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David Schlessinger was so upset about the poor service he received while dining at a restaurant that he called the police to complain. He claimed his steak was well-done instead of medium-well. He called the food "garbage" and threw a tantrum. 

The police came, but when they did, they told him to sit down, shut-up, eat his food and pay his bill. He decided to sue the establishment. 

 -Chicago Tribune, 2-7-1997 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson 

Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. 



Tears streamed down John King's cheeks as they rolled his day-old daughter out of neonatal intensive care. 

Rachel had a genetic defect that required surgery. Because John's wife was in a different hospital, he thought he would have to face the surgery by himself. 

But two friends from church came to sit with him. One, Terry, was a busy man who worked on Capitol Hill. Terry stayed until the surgery was over and the doctor reported things had gone well. He had to return to work, but he said he wanted to help, so he slipped a roll of quarters into John's hand. Leaving he said, "I know how hard it can be to find change to make phone calls." 

It was a small amount of money, but it communicated an enormous thoughtfulness. Out of his busy schedule, Terry took the time to go to a bank and purchase a roll of quarters. He thought ahead about the situation and did more than just leave John with the usual words, "If I can do anything, just call me." Terry anticipated one of John's needs and met it without John asking for help. 

—Heartwarmers, 8-31-99 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson 

Matthew 10:42 NLT "And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded." 

For more information on Heartwarmers, go to

Someone once observed that nice guys finish last. New research suggests there is a measure of truth in the statement. Nice men may not finish last, but they may earn less money. The study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found that “niceness” defined as agreeableness did not help men earn more money at their work. The authors conceded that being agreeable helped in some settings because being easy to get along with helps build better relationships with coworkers. Despite this, the authors of the study found that “agreeableness is negatively related to income and earnings.”
The effect was especially noticeable with men because when they came across as pleasant and agreeable, they took a financial hit that clearly showed up in their paychecks. On the other hand, the study suggests women do not appear to gain anything for being disagreeable. When asked about the study, workers had mixed responses, but Farhana Qoasar from Sydney Australia said, “You have to be ruthless in the corporate world if you have a weak spot or dare to show it, people will take your advantage. That’s how it is. You don’t succeed because you know more but because you can adapt.” 
--Nice guys earn less, study finds, ; August 16, 2011, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell. 
Regardless of the study results, being pleasant when doing the Lord’s work is always rewarding. 
Colossians 4:6 (HCSB) Your speech should always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person. 

The biggest free agent in the history of the National Football League signed with the Denver Broncos. In the beginning, no one mentioned the Broncos as a possible landing place for All Star Quarterback and future Hall of Famer Peyton Manning who was seeking to continue his career with a new team. 

Doing the negotiations for the Broncos was another All Star Quarterback already in the Hall of Fame, John Elway. When asked how he was able to land such a prize Elway responded, “I really don’t know. I never asked him. I never asked him who was in or where we ranked. I just know if I was in his shoes, I’d know how I’d want to be treated. And that’s how I tried to treat Peyton.” 

--Sports Illustrated, April 2, 2012 p. 55 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell

Here is a case where the golden rule paid off in a very practical way. 

Matthew 7:12 (ESV) “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

In It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership, Colin Powell writes, “Kindness is not just about being nice; it’s about recognizing another human being who deserves care and respect.”

-- It Worked for Me: Life and Leadership, p. 46. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson

Ephesians 4:32 (HCSB)  And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. 

In his book, The Insanity of God, Nik Ripken tells the story of a Southern Gentleman, “Bubba”, who responded with kindness in a difficult situation. The setting is war-torn Somolia, where Ripken served as a missionary, bringing relief to those caught in the war-famine-refugee-poverty cycle. It was a particularly hot day when an older woman with deep wrinkles approached Bubba, who was a part of a short-term mission trip assisting career missionaries with their work. 

She wasn’t happy about the allocation of food she got that day, and was letting Bubba have it with both barrels. Bubba, who towered over her and the crowd that gathered and just looked at her and smiled. His response just made her angrier.

