"Bruce" walks through the
church door out into the warm Columbian evening
and begins panning the horizon to see if he can
see the missing person from his party. Bruce
doesn't get shook easily. Back home, he's a
tough negotiator-a leader in his church and
community. But the guerillas in the Columbian
jungle don't play by civilized business rules;
they're brutal.
Bruce was alert to the
guerillas' tactics of kidnapping and extortion.
That was part of the reason he was in Columbia
in the first place, he wanted to find a way to
strengthen the persecuted church and help them
survive and thrive in an evil environment. Could
his fellow American have fallen into their
hands? Could she be the next victim?
Out of the corner of his eye
he saw movement, over by the bus. There she is,
he thought she's safe. Suddenly, he felt a
strong grip on his arm. He turned to look into
the piercing eyes of a stranger. "You either get
on the bus, or go back in the building." The man
said, "It's not safe out here."
Bruce nodded, and turned to
walk inside, into the safety of the church. Over
his shoulder he glanced at the jungle, the
evil—filled jungle. He thought about the coca
leaves, and the drug lords and the kidnapping.
He thought how much they need the Lord.
I understand why Bruce walked
into the church to fellowship instead of the
jungle to witness. What I don't understand is
why I spend more time fellowshipping in the
church than I do witnessing in my world-a world
where it is safe outside.
Illustration by Jim L.
"With great power the
apostles continued to testify to the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace
was upon them all." (Acts 4:33 NIV)
"Canadian theologian John G.
Stackhouse Jr., tells of sitting next to a
passenger and talking about his faith. Finally
the passenger interrupted him and said, 'Who is
this apostle Paul you're referring to?' This
widespread ignorance, even among the educated,
leads Stackhouse to conclude: Too much of our
Christian witness today concentrates upon trying
to convince people that Christianity is true. We
need instead to consider two prior problems.
First, most Americans and Canadians are ignorant
of even the basics of authentic Christian faith.
And second, most people think that they do
understand Christianity and thus feel entitled
to dismiss it out of hand."
—SoulTsunami, by Leonard
Sweet, p. 60 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Charley and Sara sometimes
hang out together, but Charley really doesn't
like Sara very much. One day it hits him: The
way to help Sara is to date her! If we were to
go out, my strengths could rub off on her, and
she would be far better off for it. It will
require sacrifice on my part, but it's the least
I can do.
Charley marches up to Sara's
door with a book entitled 100 Things Sara Needs
to Change in Order to Become a Real Person. He
rings the doorbell. When she answers, he shoves
the book in her face and states, "I've decided
it would be best for you if we date. When you
finish reading this, I'll be waiting in my
—Post-Modern Pilgrims,
Leonard Sweet, page 4 Illustration by Jim L.
The Nigerian women stopped
washing their clothes and stared at the "crazy"
white missionary women. The missionaries—decked
out in long, flowing skirts and pith
helmets—searched frantically for a way to cross
the stream. They wanted to talk to the Yoruba
women who'd been doing laundry on the other
Finally, a bright idea
struck. The missionaries found a large calabash
(gourd), crawled into the water with it and hung
on for dear life. Meanwhile, one missionary
decided to ford the stream, sitting in a wash
basin with her legs flapping over the side. The
scene was enough to cause the Yoruba women to
drop their chores and listen to the missionaries
tell of a Christ they did not know.
—The Commission, September
2000, page 35. Illustration by Jim L.
A couple of years ago, Tim
Forneris, a 22 year old groundskeeper gave Mark
McGwire, a million dollar ball, saying "I think
I have something that belongs to you." McGwire
in turn gave it to the Hall of Fame to display
beside Ruth's and Marris' record breaking balls.
Why? He said it didn't belong to him, it
belonged to the world.
Forneris and McGwire, both
displayed the kind of attitude Christians should
have about their salvation. We do not hoard our
treasure, we share it with the world.
by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 28:19-20 "Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to
observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am
with you always, even to the end of the
An extensive study released
in May 2002 depicts religious life in America as
both hopeful and cautionary. The Lilly Endowment
sponsored the survey and involved interviews
with 300,000 worshippers in 2,200 churches,
representing 8 denominations found that
three-fourths of churchgoers report they came
the first time because someone invited them. Yet
54 percent of those surveyed said they had not
invited anyone to church in the past year.
—Pentecostal Evangel, June
23, 2002, pg 11, Survey outlines strengths and
weaknesses of churches. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
2 Tim. 2:2 NASB “And the
things which you have heard from me in the
presence of many witnesses, these entrust to
faithful men, who will be able to teach others
An extensive study released
in May 2002 depicts religious life in America as
both hopeful and cautionary. The survey was
sponsored by the Lilly Endowment and involved
interviews with 300,000 worshippers in 2,200
churches, representing 8 denominations.
The survey found that 10
percent of congregations in the United States,
the largest ones, draw 50 percent of all the
people who attend worship each week. The average
church has fewer than one hundred attendees. 50
percent of the total number of churches only
serve 11 percent of the total number of
worshippers each week.
One of the major strengths
the survey discovered is that 63 percent of
those who attend worship services also spend
time in devotional activities such as reading
the Bible, or praying several times a week. 55
percent of these people also said they felt they
had experienced growth in their faith in the
past year. Yet less than half of regular worship
attendees are involved in a small group, such as
a Sunday School class, or Bible study outside of
worship services.
—Pentecostal Evangel, June
23, 2002, pg 11, Survey outlines strengths and
weaknesses of churches. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Romans 10:14-15 NIVS “How,
then, can they call on the one they have not
believed in? And how can they believe in the one
whom they have not heard? And how can they hear
without someone preaching to them? And how can
they preach unless they are sent? As it is
written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those
who bring good news.’”
Churches and synagogues kept
their lights on all night on April 27, 2001 in
Manchester, New Hampshire to show their support
of a church that was a target for a hate crime.
Rabbi Arthur Starr of Temple Adath Yeshurun
organized the protest to demonstrate solidarity
with the Brookside Congregational Church, that
had obscenities and satanic symbols painted on
their building the weekend before.
It is good that these
churches and synagogues are sticking together.
Too bad they are leaving the wrong lights
Matthew 5:14-16 KJV Ye are
the light of the world. A city that is set on an
hill cannot be hid. [15] Neither do men light a
candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a
candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that
are in the house. [16] Let your light so shine
before men, that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father which is in
—USA Today 04/27/01,
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rod
Deion Sanders, who is the
only athlete to play in both the Super Bowl and
the World Series, said, “No touchdown, no home
run, no stolen base, no tackle, no interception
could compare to me leading someone to Christ.
Nothing comes close.”
—Outreach Magazine, Fall
2002, p. 13 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
1 Peter 3:15 NASB “but
sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always
being ready to make a defense to everyone who
asks you to give an account for the hope that is
in you, yet with gentleness and
During the Gulf War Crisis,
Ann Landers asked citizens to send letters of
encouragement to our soldiers. She asked we
address the letters to “ANY SERVICE MEMBER,
Operation Dear Abby on the return address. When
Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse,
heard about the campaign, he decided to get
involved. He purchased a million tracts printed
in Arabic and distributed them to Churches, who
in turn gave them to their members to send with
their letters for the soldiers to distribute in
Saudi Arabia.
Though the Arabs were glad to
have the Americans shed their blood to defend
them, they would not allow them to share their
faith. They couldn’t even wear a cross. When
General Schwartzkopf asked a Colonel to call
Franklin to confront him about what he was
In his book, Rebel with a
Cause, Mr. Graham allows us to eaves drop on his
conversation with Schwartzkopf’s Colonel that
called him:
‘‘We, as chaplains, are not
here to evangelize,” “We’re here to provide for
the spiritual needs of our men and women in
uniform. Our responsibility is to them only.
Period. Is that understood, Mr. Graham?”
“Colonel, I appreciate that.
Everyone in this country is backing and
supporting our men and women in uniform. We’re
proud of you. But I’m going to be honest with
you, sir. The religious unfairness has upset me
and a lot of others in America. Our men and
women are being asked to put their lives on the
line—possibly to spill their blood to protect
the oil there. And you, a chaplain, can’t even
wear your cross in public! The Saudis want our
blood, but not what we believe in.”
“But, Mr. Graham, you have to
understand their perspective …Sir the Cross of
Jesus Christ is what made America great. America
was built upon the Christian faith of our
ancestors. It ticks me off that the Saudis are
pressuring our military to restrict our
religious expression. It doesn’t sit well with
the American people either.”
After. I finished; a hush
fell over the line. “I understand what you’re
trying to do,” The Colonel finally replied. “I’m
an evangelical too. But I’m under orders… “So am
I, sir—orders from the King of kings and Lord of
lords—to go into all the world and preach the
gospel and make disciples of every
—Rebel with a Cause, p 239
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 28:18-20 NASB “And
Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All
authority has been given to Me in heaven and on
earth. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of
all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, [20]
teaching them to observe all that I commanded
you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the
end of the age.’”
Hockey fans in Pittsburgh
have found reason to hope again. Mario Lemieux,
one of the top players in NHL history, has
returned to the NHL this season as not only a
player, but a superstar.
"I wouldn't come back unless
I thought I could play at a high level… to try
to regain the title of the best player in the
world," says Lemieux.
How good is Lemieux? Consider
some of his achievements:
100: Points in his rookie
8: All-Star Game
6: Scoring titles won
3: Hart Trophies as NHL's
2: Conn Smythe Trophies as
playoff MVP, as he led the Penguins to two
consecutive Stanley Cup championships
.823: Goals-per-game average,
the best in NHL history
He is also the only player in
NHL history to average more than two points per
—NHL.com, Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson and Dave Bootsma
If Pittsburgh fans have
reason to hope and rejoice, how about
Christians? We have the greatest of all on our
"team", going with us wherever we go. He
accompanies us not just to observe, but to
conquer hearts through the power of His
How can we lose?
Matthew 28:18-20 NASB "All
authority has been given to Me in heaven and on
earth. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of
all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, [20]
teaching them to observe all that I commanded
you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the
end of the age."
In forty years of involvement
in his church's visitation program, Wilt Durant
had led one person to Christ. You know what they
say, if only one person comes to Christ its
worth all the effort, right?
When he retired in 1992, he
moved to Rogers, AR and joined Immanuel Baptist
Church. One Sunday, his pastor preached on soul
winning and Durant responded to the invitation
and devoted the remainder of his life to winning
souls. Since that time, he's prayed with over
600 people to receive Christ. He isn't casual
about his witness, he averages visiting in over
60 homes a week. What does he consider the
secret to his success? "A willing heart."
—BP, 5-15-2000 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson
Proverbs 11:30 NASB The fruit
of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who
is wise wins souls.
Just a small note on the
screen door told Robert all he needed to know
about his Grandfather's plans for the day-he'd
"Gone Fishing!" Whenever Robert saw the sign, he
knew he might as well go back home or join his
Grandfather. When he got to the river, he'd sit
on a log or bank, cast a hook into the back
waters, watch the bobbing cork, and wait for a
fish to come by or listen for hours to the local
squirrels barking to each other.
His Grandfather would say,
"They are telling each other about those crazy
humans who are messing up their neighborhood."
"In Grandfather's mind," Robert said, "the
Squirrels knew more about keeping their
neighborhood clean than all mankind put
together." Maybe they were right because look
what we did to their neighborhood in the name of
Look around at your
neighborhood and see the things that need to
change. Is there crime, ungodliness, and sin? As
you look around, don't forget to love the person
who needs "cleaning up." These people need love,
care and they are the reason why Jesus came to
this Earth in the way He did. He cared for
sinful people and wanted to do something for
them. It is as if Jesus hung a sign on Heaven's
Screen Door that said, "Gone Fishing!" Love,
Our task is to be like Jesus
and we should be about our job of Fishing for
Mankind. People who are seeking salvation should
find it through our efforts! People who are
hurting should find compassion, mercy and a warm
hand shake through our hands! People who desire
to know more about God should find him through
our teaching.
—Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Robert L. Sims
Matthew 4:19 NIV "Come,
follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you
fishers of men."
Kurt Warner, the quarterback
of the World Champion St. Louis Rams, prints his
own trading cards to give to his fans. No, he's
not on an ego trip. The card has his testimony
on it. He wants to give something more
meaningful than his autograph to those who ask.
He wants them to know Christ too! He is
gossiping the gospel!
—ReligionToday, 1-28-2000
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Members of the Gideons
International were arrested for giving away
Bibles at a school in Novopolstsk in Belarus.
But they didn't stay in jail for long.
The chief of police set them
free and asked them to distribute copies of the
New Testament to his staff, then he drove them
back to the school so they could give out the
rest of the Scriptures.
Hardship is often the doorway
into greater opportunity.
—ReligionToday, 1-17-2000
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Michael S. Hamilton,
Assistant professor of History at Seattle
Pacific University wrote, "In the 1930's, most
missionary agencies emphasized evangelism,
church-planting, and discipleship. In 1998,
however, four of the five largest overseas
ministries specialized in relief, development,
and education work. For many of these agencies,
evangelism is a secondary concern."
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
If Professor Hamilton is
right, the church is drifting from our purpose.
We've stopped charging Hell with the gospel.
Instead, we're spending our efforts trying to
alleviate Hell on earth. We're charging the
wrong Hell. Suffering on earth, "Hell on earth"
if you will, isn't even a drop in the ocean of
the suffering that awaits those who will spend
eternity in Hell.
If we don't feed the poor,
someone else will. If we don't clothe the naked,
someone else will, but if we don't spread the
gospel, who will?
Acts 1:8 KJV "But ye shall
receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come
upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both
in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria,
and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
Pastor Kim is active sharing
his faith, leading 25 of his peers to Christ
over the past year. No, he didn't lead 25
pastors to the Lord, he led 25 prisoners to the
Lord. Kim Stanislav, Pastor of the Chilchik
Christian Church is serving a three and a half
year prison sentence for trumped up charges
leveled against him by the Uzbekistan
Even though he suffers severe
beatings for sharing his faith, he continues to
bring the light of Jesus to the darkness of the
Tabaksai Prison. Like the apostles of old, Kim
and other evangelistic Christians cannot stop
sharing their faith. "we cannot stop speaking
what we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:20
Unfortunately, many
Christians who do not live under the threat of
persecution have found a way to stop
—ReligionToday March 7, 2000
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
The Open Doors organization
reports that Mohamed Ismaeel said, “I have to go
back to my family to tell them the truth, even
if they kill me. I will never deny
A man wielding a machine gun
killed Mohamed Ismaeel in February 2003 in
Northern Iraq. While authorities say they do not
know the exact motive for the murder, friends of
the man say Ismaeel’s increasing openness about
his faith in Jesus was likely the reason.
