermons

Christian Services Network

Stories for the Spirit-Filled Believer

Starburst Publishers


2002 Willow City Press


The Church Leader's Answer Book

2006 Tyndale House


Books Jim worked on the Editorial team to create

Living the Sermon on the Mount
2016 Pulpit Press
Amazon Kindle

Shattered Dreams

2014 Pulpit Press

Amazon Kindle

Grown Men Do Cry

Wayne Stockhill Evangelistic Assc.


Parakaleo: The Heart of Deacon Ministry

1998 Willow City Press


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Books by Jim
                                L. Wilson
                                Sermon illustrations
Contact us at the email address below: was established in 1999
Brief Bio

FreshMinistry's Jim Wilson started preaching when he was 17, became a pastor when he was 18 and served as a full-time pastor until he became a professor.  Today, he is Professor of Leadership Formation Gateway Seminary where he has served since 2006. 

Though a full-time member of the Seminary faculty, Dr. Wilson continues to serve the local church as a Teaching Pastor of Lakeshore City Church in Corona, CA  In addition, he is speaks at conferences, seminars, retreats and in other local churches.

Wilson is an award winning writer with hundreds of  pieces in print and the author, co-author or contributor to more than thirty books. Zondervan Academic, Broadman & Holman,  Lexham Press, Serendipity House, LifeWay, Weaver Book Company, Standard Publishing, and Tyndale House have published his work. His sermons and sermon illustrations appear in WordSearch, Accordance and Logos Bible Software.

Jim graduated with a BA from Wayland University and a MDiv and DMin from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He has certifications as a Church Consultant from Society of Church Consultants. Transitional Pastor from LifeWay, and is a MBTI practitioner.