Finally, she grabbed two handfuls of the grain she was given and threw it in Bubba’s face. What an insult. If Bubba had been a Somoli man, he probably would have beaten her for her insult. He wasn’t and he didn’t. 

Instead, he wiped the grit out of eyes, smiled big and began singing a Elvis Presley song from the ‘50’s.—Jim L. Wilson

Nik Ripken, and Gregg Lewis. Insanity of God : a true story of faith resurrected. (Nashville, Tenn: B&H Publishing Group, 2013), 93-34.

Proverbs 15:1 (NASB)  A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. 

Kyle and Kristen Upham were in a Santa Barbara jewelry store in 2004 when Paul Walker, the late Fast and Furious actor, overheard them talking about a $9,000 diamond wedding ring that was too expensive. Walker bought the ring for them, and he slipped out of the store without a word.

Kindness sets the stage to the epitome of Christianity--love. Therefore, be kind to others! —Jim L. Wilson and Larry Tong

2 Peter 1:5-7 (NRSV) For this very reason, you must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge, (6) and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with endurance, and endurance with godliness, (7) and godliness with mutual affection, and mutual affection with love. 

Mario, who has terminal cancer, asked the Ambulance Wish Foundation to give him a ride to say goodbye to the animals he cared for as a maintenance worker at the Rotterdam’s Diergaarde Blijdorp Zoo in the Netherlands.  While laying on his hospital bed, Mario received a goodbye kiss from a giraffe that leaned down to kiss him.– Jim L. Wilson and Yuet S. Flavia Wong

Proverbs 11:25 (ESV) Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. 

When Denise was only four, her father took her along on an errand to repair an elderly widow’s screen door. It only took a few minutes, but the impact of the trip remains with her to today.

After he made the repairs, her father packed up his tools, grabbed Denise’s hand and began to leave. “But Daddy,” she said, “you didn’t tell her you fixed her door.” He responded, “That’s OK, She’ll see it’s fixed.” Denise objected, “But she won’t know it was you!” 

His reply as she remembered it for a lifetime; “Pumpkin, I don’t need her to know that. That’s between God and me. And you too. I didn’t do it for the praise.” 

Denise will never forget the true meaning of a kind deed done for the right reasons. -- Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell., September 2014 p. 7

Galatians 5:22 (HCSB) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 

Actor Tommy Lee Jones said, “Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They’re underused.” --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell

The Week, October 24, 2014 p. 15.

Galatians 5:22 (HCSB) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 

Leon Delong got restless and decided to do something meaningful after he retired. He heard that city office towers were routinely throwing away half-used rolls of toilet paper. Leon began to gather them and deliver them to a local food bank, where they were given to those in need. He has been doing that for fifteen years now and has given away more than a million rolls of toilet paper. “I’m amazed how much this mattered to people,” Delong said. 

Sometimes a small kindness can grow to something special for a lot of people. “Now,” Leon Delong says, “this is my claim to fame.” --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell 

The Week, December 26, 2014, p. 2

Matthew 7:12 (CEV) Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about. 

When neighbors in a Michigan community were annoyed over a paperboy’s car making too much noise early in the morning, they had a choice. They could file a noise complaint with the police, or call the Newspaper and get him fired. Instead they decided to help out someone in need. The paper boy’s car had a big hole in the muffler and he couldn’t afford to get it fixed. The community decided to show him ‘the love of Jesus’ and raised $300 to fix the muffler. It was then that they learned that the young man’s mother had recently passed away. When they learned that the community came together to help the young man again. The community fixed the muffler and some other issues with his car, as well as offered to help him get his GED. Mike Gruppen, a resident who helped collect the money said, “We had already made the decision to help him out before finding that out, and that just added to the story.”
—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell

Zeeland neighborhood bands together to help paper boy,, Accessed December 30, 2014.