Ismaeel drove a taxi and
frequently shared his faith with passengers.
After his second arrest last year police told
him that there were people who did not like the
fact that he was talking about Jesus.
Other local religious leaders
declared Ismaeel an apostate and warned him he
might be killed if he did not renounce
Christianity. Ismaeel reportedly returned to
open life and told his family, “ With Jesus on
my side, I have nothing to fear.” Ismaeel leaves
behind a wife and five children. So far, his
family has been unwilling to claim his body for
February 24, 2003, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Romans 1:16 “For I am not
ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of
God for salvation to everyone who believes, to
the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
The Washington Times is
reporting that Anti-War activist and Academy
Award winning actress, Jane Fonda has become a
born-again Christian and is faithfully attending
a predominantly black church, the Providence
Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta,
Though Fonda is friends with
Christians in powerful positions, it was her
chauffeur who shared his faith with Fonda and
invited her to attend his Church.
The gospel knows no racial or
class distinction and when it is shared, it is
“For I am not ashamed of the
gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation
to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and
also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16 NASB)
—Washington Times, 1-14-2000
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
While Mary Baker was at work
at her job, the Holy Spirit was at work in her;
He put a new family that had moved to her
neighborhood on her heart and she became
convicted that she should go to their house
after work and invite them to her church's
revival services. The father in the family was
in the military, serving overseas and his wife
and six children from two months old to age
thirteen had recently moved from the stateside
military base housing to an old two story
Her sons were friendly with
the two oldest boys and invited them to their
church's boy's club. But Mary had not met the
mother, who was unchurched. All day at work,
Mary fully intended to walk the three blocks to
their home and extend the invitation, but when
she got home there was laundry to do, supper to
prepare, and children to get ready for services
and besides, Mary was tired. Since the revival
was to continue all week Mary decided to
postpone her visit to a more convenient
The next morning Mary's car
pool friend asked her about the fire in Mary's
neighborhood the night before. She had heard the
fire trucks go that way. Mary didn't know what
to say, she'd slept right through it so they
drove around the neighborhood to see.
When they came to the site of
the old farm house it was only a pile of ashes
and twisted debris Five of the children perished
that night in the flames. The mother and oldest
son clung to life for two weeks before their
earthly suffering ended. The father sat by their
side until the last of his family was gone, then
in desperate depression returned to base, took
his military issue gun and ended his own
The fire had started about
eleven p.m. when an old gas water heater
exploded and spread flames through the old
wooden building. By the time they were awakened,
it was too late to escape.
The house belonged to the
family that the Lord had laid on Mary's heart
the day before.
"I will always wonder if
anyone in the family knew the Lord." Mary said.
"I will always wonder if I had visited would
they have responded and gone to services that
night? Would they have been a little later
getting to bed? Would the mother still have been
up when the explosion occurred and able to get
her little ones and herself to safety? Could
that day have been the day of their
—Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Mary Baker
2 Corinthians 6:2 "behold,
now is the day of salvation."
William Shatner refuses to
boldly go where so many have gone before.
Shatner, forever etched in the public mind as
the futuristic Captain James T. Kirk of Star
Trek-has never surfed the Internet.
Though he is the highly
visible spokesman for Priceline.com, he admits,
"The truth of the matter is that I don't know
how to operate a computer." Shatner says he has
been involved in some Internet chats, but "I had
someone typing my answers for me. I'm a
second-hand user of technology. I'm not a
It is difficult to be vocal
about our Christian faith if we have not
personally been transformed by it. Perhaps our
impotence in reaching this generation is because
we are second-hand users of our faith, not
The Tennessean 2/5/00
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Ed Rowell
Officials at the Trinity
College in Cambridge, UK recently received a
letter mailed to George Green. What is unusual
is that it was mailed 58 years ago. The note
said, "George, will meet at Monty's next
weekend. Is 2pm acceptable? Love Gwen."
Perhaps George and Gwen met
at Monty's even though George never got the
note, or perhaps they didn't. It would have been
next to impossible for George to of been at the
right place at the right time without an
by Jim L. Wilson
Romans 10:14 (Darby) "How
then shall they call upon him in whom they have
not believed? and how shall they believe on him
of whom they have not heard? and how shall they
hear without one who preaches?"
While some people debate
whether or not they should view the latest "Star
Wars" motion picture, a professor at one of the
largest seminaries on the country says believers
in Jesus should see the film.
Reg Grant, director of arts
in media and communications at Dallas
Theological Seminary says by viewing the movie
we will be able to dialogue with others in the
culture who have seen it. Grant believes there
is room to bring truth into discussions of the
film, which reflects a composite of religious
themes "in the context of a classical
mythological structure."
Grant says, "Christians can
use the main theme of dualism—good or evil or
light and dark—as a starting point for a
dialogue about the personal nature of the Lord."
He says that while "The Force" cannot have a
relationship with anyone. The Lord wants to have
a personal relationship with people and
sacrificed His only Son to secure salvation, for
those who will place their faith in Him.
Grant says the gospel is good
news when compared to the hopelessness of other
religious systems. He adds, "The Force cannot
promise deliverance from the sin that is our
spiritual lot, whereas the Lord promises, not
only deliverance from sin, but eternal life and
joy in the person of Jesus Christ."
2 Tim. 4:1-5 NASB "I solemnly
charge you in the presence of God and of Christ
Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead,
and by His appearing and His kingdom: [2] preach
the word; be ready in season and out of season;
reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and
instruction. [3] For the time will come when
they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting
to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate
for themselves teachers in accordance to their
own desires; [4] and will turn away their ears
from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.
[5] But you, be sober in all things, endure
hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill
your ministry."
Six weeks after Hurricane
Katrina devastated New Orleans, Nancy Hicks held
"Precious," her seven-pound Chihuahua mix for
the first time. When she left her home, she left
Precious with a tub of water and twenty-five
pounds of dog food. Fortunately, Hicks' dog was
one of the animals saved by rescue workers and
taken to a shelter in Gonzales, LA. With the
help of a volunteer at the New Orleans SPCA,
Hicks' family tracked Precious down over the
Internet. Delighted by the reunion, Hicks said,
"The only advice I can give is to not stop
looking, keep on looking,"
by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 18:12 (NKJV) [12]
"What do you think? If a man has a hundred
sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not
leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to
seek the one that is straying?
The highest ranked college
football team of 2006 is giving credit to God
for their success. Thousand packed into an arena
on the campus of Ohio State University to hear
Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel and several members
of the team speak about Christianity, and how it
impacts their lives and college football. The
event called 'The Main Event' looked a little
like a pep rally with a band playing and game
highlights running on projection screens.
Coach Tressel said he wanted
the opportunity to step away from his role of
coach and speak "as a child of God." He told the
crowd how he attended a high school summer
sports camp in 1969 where retired New York
Yankees second baseman Bobby Richardson asked
him, "If the game of life ended tonight, would
you be a winner?" Tressel asked the crowd the
same question and explained how they could have
a relationship with Jesus. Senior Joe Penton
echoed the coach's comments saying, "When Jesus
Christ, God in human flesh, died on that cross,
he took on the penalty for our sin. Because he
paid it, we can have a relationship with Him. We
can know Him personally. We can have the promise
of eternal life—living forever with God." He
added, "We would feel so bad talking about our
relationship with Christ tonight, without giving
you the opportunity to enter into that very same
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
2 Corinthians 4:5 (GW) "Our
message is not about ourselves. It is about
Jesus Christ as the Lord. We are your servants
for his sake."
Perhaps you've seen the
Avodart commercial where the man goes to his
doctor thinking that he had a "going problem,"
and he finds out that he has a "growing
problem." The idea is somewhat comical, but for
the church, the idea is a principle. Is it not
true that churches that have a going problem
also have a growing problem? The normal
Christian life is a life of going and sharing.
Part of a believer s growth, as well as the
church's ought to be the discipline of sharing
the good news.
For Jonah, his going problem
was evidenced by his growing problem.
It is clear that he heard the
Lord say go (Jonah 1:2). It is clear that Jonah
understood the character and compassion of his
Lord toward Nineveh (Jonah 4:2). And, yet Jonah
was still bitter after seeing spiritual
awakening in Nineveh. Perhaps the growing
problem for Jonah was this: Jonah knew the
character of the Lord intellectually, but did
not live out the same values of the Lord. If you
have a going problem then you have a growing
by Jim L. Wilson and Eric Herrstrom.
Jonah 4.2 (NASB) "He prayed
to the Lord and said, Please Lord, was not this
what I said while I was still in my own country?
Therefore in order to forestall this I fled to
Tarshish, for I knew that You are a gracious and
compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in
lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning
In "Church in Emerging
Culture: Five Perspectives", Frederica
Mathewes-Green writes "Our effectiveness as
witnesses is tested not on the public stage but
by our private daily conduct."
—"Church in Emerging
Culture", p 179. Illustration by Jim L.
People will respond to our
words, when they see them in our lives.
Mark 5:19 (NKJV) "Go home to
your friends, and tell them what great things
the Lord has done for you, and how He has had
compassion on you."
Instead of feeling sorry for
herself when Brian Nichols abducted her, Ashely
Smith said "I believe God brought him to my
Smith, the widowed mother of
a five-year-old daughter, said her ordeal began
about 2 o'clock in the morning when Brian
Nichols, stuck a gun in her side in the parking
lot of her apartment building. Nichols initially
tied the woman up while he took a shower telling
her, "I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to
hurt anyone else." Over the course of the
evening, Nichols untied Smith and they talked
about the Bible and looked at pictures of
Smith's family. Smith made the fugitive pancakes
with real butter. According to Smith, Nichols
said he "just wanted some normalness to his
After asking permission from
Nichols to read some things to Him, she got her
Bible and a copy of Rick Warren's "The
Purpose-Driven® Life." According to Smith,
Nichols asked her to repeat a paragraph "about
what you thought your purpose in life was—what
talents were you given."
Smith encouraged Nichols,
telling him that the fact he was still alive was
a "miracle." She told him "You're here in my
apartment for some reason." She told Nichols he
might be destined to be caught and then to
spread the word of God to fellow
by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Even under theses extreme
circumstances, Smith kept her cool and used it
as an opportunity to share the gospel message
with her captor.
2 Tim. 4:1-2 NASB "I solemnly
charge you in the presence of God and of Christ
Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead,
and by His appearing and His kingdom: [2] preach
the word; be ready in season and out of season;
reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and
In "Building a Contagious
Church", Mark Mittelberg writes, "Most
Christians have very few non-Christian
In an often-quoted,
eye-opening statistic, Joe Aldrich, president of
Multnomah School of the Bible, tells us that
within two years of becoming Christians, most of
us lose contact with all of our non-Christian
—"Building a Contagious
Church", p. 163. Illustration by Jim L.
How can we share Christ with
people that we don't know?
1 Peter 3:15 (NASB) "but
sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always
being ready to make a defense to everyone who
asks you to give an account for the hope that is
in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;"
Pele, the Brazilian soccer
player, has perhaps the most recognizable name
throughout the world. When a reporter said to
him that the entire world had heard of three
things, “Jesus, Coca-Cola and Pele,” he
“I remember going to a small
island off the coast of Japan once, and everyone
knew who I was. But, as most of the inhabitants
were Buddhist, not all of them had heard of
Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, there are large
parts of the world where Jesus Christ is not so
—the Commission, June 2002,
p. 50 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 24:14 NASB "And this
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the
whole world for a witness to all the nations,
and then the end shall come.”
In Japan, an 80-year old
Shinto priest burned all the gods, clothes and
books associated with Shintoism and placed his
faith in Jesus.
After accepting Christ, an
elderly Awadhi man in India removed an idol from
his personal shrine. Over the next six months
over fifty people placed their trust in Christ,
many of them attending the church that meets in
his home.
In Bangladesh, another fifty
people found Christ after a leader of another
world religion converted to Christianity. Twelve
of them have been baptized, another thirteen are
awaiting baptism.
A traveling Christian in
Vietnam left a copy of the Jesus Video behind as
he left the area. A Dao woman found it, watched
the video and shared it with others. The video
was passed from family to family. Two years
later the Christian returned to the area and
discovered the news that more than a thousand
people came to Christ as a result of the tape he
left behind.
—the Commission,
January/February 2002, p. 5 Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson
Romans 1:16 NIV "I am not
ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power
of God for the salvation of everyone who
believes: first for the Jew, then for the
In his book Listening to
God: Spiritual Formation in Congregations, John
Ackerman writes, “My friend Ed White, a senior
consultant for the Alban Institute, often asks
churches, ‘What business are you in?’ A lot of
churches are in the business of providing
a wonderful worship service on Sunday. Others
are in the business of providing a nice
religious museum for a handful of the
likeminded. Some are in the business of getting
people involved in activity, particularly to
work for justice in the world. White says that
there is just one business that the Gospels
describe: the disciple-making business”
--Listening to God:
Spiritual Formation in Congregations, 41.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 28:18-20 (CEV)
“Jesus came to them and said: I have been
given all authority in heaven and on
earth! Go to the people of all
nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, and teach them to do everything I
have told you. I will be with you always, even
until the end of the world.”
On January 15, 2009, Captain Chesley
Sullenberger averted a near disaster when he
landed his commercial airliner in the Hudson
River. Taking off from New York’s LaGuardia
Airport, US Airways Flight 1549 flew through a
flock of geese, sucking some into the engines
causing both engines to malfunction. Without
power and without the needed altitude to return
to the airport, Captain Sullenberger landed in
the river saving all 155 people on board.
In an interview with 60 Minutes Sully said the
next few nights were sleepless. He said that the
responsibility he felt for the lives of the 155
people has weighed heavily on him.