Colossians 3:12 (HCSB) “Therefore, God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,” 

Pastor Eric Dammann, recently used a personal illustration to demonstrate that God can even use a person’s mistakes by telling about an event more than a dozen years ago when he was a youth worker. He punched a smart alec teenager in the chest, knocking him to the ground.  He then said to the child he’d just abused, ‘Ben, when are you going to stop playing games with God?’  Pastor Dammann claims that the child converted to Christianity on the spot.—Jim L. Wilson

This pastor made a terrible mistake. It was a mistake when did it, and it was a mistake when he tried to put the incident in a positive light. As their core, pastors must be blameless, and when they aren’t, they need to be repentant.

Titus 1:7 (NKJV) (7) For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, 

The internet has opened up a vast world of knowledge and experience. It has also enabled the harassment of people for their views, experiences, appearances, or demographic backgrounds.  Pew Research reports that, “Fully 40 percent of online users have experienced bullying, harassment, and intimidation.” 

The distance and anonymity the internet affords gives harassers the courage they need to attack others. 

Of course the Christian, living to please our Heavenly Father will avoid using the internet as a tool of unkindness towards others. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell. 

The Week, July 31, 2015 p.10

Galatians 5:22-23 (NASB) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, (23) gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” 



Parents often refer to the word, ”please” as the magic word, but now a school in North Carolina has banned teachers from using the word.  Officials at Druid Hills Academy say the goal is make troubled children behave better. They say teachers have been trained to give concise, clear instructions in a in a format involving movement, voice, and participation. Their method does not leave room for misbehavior, and it honors the children who follow the teacher’s instructions. They say using the word “please” indicates that there is an option, but this technique is more directive and keeps the teacher in the control.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


North Carolina school bans teachers from using the word,’please.’ -using-the-word-please/1157812, Accessed January 13, 2016.


Titus 3:2 (HCSB) to slander no one, to avoid fighting, and to be kind, always showing gentleness to all people.



A 66-year old woman in Houston discovered an old friend without a place to live, so she invited the homeless friend, Thomas Smith, to stay at her house with her and her 2 young granddaughters.


During the night he was woken by a loud bang. He rushed to his friend’s bedroom and found her covered in debris. A fire had broken out in the attic. After freeing his host, he led her and the girls through the smoke to safety.


In this case, a kindness was repaid seven fold. When called a hero, the man replied, “I wouldn’t say I’m a hero. I just thank God for helping us.”  — Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell


The Week, February 5, 2016, p. 4


Ephesians 4:32 (HCSB) And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.



When the “Our Place Restaurant” in Manfield, Texas ran out of soup, they would not discount their Saturday Special or offer a substitute to Dwain Downey. Instead of shrugging it off, Downey, who happens to be an attorney, sent them a demand letter for $2.25, along with an additional $250.00 fee for writing the letter.


Benji Arslanovski, the restaurant owner, refuses to pay and says, "I'll take it to court.”


Ironically, Downing said, "I don't want to make a big deal of this.”—Jim L. Wilson


So much for the Golden Rule.


Matthew 7:12 (HCSB) “Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them—this is the Law and the Prophets.”



Champion canoeist Joe Jacobi took his 1992 Olympic gold medal with him for a television appearance. While he was inside a restaurant, three men broke into his car and took the medal. He launched a social media campaign to try to locate the medal. A six-year-old girl spotted the medal in a wooded area while walking with her family. It was intact, although the base was missing. Even though Jacobi could try to restore the medal to its original state, he said he might leave it the way it was as a reminder of the story behind the loss and recovery.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Girl finds Olympic gold medal stolen from Atlanta parking lot, By David Beasley,, Accessed JUne 20, 2016.


Mark 10:27 (HCSB)  “Looking at them, Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God, because all things are possible with God.’”




Francine Stein passed away at the age of 83, and her daughter was worried no one would come to the funeral service so she put out a request on social media, inviting strangers to come. About 30 people responded to the call for help and became the mourners and pallbearers at her funeral. Rabbi Elchanan Wenibach officiated the service, but said he did not give a eulogy because he did not know anything about Stein’s life. As it turns out, she was a musician, who had once taught Julliard School. One of the people who came said she came to the service as a simple act of “human decency.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Woman's funeral had no attendees, so 30 strangers showed up,, Accessed August 19, 2016.


Colossians 3:23 (HCSB) “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men,”



A student driver and her teacher helped London police capture a suspect by giving them a ride to the scene of a crime. Two officers were chasing a suspect on foot and called for backup to help apprehend the offender. Two officers at a patrol base about a mile away responded, but they did not have access to a vehicle. They ran toward the scene and tried to flag down passing cars. The student driver and her instructor stopped and drove the officers to the scene where they were able to apprehend the suspect. They left before police could identify them. Police said, “Sadly we were unable to say thank you to the members of the public that assisted us last night. However, we would like to trace them so we can thank them properly.”–By Jim L. Wilson & Jim Sandell


U.K. student driver gives police ride during emergency call, By Daniel Uria,, Accessed October 15, 2016.


Proverbs 21:21 (HCSB) “The one who pursues righteousness and faithful love will find life, righteousness, and honor.”



A church in Southern California passed out Random Act of Kindness (RAK) cards and asked their members to perform random acts of kindness in the community and leave a RAK card with the name of the church. One church member tried this at a Starbucks drive through. Handing the RAK card to the Starbucks attendant he asked her to give the card to the driver of the car behind him as he paid for the coffee. Just as he was pulling away, he received a call from a friend who asked him to pick up a cup of coffee for her. He pulled around and got back into line. When he got to the window, he was given his RAK card and told the person in front of him had already paid for his coffee. The card had traveled through seven cars, each one paying for the person behind them. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


Ephesians 4:32 (HCSB) “And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.”



The mother of a ten-year-old girl who messaged a police officer for help with her math homework said that the officer’s willingness to help was what mattered most, even though his calculations were a little off. Molly Draper’s daughter, Lena, messaged the Marion police department asking about equations involving addition of numbers in parenthesis and multiplication. Lt. B. J. Gruber responded and walked the fifth-grader through one problem, but when he helped her with another he made a mistake. Draper said the exchange demonstrated her daughter’s trust in police officers and the response was good relationship-building on their part. Gruber took the mistake in stride and joked that his favorite subject had always been history.–Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Ohio policeman answers girl's request for math homework help,, Accessed February 22, 2017.


Job 6:14 (HCSB) “A despairing man should receive loyalty from his friends, even if he abandons the fear of the Almighty.”



Huner Hostetler, a cashier at a restaurant in Scottsburg, Indiana said a woman waiting in the line decide to pay for the big order of a man with four children in a van behind her. She asked Hostetler to wish the man “Happy Father’s Day.” Hostetler said the gesture prompted the man to pay for two cars behind him, and that the kindness eventually spread to 167 cars by closing time. One person who was part of the chain told a local TV station that is was wonderful knowing that there were still “a lot of great people out there.”—Jim L. Wilson & Jim Sandell


Kind Act Spreads To 167 Drivers At Indiana McDonald's,, Accessed June 24, 2017


Proverbs 21:21 (CSB) “The one who pursues righteousness and faithful love will find life, righteousness, and honor.”



Jeffery Lew’s third-grade son went to school in Seattle. Jeffery heard that some families at his son’s school owed money to the school lunch program and that after three days the district disables their lunch account and bills the parents. Jeffery checked and the entire debt for the school was 97 dollars.


Beyond paying the 97 dollars Lew wondered about the debt for all the families in the entire Seattle Public School District. He began an online fundraiser and in only 4 days had raised enough to cancel the entire $20,531.79 lunch debt owed by students in Seattle schools.


It is this kind of heart of compassion that Paul was talking about when he encouraged the Christians in Colossae to be kind and generous to others. Anyone could have thought enough about the school debt to raise the funds to pay it off, Jeffery Lew did. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


World Magazine, June 10, 2017 p12


Colossians 3:12 (CSB) “Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,”



Bernard Reedy is an NFL wide receiver, recently traded from the Atlanta Falcons to the Tampa Bay Bucs. With a $465,000 contract, Reedy can give up the job he had before he made the big time but he continues to work as a driver for Care Ride, a Tampa-area company providing wheelchair and ambulatory transport. Reedy sees the off-season job as a way to provide help to those in need.