--USA Today, February 9, 2009. P. 3A
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
As Christians, we sometimes feel the
responsibility for the lives, eternal ones, of
the people in our churches, our neighborhoods,
our communities. Unfortunately, we do not spend
many sleepless nights wondering about how to
bring them to safety. Maybe a close call such as
the airliner had would remind us of our
responsibility to go into the whole world with
the gospel.
Matthew 28:18-20 (MSG) “Jesus, undeterred, went
right ahead and gave his charge: ‘God authorized
and commanded me to commission you:
19 Go out and train everyone you meet, far and
near, in this way of life, marking them by
baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. 20 Then instruct them
in the practice of all I have commanded you.
I'll be with you as you do this, day after day
after day, right up to the end of the
In a 2008 Religious
landscape Survey, The Pew Forum on Religion
& Public Life interviewed 35,000 Americans
and mapped American beliefs state by state. One
interesting discovery is that 41% of people had
switched their religion at some point in life.
--USA Today March 9, 2009
p. 6A; Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
This is good news to those
who take the Lord’s command to evangelize
seriously. It means people are not as firm in
their religious commitment as previously
thought. If 41% will switch, the evangelist
should be seeking to get as many to switch
towards Christ as possible.
Mark 4:21-23 (NIV) “He said
to them, "Do you bring in a lamp to put it under
a bowl or a bed? Instead, don't you put it on
its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be
disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to
be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears
to hear, let him hear."
The Rev. Kendall Harmon,
theologian for the Episcopal Diocese of South
Carolina says he is seeing kids today who have
no vocabulary of faith, and neither do many of
their parents. Harmon recalls one incident where
“A couple came into my office once with a yellow
pad of their teenage son’s questions. One of
them was: ‘What is that guy doing hanging up
there on the plus sign?’”
--USA Today March 9, 2009
p. 6A; Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
More and more Americans are
losing their civil religion. Biblical references
and events once known to every citizen are
becoming obscure to a growing number. This will
contribute to the lack of understanding of once
universal themes, but it will also expand the
evangelistic opportunities.
Luke 8:17 (NIV) “ For there
is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed,
and nothing concealed that will not be known or
brought out into the open.”
No, this isn’t a Seinfeld
episode—it is real life. The U.S. Postal Service
in a surprise audit discovered that some local
managers temporarily stashed unprocessed mail in
parked trailers so that the letters and packages
so supervisors wouldn't notice it as delayed.
Auditors found millions of pieces of undelivered
mail, including 2.3 million bulk-business
letters, some of which were delayed nine days,
and 800,000 first-class letters, which had been
held for three days.
What should the penalty be
when the people entrusted with the news fail to
make the delivery?
The world may not be
expecting the delivery, but they are at home
awaiting the message of the good news concerning
God sending His Son. We must be faithful to
deliver the message.
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Acts 1:8 (NKJV) But you
shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me
in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and
to the end of the earth."
In Ten Minutes from
Normal, Karen Hughes, former counselor to
President George W. Bush writes, “I gradually
became more comfortable talking about my faith.
I don’t try to impose it, but I do
wholeheartedly believe it; it’s too important
not to share.”
--Ten Minutes from Normal
Kindle Loc. 2214-15 Illustration by Jim L.
Acts 4:19-20 (HCSB) “ But
Peter and John answered them, ‘Whether it’s
right in the sight of God [for us] to listen to
you rather than to God, you decide; 20 for we
are unable to stop speaking about what we have
seen and heard.’”
In the book, 10 Things I
Hate About Christianity, author Jason T.
Berggren presents a unique challenge to
believers. Berggren says, ”Consider no longer
calling yourself a Christian.” He writes, “Take
a few minutes to think about what it would mean
if you had to stop using that term to describe
yourself. What would you have to do? Most likely
you’d be forced to do something drastic.
Above all else you’d have to consider your
attitude and actions in everything. Like never
before you’d have to take into account how you
represent the truth hidden in your heart. At
work. As a friend. As a neighbor. As a husband.
As a father. As a mother. As a wife. As a son.
As a daughter. As a boss. As a follower of
Jesus. I think nothing would be more productive
for you and the state of your faith.”
Berggren then adds another
level of challenge. He says at the same time
only talk about your faith when asked about it
and don’t start a conversation about God or the
like. He says if no one is asking you, it may
indicate you have more work to do on your life.
Berggren says, “Your actions and attitudes will
have to be the catalysts But when people do ask
about how you handle anger, stress, hardships,
failures, success, leadership, authority and
submission so well, you’ll have a chance to
--10 Things I hate about
Christianity, Working through the Frustrations
of Faith, Jason T. Berggren, 2009, X Media LLC.
Pg 213-214. Website:
Matthew 5:16CEV Make your
light shine, so that others will see the good
that you do and will praise your Father in
We never know the impact on a person when
sharing the gospel of Christ. Penn Jillette is a
comedian who has beenvery antagonistic toward
Christians and followers of the Bible. He is an
avowed atheist and scientific skeptic. He was
approached at the close of his show one evening
by a man who had attended his show the previous
evening. The man presented Penn with a Gideon
Bible and wrote his contact information in the
Bible. The man shared with Penn that he loved
him and Christ loved him. Penn is very impressed
with the man’s authenticity and concern for him.
We never know when we are going to make an
impression for the kingdom of God when we share
Christ with sincere love and compassion!
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and David
Romans 1:16 (NIV) I am not ashamed of the
gospel, because it is the power of God for the
salvation of everyone who believes: first for
the Jew, then for the Gentile.
“The Blind Side” is a pro-Christian movie
relating the true story of Baltimore Ravens
rookie Michael Oher. Sean and Leigh Anne Touhy,
a Christian family, took in Oher, a poor black
teenager living in the projects in Memphis. At
first, they were just trying to help him get
through the cold part of the winter, but as they
became more and more involved in his life, they
adopted him.
The story is about this new family growing
together and the challenges they faced. Oher
eventually went to the University of Mississippi
on a football scholarship and the Baltimore
Ravens chose him in the first round of the NFL
Actor Sandra Bullock, who represented Leigh
Anne Touhy in the movie, was impressed with a
family that lived out what they believed.
Speaking of the Touhys she said, “I’ve finally
met someone who practices but doesn’t preach. .
. I now have faith in those who say they
represent a faith. I finally met people who walk
the walk.”
--World, November 21, 2009, p. 18-19
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Carrying the name of Christ in our world, which
we do when are called “Christian,” should mean
that the world sees people who do their
preaching with their living and not just with
their words. We should all “walk the walk.”
Luke 6:46 (NASB) (46) "Why do you call Me,
'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?
Ever since Jesus commanded His followers to
make disciples, they have been working to use
available technology to spread the gospel. It
began with word of mouth through preaching and
witnessing. Later, the printed word, radio and
television became tools to tell the good news.
Now the technology of the Internet and
networking sites are being used to touch the
Recently, the Twitter Bible was unveiled at a
German book fair. Twitter is a social networking
site that limits text messages to 140 characters
which appear on the author’s profile page.
Anyone who subscribes to that person’s profile,
a follower, can receive the messages known as
tweets. The Twitter Bible summarizes the
Bibles’s 31,000 verses into 4,000 tweets. The
official title of the work is ‘And God Decided
to Chill.’
It took more than 3,000 believers, 10 days to
compile short and sometimes humorous tweets that
make up the Twitter Bible. They hope it will be
an effective to reaching people who may never
open or read a traditional Bible. Greg Stier,
president of founder of Dare 2 Share asked if
Jesus would have been on Twitter if it had been
available while He was on earth. Stier suggested
a couple of possible tweets Jesus might have
posted. Jesus might have said, “40 days without
food. Satan doing a full court press. Does he
really think he can win?” After His resurrection
Stier suggests Jesus would have tweeted “ Showed
Thomas my scars. He’s not doubting anymore.”
--Tweets For Jesus;
October 28, 2009, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Romans 10:15-17 (NASB) “How will they preach
unless they are sent? Just as it is written,
GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!" (16) However, they
did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says,
faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the
word of Christ.”
In his book, Just Walk Across the Room, Bill
Hybels shares a portion of a letter he received
from a worker at a restaurant that said, “Please
let me convey a few things about Christians from
a non-Christian waiter’s perspective . . . It’s
quite well-known among waitstaff that when
tables of Christians get seated in your section,
it will be anything but a positive experience.
Christians are demanding. They tend to stay at
tables for a long time. They often try to push
literature. And they rarely tip generously.”
- Kindle Book, Highlight Loc. 3355-58
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
As I read this quote, I thought song we used to
sing around the campfire when I was a
teenager—“They will know we are Christians by
our love. . .”
Philippians 1:27 (NLT) (27) Above all, you must
live as citizens of heaven, conducting
yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News
about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you
again or only hear about you, I will know that
you are standing side by side, fighting together
for the faith, which is the Good News.
Which comes first, believing or
It makes perfect sense for some Church folks to
require people to believe what they believe
before accepting them into their group.
Unfortunately, some will never hear the message
to believe in outside of the group setting. If
the church requires people to believe before
they make them feel like they belong, they may
never have a chance to hear the message.
In The Celtic Way of Evangelism, George Hunter
writes, “Indeed, many new believers report that
the experience of the fellowship enabled them to
believe and to commit. For many people, the
faith is about three-fourths caught and
one-fourth taught.”
- Kindle Book, Highlight Loc. 459-60
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Later in the same book, he stated the principle
quite succinctly, “For most people, ‘belonging
comes before believing.’"
- Kindle Book, Highlight Loc. 464 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson
Titus 1:8 (NKJV) “but hospitable, a lover of
what is good, sober-minded, just, holy,
Christians must walk a fine line between being
in the world, yet not being stained by it. For
many, the solution they choose is just to
withdraw from relationships with nonbelievers,
which solves one problem, but creates
In his book, Just Walk Across the Room, Bill
Hybels writes, “The longer a person attends
church, the fewer evangelistic discussions they
engage in with family members and friends. Fewer
presentations of the life-changing plan of
salvation are given, and fewer invitations to
events that attractively present the message of
Christ are offered, mostly because
Christ-followers have fewer friends outside the
faith to whom to offer them.”
-Kindle Book, Highlight Loc. 1058-60
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Before long, they listen to their pastor talk
about the importance of sharing their faith, yet
honestly, they don’t personally know anyone that
doesn’t know Christ. In effect, they cease being
salt in the world and become salt in a shaker.
Or if you don’t mind me mixing metaphors, a boat
is made for the water, it should be in the
water—the problem isn’t when the boat gets in
the water, but when the water gets in the boat.
However, some have such a water phobia that they
never set sail, and in doing so, they never
fulfill their destinies.
Matthew 5:13-15 (NLT)“You are the salt of the
earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its
flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be
thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
(14) You are the light of the world—like a city
on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. (15) No one
lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket.
Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it
gives light to everyone in the house.”
In his book “Chasing Daylight,” Pastor and
author Erwin McManus challenges believers to
actively engage the task we have been given.
McManus asks, “..What would happen if we changed
our thinking? If we heard the first word of
Jesus in His Great Commission, Go, as all the
permission we needed to do the will of God? How
would your life be different if you worked from
a giant YES rather than a giant NO? While there
are moments when God steps in and calls us to a
specific task or assignment, even without that
kind of special directive, we are not left
without a mission or calling. Every follower of
Christ has the prime directive of representing
Him on this earth. We are all called to be His
witnesses. We are all commissioned to make
disciples. We are all given the assignment of
serving as His ambassadors of reconciliation. We
are all mandated to follow His example by
serving others even as Christ has served us.”
--Chasing Daylight, Erwin Raphael McManus,
Thomas Nelson Publishing, Copyright 2002, pg
161-162. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell.
Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV) “And Jesus came and said
to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to me. (19) Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all
that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with
you always, to the end of the age.’”
A study published last year in the journal,
Current Biology provides the first empirical
evidence that humans do in fact walk in circles
when they have no directional landmarks. “The
tendency is so strong, in fact, that when
volunteers are blindfolded, they virtually never
travel more than 100 yards from their starting
point, no matter how long they are given to
--“You Can Take The Blindfold Off Now,”
Backpacker, May 20, 2010 p. 76 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The same thing is true of people who have no
landmarks to guide them in life. People without
Christ need someone to remove their blindfold
and share the way to Christ.
Romans 10:14 (NLT) “But how can they call on
him to save them unless they believe in him? And
how can they believe in him if they have never
heard about him? And how can they hear about him
unless someone tells them?”
“There are about 200 million non-churched
people in America, making America one of the
four largest ‘unchurched’ nations in the
--John Piper, in a Jan 31 sermon titled “I will
build My church.” Quoted in World February 27,
2010 p.16 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
While we need to keep looking to the spiritual
needs of the world, missions and evangelism
start right where we live. Jesus said we are to
be his witnesses “both” at home and abroad. (see
Acts 1:8)
John 4:35 (NKJV) "Do you not say, 'There are
still four months and then comes the harvest'?
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look
at the fields, for they are already white for
A campaign launched on Facebook is
encouraging believers to “pray for an atheist.”
The site asks believers to select an atheist
friend or believer and pray for them each day
starting the month of April 2010, and beyond.
The goal of the project is equip those who
believe in Christ to tell others about their
faith in a respectful manner. The only question
that has arisen since the call to pray was
issued is, “Do atheists want people to pray for
Several atheists posted objections on the
site immediately, and many had to be deleted
because they were profane or vulgar. Author
James Spiegel, who wrote, The Making of an
Atheist, explained the atheist’s point of view
in an interview. Spiegel said he would find it
personally offensive if someone were to pray for
him. He said, “Atheism is not at all a
consequence of intellectual doubts.” He
explained the root cause is moral rebellion.
Spiegel stated, “The rejection of God is a
matter of will, not of intellect. In short, it
is sin that is the mother of unbelief.” He
added,” For the atheist, the missing ingredient
is not evidence, but obedience.”
--New campaign:’Pray For An Atheist’ in April,
2010, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Mr. Spiegel’s thoughts are certainly food for
thought, and perhaps a call to prayer.
Psalm 53:1 (ESV) To the choirmaster: according
to Mahalath. A Maskil of David. The
fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They
are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is
none who does good.
During the Civil War, congress passed a bill
and President Lincoln signed into law a
commission to build a Railroad to the Pacific
Stephen Ambrose tells the story in his book,
Nothing Like It In The World. Building the
Transcontinental Railroad was a dream, a call, a
commission, a compelling goal.