This is the kind of goodness that displays spiritual fruit. Pray that we can open our eyes to the needs around us, and that we are not too self-important to meet them. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


Galatians 5:22–23 (CSB “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things.”



Chris Mazdzer won a silver medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics. His medal was in the luge competition and is the first luge medal for an American man in the history of the Olympic Games. Before the Games, Mazdzer’s world ranking was sliding as he was struggling in some kind of rut. Just a few weeks before the games, while training in Latvia, a Russian luger offered Mazdzer his sled saying it might give him a boost. The sled was too small and not much help, but the display of friendship from his Russian competitor was a great help. “The display of friendship was really moving,” said Mazdzer, and it kicked him out of his slump and on to Olympic silver.


We can never know what some act of kindness can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling. Paul reminds us that kindness to others should be a part of our toolbox to commend Christ to others. What kindness can you display that might make a difference in the life of another? —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


The Week, February 23, 2018 p. 4


2 Corinthians 6:6 (CSB)

by purity, by knowledge, by patience, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love,



When 4-year-old Austin Perine was watching a program about a homeless baby panda, he asked his dad if there were homeless people. When he learned there were, he took his allowance and purchased chicken sandwiches, went to a local homeless shelter, and gave them away. Now Austin goes on his mission of mercy in Birmingham, Alabama once a week. He now has partners, a Go Fund Me page, and a local Burger King who gives him a $1000 per week monthly allowance to buy food.


What a tremendous example from such an unlikely source. Jesus said when we feed the hungry it is as if we were feeding him. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


The Week, June 8, 2018 p. 4


Matthew 25:35 (CSB)

“ ‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in;


 Angela Peters wanted to get a manicure. The employees refused to serve her because her hands shake because of cerebral palsy. Ebony Harris, a Walmart cashier was standing only a few feet away and heard the exchange. Harris helped Peters pick out some nail polish and spent her break painting Peters’ nails.

 One of the fruits of the spirit is kindness. An air of kindness should permeate the life of a believer. Ebony Harris wanted to help Angela Peters have a special day. Ebony is a hero to

Angela and an example of kindness for us.

 The Week, August 17/24, p. 4

 Proverbs 11:17 (CSB)
A kind man benefits himself,
but a cruel person brings ruin on himself.



Hundreds of unsuspecting people across the country were surprised when messengers gave them two bouquets of flowers, asking them to keep one and give the other bouquet to someone else.  The flower giveaway was a campaign sponsored by the Society of American Florists called “Petal It Forward.”  A spokesperson said it is impossible to know what another person in going through, and they wanted to encourage people across the country to think of ways to spread love and kindness.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Ephesians 4:32 (CSB)And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.”



Albert Lexie shined shoes for a living. Every Tuesday and Thursday for 32 years, he would leave home at 5:50 a.m. and make a three-bus trek to UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. There, he shined the shoes of staff and visitors and donated all of his tips to the hospital’s young patients. By the time he retired in 2013 he had given $202,000 to the hospital’s Free Care Fund, which provides financial assistance to the under-and-uninsured kids. When he died at the age of 76, hospital president Christopher Gessner said about Albert, “He is the perfect example of how small incremental acts of kindness can impact millions of people.” —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


The Week, November 2, 2018 p 5


Colossians 3:12 (CSB) “Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,”



A winter storm that stranded a group of soldiers became an opportunity for an Oklahoma community to show kindness. Hundreds of soldiers returning from holiday break were stuck at the Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City because the road to their base in Lawton, 80 miles away, was impassible. When the word got out, families and public officials served up kindness by donating food to care for the soldiers. The stranded troops received comfort food like chicken wings and doughnuts for almost two days until the roads in the area reopened. –Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Colossians 3:12–13 (CSB) “Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive.”