-- Nothing Like It In The World, Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Somehow, I see the early church with that kind
of passion for reaching the world with the good
news story concerning Jesus Christ. The Union
Pacific planned and built the railroad like they
were going all the way to California. The
Central Pacific planned and built the railroad
like they were going all the way to Omaha. When
the survey crews met, they laid out a route many
times in sight of each other. When the graders
came along, they were grading two roads, next to
one another. Congress finally settled on a
meeting place in Utah.
If every church could grasp Jesus’ commission
as a commission to her, there may be some
overlap, but we would all be racing to reach a
world for Christ.
Matthew 28:18-20 (HCSB) Then Jesus came near
and said to them, “All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on earth. (19) Go,
therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (20) teaching
them to observe everything I have commanded you.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end
of the age.”
Some messages can wait, others cannot.
Before he died, in 1910, Mark Twain wrote a
5000 page autobiography. However, he left
instructions that the book was not to be printed
until 100 years after his death. In the fall of
2010 the first of three volumes is due to be
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Our friends, neighbors, and co-workers need to
hear the good news story of Jesus today. They
cannot wait!
2 Corinthians 6:2 (HCSB) For He says: I heard
you in an acceptable time, and I helped you in
the day of salvation. Look, now is the
acceptable time; now is the day of
When Swedish designers proposed building an
almost invisible environmentally friendly tree
house, most of the people who heard the idea
thought it could only be generated within a
computer, and if it were built, would be
dangerous for birds. Recently architects Tham
and Videgard, completed one unit of a proposed
six unit “Treehotel” 40 miles south of the
Arctic Circle. The units are constructed from
sustainable harvested wood, and have electric
radiant floor heating, and even an ecologically
friendly toilet.
The outside of the unit is covered with a
reflective glass that makes it virtually
invisible in the forest. To lessen the danger to
birds that might not see the unit, the designers
will coat the glass with a film that birds can
see. Co-owner of the TreeHotel, Ken Lindvall
says the four-meter cube looks as spectacular in
reality as it did in the original rendering. He
adds, “Everything will reflect in this – the
trees, the birds, the clouds, the sun,
everything. So it should be invisible nearly in
the forest.”
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Blending into the environment is good at times,
and bad at others. Sometimes we believers try to
be invisible, keeping our faith under our hat.
The Lord wants us to proclaim our message, not
hide it.
Matthew 5:14-16 (CEV) You are like light
for the whole world. A city built on top of a
hill cannot be hidden, (15) and no one would
light a lamp and put it under a clay pot. A lamp
is placed on a lampstand, where it can give
light to everyone in the house. (16) Make your
light shine, so that others will see the good
that you do and will praise your Father in
Richard Lucas, driving his bus in Buffalo,
noticed smoke coming from the back of a house
alongside his route. He stopped his bus, leaving
the passengers; he ran to the house and began
banging on the door. The people inside the
two-family home, all of whom had apparently been
asleep, stumbled out, just as the house burst
into flames. Lucas was a hero, but he didn’t
have time for thanks. His passengers in the bus
needed to get to work.
--The Week, July 30, 2010, p. 4 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
If you knew people were in danger of losing
their life, you would be a hero to get them to
safety. Since we know they are in danger of
missing eternal life, shouldn’t we be as
The bus driver left his passengers, his
charges, to save the lives of others. Jesus said
the shepherd left the 99 to find the one that
was lost.
Luke 15:7 (NASB) "I tell you that in the same
way, there will be more joy in heaven over one
sinner who repents than over ninety-nine
righteous persons who need no repentance.
How likely are you to share the gospel with a
person you know to be without Christ? Do you
normally share with them their need for Christ
or do you keep silent, unwilling to put your
reputation on the line by speaking up? Martin
Luther King Jr. captured the essence of our
silence in just a few words. “Our lives begin to
end the day we become silent about the things
that matter.”
--The Week, October 1, 2010, p. 25
The claims of Christ call us to neglect
silence. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV) Preach the Word; be
prepared in season and out of season; correct,
rebuke and encourage--with great patience and
careful instruction.
Recent surveys have suggested Christianity is
losing ground around the world. A new book,by
author Jim Rutz says the truth is more exciting.
Rutz claims a new, or even, the original form of
biblically inspired evangelical Christianity is
the fastest growing belief system on the planet,
sweeping through places such as China, India,
Africa, and Southeast Asia. In the book,
Megashift, Rutz calls this fast growing segment
of the population, “core apostolic” or “the new
saints who are at the heart of the mushrooming
kingdom of God.”
Rutz says the reason Christianity is
overlooked as the fastest growing faith in the
world is because most surveys look at
traditional protestant denominations and the
Roman Catholic Church; ignoring believers who
are not part of either group. Rutz claims the
church made of what he calls “switched on
disciples” is exploding in growth and already
numbers more than 700 million. He says at the
current rate of growth the entire world could be
composed of such believers by 2032. Rutz says,
“The growing core of Christianity crosses
theological lines and includes 707 million
born-again people who are increasing by 8
percent a year.” He says events like those
recorded at Pentecost in Acts chapter two are
taking place every day around the world. He
adds, “By tomorrow, there will be 175,000 more
Christians than there are today.”
Christianity taking over planet,
http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=245201; December 31,
2011, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell.
Matthew 24:14 (HCSB) This good news of the
kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a
testimony to all nations. And then the end will
Rolf Klasson, a 62-year-old man living in
Sweden was prepared, even if he did not look
like he was. A former boxer, today Klasson
requires the use of a rolling walker. When two
thugs thought he was an easy target, they tried
to hold him up at an ATM machine.
First Klasson warned them; “This isn’t going to
go well.” The knife-wielding thief and his
partner ignored the warning. With a right hook
to the jaw of one man and a left jab to the nose
of the other, the two perps realized they had
the wrong man.
--World March 26, 2011 p. 22 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Like Mr. Klasson, we should be prepared. Our
preparation should be to give an account for the
hope we have in Jesus Christ. Our account would
be most beneficial if it was as concise and to
the point as a one-two punch.
1 Peter 3:15 (CEV) Honor Christ and let him be
the Lord of your life. Always be ready to give
an answer when someone asks you about your
Multiculturalism is rapidly losing its
attraction in a world gripped in terrorism.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel commented on its
failure recently; “The tendency had been to say,
‘Let’s adopt the multicultural concept and live
happily side by side. . .’But this concept has
failed, and failed utterly.”
Statements by other European leaders, UK Prime
Minister David Cameron and French President
Nicolas Sarkozy have somewhat mirrored the
Chancellor’s remarks. Cameron said, “under the
doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have
encouraged different cultures to live separate
lives, apart from each other and apart from the
mainstream. We’ve failed to provide a vision of
society to which they feel they want to
Sarkozy expressed his feelings this way. “We
have been too concerned about the identity of
the person who was arriving and not enough about
the identity of the country that was receiving
--World March 26, 2011 p. 24 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The one thing we cannot forget; the gospel is
for every person, every culture every
Acts 10:34-35 (CEV) (34) Peter then said: Now I
am certain that God treats all people alike.
(35) God is pleased with everyone who worships
him and does right, no matter what nation they
come from.
Predicting when and where an earthquake will
occur is an inexact science at best. A group of
Italian seismologists has found out, earthquake
prediction can have legal ramifications as well.
Judge Guiseppe Romano decided to try seven
members of a committee charged with determining
the risk of an earthquake in the L’Aquila region
where a quake killed 300 people. The judge said
the group did not alert the public ahead of time
about the risk of a quake in the area before the
quake occurred in April of 2009.
Many people in the area say they believe the
committee should have seen the quake coming
because of earthquake swarms that occurred days
before the big one struck. Most scientists say
the criminal charges of manslaughter were
expected, but admit it is not the fault of the
committee because predicting earthquakes has too
many unknown factors involved. John Vidale, a
Washington State seismologist told reporters,
“We’re not able to predict earthquakes very well
at all.” During the interview, Vidale added, ”We
get swarms of earthquakes all the time without a
big earthquake. There was nothing strange about
this swarm to suggest a big earthquake.”
--Seismologists Tried for Manslaughter for Not
predicting Earthquake,
26, 2011, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
All believers are to be awake and watchful. It
is our responsibility to warn the world of what
is to come.
Ezekiel 3:17-19 (CEV) (17) Ezekiel, son of man,
I have appointed you to stand watch for the
people of Israel. So listen to what I say, then
warn them for me. (18) When I tell wicked people
they will die because of their sins, you must
warn them to turn from their sinful ways so they
won't be punished. If you refuse, you are
responsible for their death. (19) However, if
you do warn them, and they keep on sinning, they
will die because of their sins, and you will be
Kansas City Chiefs tight end Leonard Pope was
at a birthday party when six-year-old Bryson
Moore slipped and fell into the deep end of the
swimming pool. Hearing cries for help, Pope
leaped in, fully dressed, with cellphone and
wallet in his pockets, to rescue the boy.
“I wasn’t waiting on anyone else,” Pope said.
Later he discovered he was the only person at
the party who knew how to swim. There wasn’t
anyone else.
--Sports Illustrated, June 27, 2011 p. 20
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Evangelism is the willingness to go into the
deep end and rescue those who are perishing
without Jesus Christ.
Matthew 18:14 (NASB) "So it is not the will of
your Father who is in heaven that one of these
little ones perish.
“Tristin Saghin, 9, knew just what to do when
his 2-year-old sister was found floating
unconscious in the pool at his grandmother’s
house.” When his sister was pulled from the
pool, Tristin started to perform chest
compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Tristin said, “I knew what I was doing.” His
sister started breathing again and doctors said
she is doing fine.
--The Week, May 6, 2011 p. 4 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
What a great thing it is to save a life! Even
greater in the eyes of eternity is leading a
person to eternal life. Do we know what we are
doing when we meet a person in need of saving?
Could we be as successful as Tristin in leading
a person to eternal life?
Tristin said he learned the lifesaving
technique while watching television. Where are
you learning the techniques to lead those
without Christ to eternal life?
John 3:16 (NASB) "For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish, but have
eternal life.
The recent disappearance of a previously
unknown tribe in the Brazilian Amazon emphasizes
the urgency of taking the Gospel to those who
have never heard. In February 2011, the
Brazilian government released aerial photos of a
tribe that was previously undiscovered. The
government took steps to protect the people
group by setting up a guard post in the area to
keep outsiders away. In early August, a group
focused on protecting the rights of tribal
peoples sadly reported that armed drug
traffickers had overrun the post.
Concern over the tribes well being grew when a
government search team found no trace of the
group but discovered a broken arrow in a
rucksack allegedly belonging to one of the
traffickers. They said such a sign was a clear
indicator of uncontacted people groups and
pointed to a potential catastrophe. Reflecting
on the news, Tom Eliff, president of the
Southern Baptist International Mission Board
said, “This event is another very chilling
reminder of the urgent nature of our mission
endeavors. We must reach out with the Gospel
now, especially to the world’s unengaged,
unreached people groups. Our Lord’s sobering
reminder that ‘night comes, when no man can
work’ is a call for faithfulness at a time when
‘the fields are white unto harvest.’”
--Vanished tribe highlights Gospel urgency,
Eliff says,
http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=35936 ;
August 15, 2011, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
Romans 10:14 (CEV) How can people have faith in
the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have
never heard about him? And how can they hear,
unless someone tells them?
Fifty years ago Paula Pierce of Hampton Beach,
N. H. stood with her father on the shore of the
Atlantic Ocean. Her dad put a message in a Coke
bottle and tossed it into the surf. The note
said, “Return to 419 Ocean Boulevard and receive
a $150 reward.” One half century later, Clint
Buffington, beach combing in Turks and Caicos
Islands, southeast of the Bahamas, found the
bottle with its message intact. After 5 decades,
Paula’s dad’s message had come home.
--World, August 27, 2011 p. 23 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Our responsibility as believers is to
faithfully deliver the word and cling to
Isaiah’s statement that his word will not fail
to return. Just as Paula was not responsible for
where the message ended up or what the person
did that received it, neither are we responsible
for the reactions that people give to the
gospel. Our responsibility is to share the
Isaiah 55:11 (HCSB) so My word that comes from
My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it
will accomplish what I please and will prosper
in what I send it ?to do?.”
The Blackhawks of Fennville High School were
rejoicing. They had just completed an undefeated
20-0 regular season. As they let their star
player, who had made the winning basket, down
off of their shoulders back to the floor, he
collapsed. Wes Leonard was a three sport star at
the high school but unknown to anyone he had an
enlarged heart which chose that moment to quit.
As parents, coaches, and school administrators
tried to gain control of the situation and do
something to help Leonard, Amber Lugten, the
high school principal remembered the
defibrillator. She rushed into an empty office
and found it in a pile of unused athletic
supplies. Someone had removed it from its place
on the hallway wall because too many students
tampered with the case. When they applied the
pads to Wes’s chest and waited for the machine
to work, nothing happened. The battery was
Doctors say that a charged defibrillator most
likely would have saved Wes’s life. As it is, he
is gone because the school was lax in their
preparation for tragedy.
--Sports Illustrated, The Legacy of Wes
Leonard, February 20, 2012 p. 55-62 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Good preparation is critical in the Christian
life. We might never get a second chance to
share the gospel with a person if we are not
prepared when the opportunity presents
1 Peter 3:15 (ESV) but in your hearts honor
Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared
to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a
reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it
with gentleness and respect,
On his way to middle school, Jeremy Wuitshick
saw the bus driver slump over in his seat.
Jeremy sprung to the rescue and saved his
classmates lives by steering the bus to the side
of the road and bringing it to a halt. If the
opportunity arises, again he will be even more
prepared. He is taking a CPR class because he
wishes he could have done more.
On the other side of the country from Jeremy’s
home in Washington, New Jersey truck driver
Michael Hawthorne, during an emergency,
delivered a baby in the back seat of a car. That
is a once in a lifetime event in the life of a
truck driver. Michael wanted to be prepared in
case it ever happened again so he put together a
medical birth kit for the cab of his truck. He
has delivered two more babies.
--The Week, April 20, 2012 p. 2 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Are you prepared to share the gospel if the
opportunity arose? If someone were to ask you
how to accept Christ as savior, would you be
able to lead him to a personal relationship with
2 Timothy 4:2 (ESV) preach the word; be ready
in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke,
and exhort, with complete patience and
On April 14, 1912, the unsinkable Titanic
struck an iceberg. It sent out a message that
began, “C.Q.D.” –“Come Quickly Distressed” to
weather stations along the East Coast. Until
recently, historians believed that no one
received the message.
In 2005, workers renovating a weather station
at Cape Hatteras on the North Carolina coast
discovered a logbook from that evening. Richard
Dailey, the agent on duty that fateful night
recorded the call, “C.Q.D. Have struck an
iceberg.” When he tried to pass the telegraph
along his superior told him he was “junking up
the lines” and sent him home. Historians believe
that if the weather station supervisor had taken
the message seriously, help might have arrived
in time to save more Titanic passengers from
their watery death.
--USA Today, April 13, 2012 p. 4D Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
You and I should take the message of the gospel
seriously as well. Taken more seriously the good
news might save more from an eternal death. It
is a message with enough importance Christians
should be shouting from housetops and
proclaiming in the fields of harvest.
Matthew 10:27 (ESV) What I tell you in the
dark, say in the light, and what you hear
whispered, proclaim on the housetops.
In an article for FaithWorld, Tom Heneghan
writes, “In the Netherlands, where faith has
faded more dramatically than in many other parts
of Europe, two churches close down on average
every week. The sacred art left over is piling
up in cellars and storerooms around the
by Jim L. Wilson
The article focuses on what happens to the art
that these churches once displayed. For art
lovers everywhere, this is an important issue
and deserves attention. However, the real
tragedy in the story is not that there is some
religious art without a home, but that two
churches a week are closing in the Netherlands
and are not being replaced by new ones.
Every church is one generation away from
closing. We must reach out to others, or face
the consequences of not doing so. The real
danger, however, is not that our church could
follow the fate of the churches in the
Netherlands, but that those we should be
reaching, will never hear the gospel and misses
their chance at finding hope.
Matthew 28:18–20 (HCSB) Then Jesus
came near and said to them, “All authority has
been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go,
therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them
to observe everything I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of
the age.”
The summer of 2012 is proving to be difficult
for the managers of America’s pools and beaches.
They are undergoing a lifeguard shortage.
Operators of both private and public swimming
places are having a difficult time maintaining
public safety. In Minneapolis 16-year-old
Chiccena Carpenter drowned in a lake that is
budgeted to have a lifeguard on duty but because
of the lifeguard shortage it had no protection.
Beach operators are offering more than minimum
wage to potential lifeguards, but there are too
few available.
We are in danger of a lifeguard shortage in the
church as well. The church needs men and women
who will spend time searching for those in
spiritual trouble and sharing with them the
precious lifesaving gospel of Jesus Christ. The
pay for spiritual lifeguards doesn’t meet
minimum wage standards, but the eternal benefits
are fantastic. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
“Lifeguard shortage leaves pools, beaches
unprotected.” USA Today, June 29, 2012 p.
John 4:35–36 (HCSB) “Don’t you say,
‘There are still four more months, then comes
the harvest’? Listen to what I’m telling you:
Open your eyes and look at the fields, for they
are ready for harvest. 36 The reaper is already
receiving pay and gathering fruit for eternal
life, so the sower and reaper can rejoice
In a twelve hour period, the father and son
team of Jesse Shaffer and Jesse Shaffer Jr.
rescued 120 people, from the flood in
Plaquemines Parish in Louisiana resulting from
Hurricane Isaac. They were able to access places
using boats that traditional first responders
couldn’t go with their trucks.
As heroes always seem to do, the Shaffers deny
they are heroes. They responded to impending
danger and helped people who would likely perish
without their intervention. I pray that all of
us will respond to the danger that our neighbors
will go to hell without the gospel and intervene
on their behalf with our witness. –Jim L. Wilson
Louisiana Father-Son Team Rescues 120 From
Matthew 28:19–20 (HCSB) “Go, therefore, and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe
everything I have commanded you. And remember, I
am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Lifeway Research has found that most regular
church attendees think it is important to share
their faith with others, but admit they don’t do
it. 80 percent of those who attend church
one or more times a month say they think
telling other about Jesus is important,
but over 60 percent of those had not talked to
anyone about the Gospel in the previous six
months. Over 70 percent of the people questioned
said they felt confident in their ability to
talk about their faith, but only about a quarter
had talked to someone else about becoming a
Christian recently. Almost half of
those same people had not invited a friend to
church with them, and only about a quarter said
they prayed for someone who was not a professing
Christian every day, while another quarter
prayed for nonbelievers a few times a week. The
president of Lifeway Research, Ed Stetzer says
praying may be the best indicator of a person’s
spiritual maturity level. He plans to use study
results to help believers grow in their faith
and adds, “ If you are going to be intentional
about sharing your faith, praying for
others is a great way to start. We often
acknowledge the importance of prayer in people
coming to faith in Christ, but we also found it
has an impact on the person praying.”
Though they say sharing their faith is
important, most Christian don’t -- Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell,
Study: Churchgoers Say Sharing Faith Essential,
Many Never Do; By Alex Murashko,
August 15, 2012.
Mark 5:18–19 (HCSB) “As He was getting into the
boat, the man who had been demon-possessed kept
begging Him to be with Him. 19 But He would not
let him; instead, He told him, “Go back home to
your own people, and report to them how much the
Lord has done for you and how He has had mercy
on you.”
You may be closer to a complete stranger than
you may think. Stanley Milgram popularized the
six degrees of separation concept in his 1967
study. As it turns out, a 2011 study conducted
by The University of Milan and Facebook shows
that there are only 4.74 degrees of separation
between you and a total stranger. The study
said, ". . . a friend of your friend knows a
friend of their friend."
Theoretically, if I told my friend, who told
his friend about Christ, without interruption in
the chain, after everyone told 5 people, the
world would hear. If only good news traveled as
fast as bad news. --Jim L. Wilson
Spirit 2012, p 36
Matthew 28:18-20 (YLT) (18) And having come
near, Jesus spake to them, saying, `Given to me
was all authority in heaven and on earth; (19)
having gone, then, disciple all the nations,
(baptizing them--to the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, (20)
teaching them to observe all, whatever I did
command you,) and lo, I am with you all the
days--till the full end of the age.'
In the Netherlands a 16-year-old girl forgot to
check “private” on a Facebook invitation to a
birthday party. Three thousand people showed
Sometimes it seems like the church has set its
privacy settings too stringent, and no
unexpected guests ever shows up. --Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell
The Week, October 5, 2012 p. 6
Matthew 22:9 (HCSB) Therefore go to where the
roads exit the city and invite everyone you find
to the banquet.’
Doctors told Michael Crowe that he had an acute
heart infection and without a heart transplant,
he could not survive. However, 23-years-old
Crowe had picked up a blood infection that made
surgery impossible. Then, with no explanation,
his heart began pumping blood again. To his
doctors’ astonishment, his heart had simply
shaken off the infection.
It is a marvelous thing when medicine heals a
physical heart. Even more amazing is when a
heart heals itself as Michael’s heart did. The
spiritual heart cannot heal itself. That healing
must come from the Lord Jesus. --Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell
The Week, October 5, 2012 p. 4
Acts 28:27 (HCSB) For the hearts of these
people have grown callous, their ears are hard
of hearing, and they have shut their eyes;
otherwise they might see with their eyes and
hear with their ears, understand with their
heart, and be converted, and I would heal
The philosophy of the master martial artist,
Bruce Lee, is being revealed to James Franciscus
in, The Way of the Intercepting Fist, one of the
episodes of the TV series, Longstreet.
Bruce tells James that he should become like
"water," forming to the very essence of his
opponent's character and skills, so that as he
ultimately faces that adversary he will be able
to anticipate his fighting strategy and defeat
Christians must be flexible or to use Lee’s
words, like “water” to effectively share the
gospel.—Jim L. Wilson and Larry Floyd
"The way of the intercepting fist Longstreet -
Bruce Lee / Lei Seil Loong"
minute 6:56 within the clip; date
accessed: Nov. 4th, 2012
1 Corinthians 9:22 (HCSB) “To the weak I became
weak, in order to win the weak. I have become
all things to all people, so that I may by every
possible means save some.”
Former college basketball coach Bobby Knight
talks about the importance of preparation. “The
will to succeed is important, but what’s more
important is the will to prepare.”
Peter reminds us that preparation is important
in evangelism as well. We need to prepare so we
are ready to share the gospel when the
opportunity arises. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
The Week, December 7, 2012 p. 19
1 Peter 3:15 (ESV) but in your hearts honor
Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared
to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a
reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it
with gentleness and respect,
A new message service known as “Evergram” could
be the digital universe’s equivalent of a
message in a bottle. The free website offers a
way for users to send video messages and set
them to arrive on a specific date to coincide
with weddings, graduations, or other important
events. Evergram co-founder Duncan Seay says he
got the idea from a motion picture in which a
father with terminal cancer uses a video camera
to record messages to his unborn son. Seay says
technology today makes the process even easier,
because all someone has to do is record a
15-second message with their smartphone camera
or webcam, upload it, and select a date for it
to play. The site allows users to put the
message in an online album that can be available
to the public or restricted. An example of such
a message might be a congratulatory message for
a couple to view on their wedding day. Seay says
it may even be possible to send a message to
people you may never met. He says, “Currently
the system is based on a time trigger.
Conceivably, you could set a date for your loved
one to receive a message far into the future.”
—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Talking Tech: Evergram leaves video messages
for the future,
, Accessed January 2, 2013.
Psalm 45:17 (NKJV) I will make Your name to be
remembered in all generations; Therefore the
people shall praise You forever and ever.
The Wycliffe organization, a leader in
translating God’s Word translated into every
language has announced that they have reached a
milestone by bringing the number of languages
that still need the Gospel down to less than two
thousand. Wycliffe Bible Translators COO Russ
Hersman says 1,967 languages still need to be
translated, and this is the first time the
number has been that low. Most of those
languages are located in Central Africa, Asia,
and the region known as Oceania. Hersman says
the number means fewer projects need to be
started than are already in progress. Political
and religious roadblocks make translation work
hard in some areas, but the lack of Scripture
impacts other ministry areas because church
planters and pastors cannot disciple new
believers without the Bible.
Hersman asks for prayer for access and more
opportunities to work in areas lacking God’s
Word. He said God has promised “that His Word
will go out and accomplish what He wants for it.
But He’s also given us a stewardship to be
involved in that.” He added, “We see getting the
Scriptures into each language as being a key
part of completing the Great Commission.”— Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Pending projects drop below 2,000 for the first
time, http://www.mnnonline.org/article/17964,
Accessed December 4, 2012.
Luke 24:46-47 (NASB) (46) and He said to them,
"Thus it is written, that the Christ would
suffer and rise again from the dead the third
day, (47) and that repentance for forgiveness of
sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the
nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Several pastor and Christian leaders had
positive things to say about the TV miniseries,
The Bible, which aired on History channel in
March 2013. Expressing his views in writing,
Franklin Graham said, it was fitting that the
series aired during the month leading up to
Easter, because it would remind people of the
sacrifice Jesus made for the world. Graham said
it was good to turn to the truth of Scripture
and remember the gift of salvation and
forgiveness that Jesus provided. He acknowledged
that some story lines were interpreted
differently, but wrote, “the truth is that in
all things the Lord Jesus Christ is seen lifted
up before the world and glorified as the King of
kings.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Franklin Graham: 'The Bible' Series Will
Lead Viewers to Open Scripture.’
By Stoyan Zaimov,
March 12, 2013.
John 3:14-15 (ESV) (14) And as Moses lifted up
the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son
of Man be lifted up, (15) that whoever believes
in him may have eternal life.
The New Life Assembly of God church adopted a
new vision statement in 2003. The church decided
“To make the Janesville area Christ
conscious.” Ten years later, the church is
building a sixty foot cross on their property to
give life to the vision. The cross weighs
about 25,000 pounds, and will be lit by three
lights. It is anchored by enough concrete to
ensure it can withstand 90 mph winds. The church
says so far, they have received relatively
positive feedback, although they are ready for
those who may not support it. Pastor Michael
Jackson said he doesn’t expect the sight of the
cross to make everyone a Christian, but said
that really is not the point. Jackson said, “It
has certainly sparked discussion. We are glad to
be part of that discussion, whether people agree
or disagree.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Big cross: Janesville church determined to be
11, 2013
John 12:32 (ESV) And I, when I am lifted up
from the earth, will draw all people to
Os Guinness is a noted speaker and the author
or editor of more than 30 books. Born and reared
in China, the son of missionaries, Guinness
spent the first 10 years of his life there. In
1949 the communists who had seized power forced
his parents out of China.
In an interview with World Magazine Guinness
was asked if his father was able to return to
China. When his dad was almost 90 he went back
for a short visit. While there, he met people he
had led to Christ 50 years earlier. He came back
to the states so filled with joy he was ready to
I wonder what kind of legacy we are leaving
behind as we live for Christ in the 21st
Century?--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
World, June 29, 2013, p. 37
1 Timothy 1:2 (CEV) Timothy, because of our
faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God
our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be
kind and merciful to you. May they bless you
with peace!
Manuel Reija is a convenience store clerk in La
Coruna, Spain. He found a lottery ticket on his
counter and before throwing it away he checked
the numbers. He discovered it was a $6.3 million
winner. “I was standing up, but I had to sit
down. I almost broke the chair, I was so
flustered,” Reija told local reporters.
He turned the lost ticket into authorities.
After one year the city began an advertising
campaign to try to find the buyer of the ticket.
Should they fail to authenticate the ticket’s
actual purchaser within two years of its
purchase date, the lottery authority will give
Reija the $6.3 million jackpot.
How interested in finding the lost owner do you
think Manuel Reija is. How motivated is Jesus in
finding those who are lost? --Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
World, October 19, 2013, p. 18
Luke 19:10 (HCSB) For the Son of Man has come
to seek and to save the lost.”
Those who are looking for just the right place
to live should read the result of a study
conducted by a British team. The study published
in the Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology has mapped the United States by
rating personality and temperament on a
state-by-state basis. The study that involved
1.6 million people over thirteen years
discovered what many Americans already
suspected, Texans are friendly, New Yorkers are
rude, and Californians are laid back. The team
says most people settle in areas where they feel
comfortable, which further entrenches the
prevailing attitudes, and passes them on to
future generations. The researchers used
their results to develop a test to help people
find the place where they would fit best.—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Which state fits your mood? The answer might
surprise you, by Tim Sprinkle,
October 22, 2013.
Mark 16:15 (NKJV) And He said to them, "Go into
all the world and preach the gospel to every
American planes carpeted the Philippine islands
with pamphlets announcing the end of the WWII.
Hiroo Onoda read the announcement, but without
an order from his commanding officer would not
stand down. Instead he continued the war in the
In 1974, nearly 30 years after the
September 2, 1945 Armistice agreement, Japanese
adventurer Norio Suzuki encountered Onoda in the
jungle. Onoda told him, “I will not quit
fighting unless there is an order that relieves
me of my duty.”
In a great act of compassion, Suzuki found
Onoda’s commanding officer, who went to the
island and gave him the order to lay down his
arms. His country welcomed him home a hero.—Jim
L. Wilson and Elijah Tafoa
Telling others good news, sometimes, takes
great effort, but it is always the right thing
to do.
John 4:39 (NIV) Many of the Samaritans from
that town believed in him because of the woman's
testimony, "He told me everything I ever
A study by Lifeway Research suggests that
Christians are not sharing their faith but are
feeling a responsibility to do so. The survey
focused on Canadians, and found that 43% of
those surveyed felt a responsibility to tell
non-Christians about Jesus, but 78% had not
shared how to become a Christian in the previous
six months. Lifeway research described the
survey as part of discipleship research project
focusing on spiritual maturity designed to
measure eight biblical attributes that should be
found in “spiritually mature” people,
including selflessness, obedience, and biblical
engagement. Among the interesting things
the survey uncovered is when people are most
active in sharing their faith. A lot of people
have heard that new believers actively tell
other about Jesus, but the survey found the
opposite to be true. People who had been a
Christian longer usually shared their faith more
often than newer believers. Ed Stetzer,
president of Lifeway Research, offer some advice
in light of the findings. He said, “If you are
going to intentional about sharing your faith,
praying for others is a great way to start. We
often acknowledge the importance of prayer in
people coming to faith in Christ, but we also
found it has an impact on the person
praying.” —Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Most Christians not sharing the Gospel, by
Michael Trimmer,
7, 2014.
Mark 16:15 (ESV) And he said to them, “Go into
all the world and proclaim the gospel to the
whole creation.
Scientists believe there are as many as 70
isolated tribes in the Brazilian Amazon that
have had only limited contact with the outside
world, mainly through rubber harvesters and
mahogany loggers. It is rare for an uncontacted
people to emerge from the jungle, but scientists
say they were ready when an unknown tribe made
their first contact with the outside world in
June 2014. The event was the first official
contact with an isolated tribe in 18 years, but
was not totally unexpected. For about a month
fearful villagers in the area contacted
authorities about a group of about 35 strangers
that were raiding their crops and trying to
steal tools. Authorities had experts in the area
just in case the tribe decided to make contact.
They believe the tribe fled from loggers
illegally working on protected lands in Peru
about 186 miles away. Now that the tribe has
made contact, scientists hope to protect them
from contracting dangerous diseases like the flu
and whooping cough because they have no
immunity.--Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Isolated Amazon tribe makes contact with
scientists, By Lori Cuthbert,
July 9, 2014.
Matthew 24:14 (HCSB) This good news of the
kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a
testimony to all nations. And then the end will
Microsoft Corporation has announced plans to
offer real-time translation from one language to
another via computer and this new technology
could potentially make it possible for every
person on earth to hear the Gospel in their own
language one day. The company introduced the
concept a few years ago, and now they are ready
to take it to next level by adding the software
to the popular Skype program. At first, only a
handful of languages will be available, though
Microsoft hopes to add more languages quickly.
The original concept, demonstrated by Microsoft
Vice President Gurdeep Singh Pall, when he used
a computer to translate a speech from English
into Chinese. Admitting that it is often
difficult to turn innovations into commercial
success, Singh Pall observed, “Every piece of
technology was there, but it’s never been put
together.” He said the goal is to get the
technology out there with the languages it can
do well and go from there. He added, “There’s a
lot of ‘moonshot’ going on in our world. You’ve
got to make it land.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Microsoft’s Skype “Star Trek” Language
Translator Takes on Tower of Babel, By Ina
May 27, 2014.
Matthew 24:14 (HCSB) This good news of the
kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a
testimony to all nations. And then the end will
The odd story of a loss at sea 17 years ago
provides insight into how long the impact of an
event can last, and how widely it can spread. In
1997, a shipping container carrying 4.8 Lego
pieces fell into the sea about 20 miles from the
British coast. Ironically, many of the pieces
were nautically themed, and they continue to
wash up on the shores of Devon, Ireland and
Wales. One local woman has created a
Facebook page that documents where pieces have
washed up and where people are finding them. She
says her page has provided a lot of insight
about the movement of ocean currents as well
because some pieces could have drifted 62,000
miles by now which means they could show up on
beaches virtually anywhere. There are
unconfirmed reports that some of the pieces may
have traveled all the way to Australia.
Oceanographers say they think the spill is
fascinating to study, but they are concerned
because there may still be millions of tiny
plastic pieces floating around the world’s
oceans. They say theoretically, some of the
pieces could keep circling in the ocean for
centuries.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
--An Epic Lego Shipwreck Has Been Washing
Thousands of Lego Onto
Accessed, July 21, 2014.
Isaiah 11:9 (NASB) They will not hurt or
destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth
will be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the
waters cover the sea.
Thomas Artiaga was passing a home in Fresno,
California when he saw a house engulfed in
flames. He ran into the house, threw 73-year-old
Robert Wells over his shoulder and carried him
to safety. Wells says he is lucky to be alive
and is thankful for the man who saved him.
Every day we run into people who are lost
without Christ. The danger they are in resembles
the danger Wells was in, just not as pressing.
We need to make every effort to give them the
message of Jesus that will save them. --Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell
The Week, October 31, 2014 p. 4
Romans 3:23 (HCSB) For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God.
Amazon is always searching for better and
faster ways to deliver products to customers.
Never satisfied with the status quo, Amazon has
tried several alternatives to UPS and FedEx. The
company has asked the Federal Aviation
Administration for permission to deliver
packages via aerial drones. Now in San Francisco
and Los Angeles, they are using cab drivers for
Believers could learn from the Amazon’s
dedication. We need to continually be looking
for new and different way to make the greatest
delivery of all. Like Paul, we should have no
bounds on preaching the gospel. --Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell
World, November 29, 2014 p. 19
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (NKJV) “For though I am
free from all men, I have made myself a servant
to all, that I might win the more; (20) and to
the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win
Jews; to those who are under the law, as under
the law, that I might win those who are under
the law; (21) to those who are without law, as
without law (not being without law toward God,
but under law toward Christ), that I might win
those who are without law; (22) to the weak I
became as weak, that I might win the weak. I
have become all things to all men, that I might
by all means save some. (23) Now this I do for
the gospel's sake, that I may be partaker of it
with you.”
Neville Morrison discovered his house was on
fire. Fortunately he lived only four houses from
the fire station. He sprinted to get help. The
firefighter that met him at the door told him to
call 911. “I don’t have a phone, but you can see
the blaze coming out of my roof!” Morrison
replied. The firefighter shut the door in his
face. By the time firefighters did respond, the
home was a total loss.
We need to take care that we don’t become as
complacent as these firefighters in our
proclamation of the Gospel. Whatever reasons the
fire fighters think they are there for, the
primary function is helping citizens put out
Paul understood that his purpose was the
gospel. That is the church’s purpose as well. We
must not get sidetracked. --Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
1 Corinthians 1:17 (HCSB) “For Christ did not
send me to baptize, but to evangelize—not with
clever words, so that the cross of Christ will
not be emptied ?of its effect?.”
Five years after the earthquake in Haiti,
leaders in the country say the event has become
a catalyst for spiritual development.
Churches that started meeting in the open air
after the quake are still growing and changing
lives, and new orphanages have been built to
meet the needs of the people. A renewed interest
in the welfare of others has created a new
infrastructure with ambulances, garbage trucks,
road work and new construction are visible
everywhere. Craig Colbert, a strategist for a
missional support group said he remembers the
look on the faces of workers when he arrived
just after the quake. People were sad and
hopeless. Since then things have changed,
Culbreth said, “I saw the sparkle in their eyes
return. Now I see a passion to share the Gospel
of Jesus like people on a mission.”—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
5 years later, Haitian pastors say quake opened
doors, By Barbara Denman,
January 15, 2015.
Colossians 4:3 (HCSB) “At the same time, pray
also for us that God may open a door to us for
the message, to speak the mystery of the
Messiah, for which I am in prison,”
Reverend Wena Parry a minister in Great Britain
says she was told that stickers saying “Christ
Must be Saviour” and “Christ For me” could be
regarded as modifications and might void her
insurance policy. Parry though she was being
treated unfairly and was concerned that someone
in the company had something against
Christianity. Parry said she placed the stickers
on the hood and side of her car to tell people
about Jesus and estimates that at least a
million people have seen them. The company
denies the threat had anything to do with the
Christian nature of the graphics, but admitted
that they will review the wording on their
applications to ensure customers understand
which sort of modifications are allowable on
their cars.—Jim L. Wilson & Jim
Insurance row over vicar's Jesus Christ car
Accessed February 1, 2015.
Deuteronomy 32:3 (TLB) I will proclaim the
greatness of the Lord. How glorious he is!
What is the impact of our lives and our
churches on our communities? Are we
fulfilling our mission to reach the world with
the message of the Gospel? Or are we just
marking time and creating wonderful, peaceful
communities of believers who are not impacting
the world?
The Barna Group has released a 2015 study on
the state of atheism in America, and revealed
that one in four unchurched adults in the
country now call themselves atheists or
agnostics. Barna found that the three main
reasons people decide not to believe in God stem
from rejection of the Bible; lack of trust in
the local church; and the "cultural
reinforcement of a secular worldview."
"Skeptics dismiss the idea that the Bible is
Holy or supernatural in any way. Two-thirds
contend that it is simply a book of well-known
stories and advice, written by humans and
containing the same degree of authority and
wisdom as any other self-help book," the report
said. It added that the other
one-third believe that the Bible is either a
historical document that contains "the unique
but not God-inspired accounts of events that
happened in the past," or do not really know
what to make of the Bible.
So, the question becomes for us, “How do we
reach those alienated from the Church?”
I believe we can address all of Barna’s three
main reasons for unbelief.
First, we must mount a robust apologetic
defense of the Bible itself.
Second, we must bolster the local church, by
truly living as authentic disciples. No
more hypocrites.
And third, we must become Cultural Thermostats,
influencing the culture, rather than being
mere Cultural Thermometers, reflecting what is
going on around us. --Jim L. Wilson & Ron
Romans 12:1-2 (HCSB) Therefore, brothers, by
the mercies of God, I urge you to present your
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing
to God; this is your spiritual worship. (2) Do
not be conformed to this age, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind, so that you may
discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect
will of God.
Penn Jillette of the magician duo of Penn and
Teller is an atheist with a word to believers.
“I’ve always said that I don’t respect people
who don’t proselytize, I don’t respect that at
all. How much do you have to hate somebody to
not proselytize? I mean if I believed, beyond
the shadow of a doubt, that a truck was coming
at you, and you didn’t believe that truck was
bearing down on you, there is a certain point
where I tackle you. . . . “
Do we really believe that men and women without
Christ are destined for an eternity apart from
God in Hell? Then we must be driven to share
Christ with them.
-- Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
World, May 30, 2015, p. 79
Romans 1:16-17 (HCSB) (16) For I am not ashamed
of the gospel, because it is God’s power for
salvation to everyone who believes, first to the
Jew, and also to the Greek. (17) For in it God’s
righteousness is revealed from faith to faith,
just as it is written: The righteous will live
by faith.
The American Bible Society has released their
fifth annual State of the Bible report, which
contains several assumptions that Americans have
about the Bible. Among other things, it shows
that a majority (72%) of Americans were not
aware that many languages still do not have a
Bible translation. Linguists estimate there are
more 6,900 languages and more than half of them
do not have a completed Bible translation. So,
while Americans have easy access to God’s Word,
many missed the need for ongoing Bible
translation so others can have the Gospel in
their first language.— Jim L. Wilson and Jim
State of the Bible,
Accessed May 27, 2015.
Matthew 24:14 (HCSB) (14) This good news of the
kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a
testimony to all nations. And then the end will
There is an interesting debate occurring in
France. The French government owns all church
building built before 1905. There are thousands
of government-owned church buildings that are
standing empty and unused. “Only 6 percent of
French people attend Mass every Sunday, and
rural churches are ‘falling into ruin.’”
One option for these unused churches is to
convert them to mosques. While unused churches
dot the countryside there is a shortage of
mosques. The same fate could be in store for
thousands of church buildings here at home. We
can never forget, the church is only one
generation from disappearing. God has no
grandchildren. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The Week, July 31, 2015 p.12
2 Corinthians 5:20 (NASB) “Therefore, we are
ambassadors for Christ, as though God were
making an appeal through us; we beg you on
behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
As Intervarsity Christian Fellowship students
head back to school on more than 100 campuses,
they are asking fellow students about their
bucket list to delve into other’s deeper
motivations. When the topic turns to
conversations about spiritual topics, interested
students can be invited to learn more about
purpose and meaning in life through small group
Bible studies. A study released a decade ago
found that 75 per cent of college students said
they were looking for meaning and purpose in
life, and they expected their college experience
to help them in that search.
Intervarsity’s interim president Jim Lundgren
said, “College students are the leaders of
tomorrow. We hope that they will lead with the
skills they gain in college, but also with a
purpose that comes from discovering Christian
values that aren’t always taught on
campus.” —Jim L. Wilson and Jim
What’s on your bucket list?, By Lindsay Steele,
with students about their ‘bucket list,”
Accessed September 9, 2015.
1 Peter 1:24-25 (HCSB) For All flesh is like
grass, and all its glory like a flower of the
grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls,
(25) but the word of the Lord endures forever.
And this is the word that was preached as the
gospel to you.
When Journey Baptist Church
sold their building, they had plans to build in
a new location that was in a better location and
gave them room to grow. They purchased a new
site, but found that building a new structure
cost too much, so they decided to continue
meeting in temporary facilities. Then, the
church heard about a mission board’s decision to
reduce the numbers of staff and missionaries on
the field because of decreasing funds. The
church prayed about how they could help and the
Lord opened the doors for them. A local man who
wanted to start a new ministry in the area
contacted them about purchasing the new
location, and another church offered them a
place to meet that would meet their needs for as
long as they needed it. The church then voted to
give all of their reserve funding to the mission
board. The pastor Kyle Ray said the more they
prayed about it, the more convinced they were
that the church did not need to spend money on a
new building. The church gave $29,000 to the
mission board and Kyle says they have also
increased the percentage of giving every month.
He said their prayer focus was based on three
things. “(1) If we truly seek first God’s
kingdom, not our own, then He will take care of
these other things. (2) Are we going to believe
it is better to give than receive? (3) Will we
love our neighbors more than ourselves?”—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Missions-focused church
donates reserve funds to IMB, By Jane Rodgers, http://bpnews.net/bpnews?id=45967,
Accessed December 07, 2015.
1 Corinthians 9:23 (HCSB)“Now I do all this because of the gospel,
so I may become a partner in its benefits.”
Jesus told His disciples to
take the Gospel to the entire world. Two
thousand years later, the world is connected
like never before, but hundreds of millions of
people still do not have access to the Gospel in
their heart language. Louann Hunt, who works
with a ministry called Faith Comes
By Hearing says emerging technology could
offer a solution.She says technology such as the Internet,
Smart Phones, and Social Media are reaching more
and more people each day, and they are being
harnessed to get God’s Word to them. Hunt said
using these and other emerging technologies may
make it possible to fulfill Jesus’ command in
our lifetime. She says the time to take
advantage of the technologies is now and, “Jesus
is telling us to take the gospel everywhere,
including into every system.”—Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell.
4 ways believers can proclaim
the gospel to the whole of creation,
January 25, 2016.
Matthew 28:19–20 (HCSB) Go,
therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20
teaching them to observe everything I have
commanded you. And remember, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”
When her son Cole was in the
hospital with cancer, Mary Esther Elam needed a
way to pass the time. Some friends urged her to
journal, so she bought a journaling Bible. As
she studied and prayed each day, Elam drew
illustrations along with her notes on the page.
She began sharing them on social media and they
became an instant hit. Elam has created over 100
illustrations reflecting Bible stories,
Scripture passages, and significant verses. She
enjoys drawing and says, so far, her journaling
has been shared more than 32,000 times. Elam
says, “It’s hard not to look at it as the Lord
providing a platform for His Word to be
shared.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
MS woman's Bible
illustrations go viral, By Kathryn Miller,
February 1, 2016.
Isaiah 55:10–11 (HCSB)For
just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do
not return there without saturating the earth
and making it germinate and sprout, and
providing seed to sow and food to eat, 11
so My word that comes from My mouth will not
return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what
I please and will prosper in what I send it to
Leaders attending the GC2
Summit at a Chicago church urged believers to
reach out to those in need such as Syrian
said that despite anxieties over differences of
religion, reaching out to people is an
opportunity to preach the Gospel. The GC2
Conferences stands for both the Great Commission
and the Great Commandment which require
Christian to love God and their neighbors, and
to evangelize. The aim of the summit was to
spark new outreach to meet the physical and
spiritual need to refuges. The 5-year-old civil
war has sent millions of refugees into
neighboring countries and Europe.The
United Nations estimates there are as many as 59
million refugees worldwide, which is all-time
high. Jenny Yang of World Relief summed up the
call when she said, “The real enemy is fear. God
is allowing us to encounter people different
than us.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Evangelical leaders see
Syrian refugees as opportunity, By Timothy
January 21, 2016.
Matthew 28:19–20
(HCSB) Go, therefore, and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20
teaching them to observe everything I have
commanded you. And remember, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”
In “Being the Salt and Light
to the World,” Pete Cuison writes, “With
Christ in our hearts and the power of the Holy
Spirit, we are the salt and light of the
world. When we do so, people will see our good
works and praise God in heaven. The
salt doesn’t do any good in the shaker, and
neither does light help to light a path if it is
never turned on. To live out Jesus’ teaching of
being salt and light, we must live our faith
before others and be willing to speak about our
faith with friends, neighbors, and co-workers.”
Living the
Sermon on the Mount, 17.
Matthew 5:13–16 (HCSB) “You
are the salt of the earth. But if the salt
should lose its taste, how can it be made salty?
It’s no longer good for anything but to be
thrown out and trampled on by men. 14
“You are the light of the world. A city situated
on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 No
one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket,
but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light
for all who are in the house. 16 In
the same way, let your light shine before men,
so that they may see your good works and give
glory to your Father in heaven.”
For more information on Living the
Sermon on the Mount, go to:
The country of Sweden wants
you to call one of its citizens if you have any
interest in or questions about their beautiful
country. Sweden has its own phone number that
connects the caller to a random Swede—who could
be anyone living anywhere around the country.
"We are making Sweden the
first country in the world with its own phone
number and giving our fellow Swedes the
opportunity to answer the calls, express
themselves, and share their views, whatever they
might be," say Swedish officials. They suggest
topics like the northern lights, darkness,
meatballs and suicide rates.
What if we set up a “Call a
random Christian” service? We would publish a
number that would randomly forward to a
volunteers ready and available to talk to
callers about the church, the gospel, Jesus,
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
2 Timothy 4:2 (HCSB)“Proclaim
the message; persist in it whether convenient or
not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great
patience and teaching.”
Michel Flamant, a French
baker, and Isaac Wenrich, a youth league
baseball coach have something in common. Both of
them had their lives saved in the same week by
non-professional and unlikely people. Flamant
had collapsed on the floor of his bakery when
the room filled with carbon monoxide gas from a
faulty oven. Jerome Aucant, a homeless man that
Flamant had befriended happened into the bakery,
found the baker unconscious on the floor, and
rescued him.
Isaac Wenrich, 26, was
coaching his 13-year-old baseball players in
Chandler, Arizona when he suffered a massive
heart attack. One of the eighth-grade boys,
Nathan Boyer, remembered his Boy Scout training
and sprang into action. He called 911 then
rolled the coach over and began pumping
Wenrich’s chest.
Both the baker and the coach
are fine, and now owe their lives to others. One
who had been trained in CPR at an age most would
think of as too young, the other a homeless man
who had been befriended. God’s word never is
wasted, it will never return void. –--Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week, April 15, 2016 p.5.
Isaiah 55:11 (HCSB)“so
My word that comes from My mouth will not return
to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I
please and will prosper in what I send it to
More than one billion people
around the world are “gamers.” That means video
games are a major part of their life. 24-yer-old
Matt Souza has been playing video games since he
was a toddler, and has used his love for gaming
to reach other people for Jesus. Matt heads up
“God Squad Church on twitch.tv and is known as
Pastor Souzy. He says at first, he was concerned
about what people would think of him. After
realizing that as a child of God, God loved him
just the way he was, the door opened for
ministry opened. God Squad Church holds weekly
services on the website and 178 people have
become believers in the last year. Souza says,
“It’s one of the most rewarding things when I’m
online just playing and people are interacting
with me. And someone will come back in the chat
you know, ’Pastor Souzy, I got baptized today at
my local church.’” —Jim L. Wilson and Jim
1 Corinthians 9:22 (HCSB)“To
the weak I became weak, in order to win the
weak. I have become all things to all people, so
that I may by every possible means save some.”
Triphn and his wife MyDung
did not know much about Christianity when they
moved to Oklahoma so that Tri could begin Ph.D.
studies in 2004. One of the first things they
received was a postcard from a local church
inviting them to open house for their new
children’s building. They decide to attend and
see if the church had any programs that would
help them learn English. The people were
friendly, so they decided to come back the
following Sunday. Two months later, MyDung
enrolled in an English-language class. She
started learning English and making friends. A
year or so later, Tri accepted Christ, and
though it took a little longer MyDung eventually
did too. After graduating, Tri and his family
moved to Houston, where they now serve a
Vietnamese church. Tri said, “We are serving and
spreading the Good News to the Vietnamese
American community in southwest Houston. Looking
back now, I realize the way God brought me and
family to Him is truly amazing.” —Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Postcard placed Vietnamese
couple on path to faith, By Luana Ehrlich,
July 11, 2016.
John 6:44 (HCSB) “No one can
come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws
him, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
Victorville First Assembly of
God works hard to meet the needs in their
community. The area around Victorville,
California went through a period of rapid growth
in 2000. The economic crash eight years later
decimated the area, and today unemployment
remains high and the area is experiencing
rampant crime, drug addiction, and gang
activity. The church provides food at three
sites in the area each week to help break the
cycle of poverty and misery in the area.
Three-dozen volunteers keep the operation
running as they pray with people in line, and
then invite them to Bible studies, events, or
ministries. Each week, they feed and care for
700 families. John Marin, lead pastor of the
church said that despite the problems in the
area, there is a positive side. He said, “Amid
the darkness, and there is darkness on the High
Desert, the light shines brightly. The Lord has
given us the ability to touch people, one life
at a time.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Feed My
Sheep, By Deann Alford,
http://penews.org/news/feed-my-sheep, Accessed
June 8, 2016.
Proverbs 14:21 (HCSB) “The
one who despises his neighbor sins, but whoever
shows kindness to the poor will be happy.”
Candace Payne had been
praying for ways to share her faith with people
outside her local church. She could never have
imagined the way God would answer her prayers.
In May 2016, she shared a purchase she made with
her Facebook friends by posting a video of
herself wearing a mask of the Star Wars
character Chewbacca. While recording the video,
Payne got tickled, and began to laugh. Her
laughter drew in her friends who shared the
video with their friends, quickly growing into a
Facebook trend with 20 million views. Payne’s
success opened doors for her to speak on
television and at a Texas youth gathering. In
those settings, she urged others to be diligent,
patient, and obedient to Christ. Payne said,
“[God is} opening doors of influence and
possibilities to be able to reach people upon
people that have never heard the name of
Jesus!”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
"Chewbacca Laughter" Brings
an Unexpected Platform, By DanVan
May 26, 2016.
Galatians 5:13 (HCSB) “For
you were called to be free, brothers; only don’t
use this freedom as an opportunity for the
flesh, but serve one another through love.”
In 1998, Officer Peter Getz
had just arrived at a burning apartment building
in Hartford, Connecticut, when a firefighter
handed him an unresponsive 5-year-old. He
realized he had no time to wait for an
ambulance. Getz administered CPR as a recruit
drove them to the hospital. By the time they
arrived, the little girl was breathing again.
Josi Aponte was the little
girl. She just received her diploma from Eastern
Connecticut State University. Officer Getz, now
retired, was there to observe as an invited
guest. The invitation from the little girl whose
life he had saved humbled him as he expressed
how well he thought she had done.
The same feeling is ours when
we meet others who we have been able to lead to
the Lord when we discover that they have
continued to follow in the truth.–--Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week, June 5, 2016 p. 4
3 John 4 (HCSB) “I have no
greater joy than this: to hear that my children
are walking in the truth.”
The Russian legislature
recently passed a bill that will prohibit people
from sharing their faith, even inside their own
homes. Only with a permit could people
evangelize at religious sites like churches. It
will be illegal anywhere else, even online.
While this may sound serious,
I wonder how many of us a similar law would
really affect. Statistics show that most of us
do not do much evangelism anyway. We do not need
a law to stop us. How would such a law have
affected you this week? –--Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell.
World Magazine, July 23, 2016
Matthew 10:27 (HCSB)“What
I tell you in the dark, speak in the light. What
you hear in a whisper, proclaim on the
Three California men were
fishing when they found a whale entangled in
crab pot lines. The animal was in distress and
was bleeding heavily. At any time the massive
whale could have capsized their little boat, but
they came along side and began cutting the
ropes. Deck boss, Ken Garliepp says “It was like
he knew we were trying to help him,” as the
whale rolled over, seemingly showing them where
the lines were snagged. Today, in California,
these three are being hailed as heroes. Heroes
will go to extreme measures to rescue those in
need.–Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week December 23/30,
2016, p. 5
Luke 14:23 (HCSB)“Then
the master told the slave, ‘Go out into the
highways and lanes and make them come in, so
that my house may be filled.”
Brian “Head” Welch was one of
the founding members of the heavy metal band
Korn and one of the least likely people one
would expect to show up in church on a Sunday
morning. But several years ago, that is exactly
what happened. In a recent video he talks about
his previous life consumed by sex, drugs, and
alcohol. At the invitation of a friend, he
visited a church, and realized that Christ
offered everything that he was pursuing but
couldn’t find with his party lifestyle. “I tried
everything to try to get pleasure out of this
life, and I thought I could fulfill my life with
all of this stuff… but it didn’t fulfill it.
When Christ came in, He gives you the gift of
understanding this life… and it’s the most
incredible feeling, because you’re where you
belong,” said Welch.
Many times we have our own
idea of who makes a “good candidate” for the
Gospel. The truth is that God does not look at
the external, and at the things that we consider
when judging the suitability of a person for
being used by God. God can take the least likely
person, the one most unlike the “Christian
ideal” and completely turn their lives around.
Have the courage to respond to the prompting of
the Holy Spirit when He asks you to invite that
person you think would be least likely to accept
the invitation. —Jim L. Wilson & Eric Mann
- “Brian Welch – White Chair
Film – I am Second”
Acts 9:10–16 (HCSB)There
was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias. And
the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias!”
“Here I am, Lord!” he said. 11 “Get
up and go to the street called Straight,” the
Lord said to him, “to the house of Judas, and
ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, since he
is praying there. 12 In a vision he
has seen a man named Ananias coming in and
placing his hands on him so he can regain his
sight.” 13 “Lord,” Ananias answered,
“I have heard from many people about this man,
how much harm he has done to Your saints in
Jerusalem. 14 And he has authority
here from the chief priests to arrest all who
call on Your name.” 15 But the Lord
said to him, “Go! For this man is My chosen
instrument to take My name to Gentiles, kings,
and the Israelites. 16 I will show
him how much he must suffer for My name!”
spring, about 400 people arrive for spring
training at the Texas Rangers facility in
Surprise, Arizona. They include players,
wives, coaches, and office staff. When the
team arrives, Pastor Jason Griffin begins his
role as Team Chaplain for spring training.
Griffin also pastors a church in the area, and
offers prayer and devotions for Ranger staff
each morning at 6:30. In 2016, Easter fell in
the middle of spring training. So the team
leadership decided to shut down baseball
operations to allow players and staff to
attend a 45 minute chapel service. Several
team members said they put their trust in
Jesus during that service. –Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell
How The Texas Rangers Spring Training Was A
Spiritual Success,
2 Timothy 4:2 (HCSB)“Proclaim
the message; persist in it whether convenient or
not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great
patience and teaching.”
On June 11,
2107, Clarence Williams died at church after
suffering a massive heart attack. One minute
he was listening to a sermon about Jesus. The
next he was in the presence of Jesus. That in
itself is a remarkable thought, but there’s
more. A few minutes later, he returned to
Members of
the church who are medical professionals said
he had no pulse for 8 to 10 minutes and had
turned gray and cold, before returning to
life. In less than two weeks, he was back at
church with a healthy heart.
said he suddenly saw the Lord coming down an
old, dusty road toward
him. He said Jesus didn’t speak to him at
first, but he knew in his Spirit who it was.
Williams said his encounter has taken away his
hesitancy to witness, and now he wants to tell
everyone he sees about Jesus. He added, “He
(Jesus) told me, ‘There’s much work to be
done. The time is short. I will return.’”—Jim
L. Wilson & Jim Sandell
2 Peter
1:16 (CSB) “For we did not follow
cleverly contrived myths when we made known to
you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ; instead, we were eyewitnesses of his
On July 5,
2017 a surprising trend appeared on Twitter.
That day, many people began using the phrase
“I, the Lord” in their feeds. Twitter reported
that the phrase was used 15,700 times on the
day the trend started. Many of the references
were from the book of Jeremiah, with others
found in Exodus 20:5, Isaiah 41:13, and Isaiah
60:22. Supporters say it was good to see users
giving glory to God their social media because
it was a positive witness for the Gospel and
exposed users to God’s Word in a unique way.
The new trend also caused many to wonder if
other Bible-centered trends might follow in
the future. —Jim L. Wilson & Jim Sandell
Acts 5:32
(CSB) “We are witnesses of these
things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has
given to those who obey him.”
Ursrey was paddling in the waters off Panama
City Beach, Florida when she heard her sons
screaming. Realizing they were caught in a
riptide and being pulled out to sea she
paddled out to help them, only to find her and
other family members trapped as well. The
people on the beach formed a 100-yard human
chain that reached the family and pulled them
to safety. “I honestly thought I was going to
lose my family that day,” says Ursrey. “These
people were God’s angels.”
church with the gospel on its heart will find
a way to band together to reach those who are
perishing apart from Christ. —Jim L. Wilson
& Rodger Russell
Week, July 24, 2017, p. 5
Matthew 28:19–20 (CSB) “Go,
therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe everything I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of
the age.”
Norway, is a small town nestled deep in a
valley around 100 miles west of Oslo. From
September through March the sun doesn’t reach
the town because of surrounding hills and the
low angle of the sun in the northern sky. The
town decided to do something about it and
installed three mirrors on an overlooking
ridge. The mirrors reflect beams of sunlight
down into the town’s center. Town mayor,
Steinar Bergsland says “it is really special
to stand in the light down on the square.”
This is a
perfect picture of the gospel, shining the
light of God into a dark world. That is our
commission as Christ followers. “Send the
light, the blessed Gospel light.”
The Week,
November 8, 2013, p. 4
John 1:4–5 (CSB)
him was life, and that life was the light of
men. That light shines in the darkness, and yet
the darkness did not overcome it.
Clark is an army veteran who lives in northern
England. Over the last two years he has saved
the lives of four people. At a gas station, he
resuscitated a heart attack victim. He stopped
a suicidal woman from jumping from an
overpass. He has saved two drowning people
from the same spot at a local river. Clark
says he is happy to be of service. “I just
don’t think you should look the other way when
someone needs help.”
seems to always be in the right place at the
right time. You and I have people in danger
all around us. How many of them do we reach
out to with the life-saving message of the
gospel of Jesus Christ? —Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell.
Week, August 18/25, 2017 p. 6
2 Corinthians 5:20 (CSB)
we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is
making his appeal through us. We plead on
Christ’s behalf: “Be reconciled to God.”
Eight year old Steffan Williams
was kayaking in the sea near a treacherous
stretch of coastline when he spotted an
elderly woman and two teens trapped on a rock.
In a spot where the tide can trap unknowing
tourists he took his rubber dinghy and towed
them to shore. The next day he noticed two
more teens stranded on the very same rock. He
notified the local life guard team. In those
two days Steffan was responsible for saving
five people from the sea. Steffan said, “I
want to be a lifeboat person when I get the
As a Christian that ought to be
our desire. Every time we get the chance we
want to be a life saver. We want to share the
glorious life changing gospel of Jesus Christ
with those who are in danger of life without
Christ. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week, September 29, 2017 p.4
Mark 16:15 (CSB)
he said to them, “Go into all the world and
preach the gospel to all creation.
Claudia Ackley
lives in Crestline, California. She has sued
the state of California to compel it to admit
the existence of Bigfoot. She says she has
encountered three Sasquatches while hiking in
the local forest. In her lawsuit she argues
that the state Department of Fish and Wildlife
had a duty to acknowledge the existence of
Bigfoot. A judge has granted her an initial
hearing date.
know that you cannot force others to believe.
When we share Jesus Christ with others, many
think we are talking about a mythical
character like Bigfoot. But we know that apart
from a court of law, the court of heaven will
help convince a doubter of the existence of an
exalted Savior. We share the gospel, not a
lawsuit. –Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Magazine, March 17, 2018 p. 12
2 Corinthians 4:5 (CSB)
we are not proclaiming ourselves but Jesus
Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants
for Jesus’s sake.
Ryan Schneider
did not compete in the 2018 Winter Olympic
Games, but as a chaplain, he had the
opportunity to chat and mingle with many who
did. Schneider knows a lot of the American
winter Olympians because he serves a church in
Lake Placid, New York, where many Olympians
train. Schneider met many athletes he knew at
the games and said he understands the
challenges they face and their unique needs.
To respond to those needs, he helped with
daily worship services and taught a Bible
study over the course of the competition.
Schneider said ministering to athletes
requires getting into a performance mindset
because that’s how athletes are wired. He said
he teaches the message of Jesus, which is the
opposite because no one can follow Him or get
to heaven on their own. The only way to live a
Christ-centered life is rely on the teachings
of Jesus.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
the word; be ready in season and out of season;
rebuke, correct, and encourage with great
patience and teaching.
Groeschel, pastor of LifeChurch.tv says that
“To reach people no one else is reaching, we
have to do things no one else is doing.” —Jim L. Wilson and Doug Hixson
News, Craig Groeschel, August 29, 2015
Luke 19:10 (CSB)
For the Son of Man has come to
seek and to save the lost.”
Johnny Morgan
is a self described “country boy,” and he and
his dogs have helped thousands find new life
in Jesus. Morgan has always had a passion for
hunting dogs and competed with his dogs
chasing ribbons and trophies. He never thought
he would have an opportunity to minister until
someone at a competition read a Bible verse
that challenged him. Morgan now travels to
churches and community events sharing lessons
from the Bible through his dogs. He said Luke
10:27 was the verse that changed his
direction. Morgan added, “It says, ’Love the
Lord with all your heart, soul, strength, and
mind.’ You know, that’s the way these dogs are
with us. I can make my dogs run a couple
hundred yards to pick up something they didn’t
even see fall because they trust me. And
that’s the way it should be with God. We
should have completely sold out trust with
God.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
For I am not
ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power
of God for salvation to everyone who believes,
first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.
Huelsmeyer-Sinay made headlines when she saved
a resident of Yellowstone National Park—a wandering
llama. The llama, normally used for
guided tours, escaped after a guide loosened
its halter. Speaking of the llama, the
guide said, “Ike slipped out of the halter
completely…because he’s sneaky, and he knows
he can.” Previously the llama had evaded
several capture attempts and was very much
lost to the park rangers.
Huelsmeyer-Sinay, with the blessing of the
park, brought three of her own llamas to
entice Ike to return with her. After
finding Ike, his rescuer arranged to keep him.
—Jim L. Wilson and Benjamin Fox
Luke 19:10
CSB “For the Son of
Man has come to seek and to save the lost.”
Wilder was a young man from a very devoted
Mormon family. His family had deep ties
with the Mormon Church as his father held
position in the Temple and his mom taught at
was fully devoted to his faith and was excited
to go on his mission to Orlando, FL. While on
mission, Wilder encountered a Baptist minister
in hopes of converting the minister to
Mormonism. The Baptist minister took the
time to talk through the scripture with Wilder
and left him with a challenge to simply read
scripture and ask God to reveal truth to him.
that study, Wilder found faith in Jesus
Christ, which left him with a choice when it
was time to go home. He could turn away from
his faith, or face being shunned by his family
and his fiancé.
chose Jesus. Due in large part to the
depth of faith that Micah displayed and the
knowledge he gained searching for the truth,
Micah was used by God to lead his fiancé and
entire family to faith in Jesus Christ. —Jim
L. Wilson and Brian Hicks
Luke 14:25–27 (CSB)“Now
great crowds were traveling with him. So he
turned and said to them: ‘If anyone
comes to me and does not hate his own father and
mother, wife and children, brothers and
sisters—yes, and even his own life—he cannot be
my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross
and come after me cannot be my disciple.’”
The Chosen, a
new streaming series about the life of Jesus
used a unique marketing approach by releasing
a concept pilot on social media to gauge
public interest and asking for viewers to help
fund it. 15,000 people responded.The
Director, Dallas Jenkins expects the story of
Jesus to be binge-watched as much as other
popular steaming series. Jenkins added, “We
can dig deeper into the people who encountered
Jesus, we can see their ‘before,’ and if the
audience can see Jesus through the eyes of
those who met him, perhaps they can be changed
the same way.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Ephesians 6:19 (CSB)“Pray
also for me, that the message may be given to me
when I open my mouth to make known with boldness
the mystery of the gospel.”
Season 9, episode 16 of Seinfeld, Elaine’s
boyfriend David Puddy is a “Christian” and
Elaine is an atheist. Throughout the episode,
Elaine is frustrated with David, because of
his apathy towards her spending an eternity in
hell. In the final scene. David tells Elaine
to steal the neighbor’s paper. Elaine refuses
and tells David to get it himself.
“Sorry, thou shalt not steal.”
“Oh, but it’s okay for me?”
“Why do you care? You know where you’re
“David I am going to hell, the worst place in
the world! With those devils, and those caves,
and the ragged clothing, and the heat, my God
the heat! What do you think about that?!”
“It’s gonna be rough.”
begins to hit and push David, yelling: “This
is why you should save me?!”
“Don’t boss me! This is why you’re going to
“I am not going to hell! And if you think that
I am going to hell, you should care that I am
going to hell! Which I’m not!”
is right about David. If David cared about
Elaine, he would help her understand the hope
of the gospel. We can be like David. We care
more about speaking the truth and not the
person. The words we say and how we say them
matter to others. Paul encourages us to speak
the truth in love. —Jim L. Wilson
and Steven Cabrillos
Ephesians 4:14–15 (CSB) “Then we will
no longer be little children, tossed by the
waves and blown around by every wind of
teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in
the techniques of deceit. 15But speaking
the truth in love, let us grow in every way
into him who is the head—Christ.”
In June 2018, the Barna Group
released results from a study that included
Evangelistic practices on Social Media. They
found that “three in 10 (28%) share their faith
via social media, and almost six in 10 (58%)
non-Christians say someone has shared their
faith with them through Facebook.” —Jim L.
came near and said to them, “All authority has
been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go,
therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe everything I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of
the age.”
Steve Montelongo was on his way
home with his granddaughter when she spotted a
car sinking into a canal in Modesto, Calif. As
the girl alerted Montelongo, the 80-year-old
quickly sprang into action and pulled the
driver out of the car to safety. This is not
the first time Montelongo has saved a life.
Nearly 20 years ago, he rescued two of his
elderly neighbors from their burning house. “I
don’t consider myself a hero,” Montelongo
said. “I was just a fella that got put in the
right place at the right time.”
The Week, November 6, 2020 p. 5
In every country, on every day,
someone is in the right place at the right
time to lead someone to Christ. We need to be
alert to those opportunities. What a shame if
we were in the place to give a dying sinner
eternal life and we passed it up for any
reason at all. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
1 Peter 3:15 (CSB)
in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy,
ready at any time to give a defense to anyone
who asks you for a reason for the hope that is
in you.
Ark Encounter is a
life-size replica of Noah’s Ark in
Williamstown, Kentucky, which saw crowds
quickly return to pre-pandemic levels as
restrictions lifted.Ken
Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, which oversees
the exhibit said he believes there is a hunger
for biblical truth and Ark Encounter opens the
door of understanding. Ham said they are
planning to add an attraction dealing with the
“Tower of Babel,” which will deal with the
account of Adam and Eve and the sons of Noah,
who gave rise to all the different people
groups on the planet.Ham
believes this new exhibit will help people
deal with issues of racism and prejudice
through a biblical understanding of genetics
and skin color. He added,” We shouldn’t look
on peoples’ outsides to judge them. We should
be like God, who says it’s the inside that
matters.” –Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
These are the clans of
Noah’s sons, according to their family
records, in their nations. The nations on
earth spread out from these after the flood.
The seller of “Le
Tricorne,” a signed Pablo Picasso painting,
that recently sold at auction for
$150,000.00 gave the following providence for
the painting:
“This painting was
discovered in a house owned by my great aunt
which was passed down to her from
her uncle in the late 1930s. There were
several paintings kept in a closet for
50 years (including this example) which were
left by her at the time of the
passing of the house to my father and now to
paintings should be displayed, just as the
gospel should be preached.
Matthew 5:14–15
“You are the light
of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot
be hidden. No one lights a lamp
and puts it under a basket, but rather on a
lampstand, and it gives light for
all who are in the house.