A random act of kindness got a Kansas City man named Dave tickets to the AFC Championship game between the Kansas City Chiefs and New England Patriots. Chief’s Offensive linesman Jeff Allen got stuck in the snow on his way to the game with the Indianapolis Colts. Allen said a nice guy named Dave stopped and helped him get back on the road. Allen was grateful, but did not get Dave’s information, so he used social media to help him find the man who helped him. Allen said Dave had no idea he was a football player and hundreds of people replied to his message claiming to be Dave. Allen said he was finally able to find the real Dave and rewarded his kindness with tickets to the AFC Championship. He said he found the right person, “despite the recent influx in people changing their name to Dave in the KC area. Lol.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Titus 3:1–2 (CSB)1 Remind them to submit to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, 2 to slander no one, to avoid fighting, and to be kind, always showing gentleness to all people.



Seth Marko owns a bookstore in San Diego. After a medical incident, doctors told him that he needed emergency open-heart surgery. He was not sure what would happen to his store, the Book Catapult. Scott Ehrig-Burgess is the manager of a rival bookstore nearby. Ehrig-Burgess offered to run the Catapult while Marko, 43, was in the hospital. He recruited eight volunteers from other area bookstores to help. For more than a week, Ehrig-Burgess faithfully opened and closed the Catapult and trained the volunteers while also working at his own shop. Marko was very thankful. “It’s pretty incredible,” he said.


The Week, March 8, 2019, p. 4


This is a great example of going the extra mile to be kind to another. The New Testament commands us to be kind one to another. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


Ephesians 4:32 (CSB) “And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.




Shannon Grimm, a Texas kindergarten teacher noticed that one of her students, Prisilla Perez, had become quiet and sad. Upon investigation, she discovered the little 5-year-old was struggling because her classmates thought her new haircut made her look like a boy. Shannon decided to help, so she had her waist length hair chopped down to a pixie cut and came to school with matching hair bows for her and Prisilla. Everything is different now. Prisilla is a changed person and the attitude of the kids toward her hair is very different.

The Week, March 8, 2019, p. 4


The teacher had a great opportunity to show love and kindness to her class and she did not miss the opportunity. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


Matthew 7:12 (CSB)  Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”



Joshua Peninger enjoys being kind to strangers while driving his garbage truck.  While running his route recently, Peninger saw two-year-old Charlie Pinion and his mother sitting on their front porch. When Charlie saw the truck, he waved. Peninger honked the horn and waved for Charlie and mother to come to the truck. He gave the little boy a toy garbage can on wheels.  His mother Kristen said the boy played with the toy all afternoon and showed it to his father when he got home. Kristen said she was able to track down Peninger’s name to thank him. She said the encounter was brief, but made a huge impact on her son. She said, “Something so small meant so much to us, especially him, which meant something to me.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.


Galatians 5:22–23 (CSB) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things.”



In a study of security camera footage, researchers determined that a bystander intervenes to stop a violent attack 90% of the time. This study flies in the face of conventional wisdom that strangers do not help people in need.

Galatians 6:2 (CSB) “Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.



In 1944 Waclaw Domagala was injured at the Battle of Monte Cassino. Doctors removed his left leg in an Italian military hospital. He never forgot the “angel” who nursed him back to health. She was a young 21-year-old nurse named Maria Kowalaka. Domagala is now in a senior home in southwest England. The home recently received a new resident, 96-year-old Maria Kowalaka. Domagala recognized her instantly, 75 years later. “How could I forget her?’ was Domagala’s comment.


The Week, August 16, 2019, p. 5


There are stories of elephants and animals who somehow never forget a human who does an act of kindness for them. Now we know that humans don’t easily forget kindnesses either. –Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


Hebrews 13:2 (CSB) “Don’t neglect to show hospitality, for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it.”



Axel Johnson’s excitement turned into fear quickly as he got on the big yellow bus for the first time to go to kindergarten. He began to cry. Isabel Lane, the bus driver, reached behind her and grabbed the little boy’s hand. Axel’s mother, Amy Johnson, snapped a photo of the bus driver’s kind gesture and later posted it on Social media.


Lane chatted with Axel all the way to school, and when she opened the door for him to step off the bus he was no longer crying. Lane told reporters, “I think it kind of goes for anyone—if you see someone maybe struggling, just to do something as simple as reaching out a hand and showing that you are there.” —Jim L. Wilson


Ephesians 4:32 (CSB)

And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.



The Mind Your Mind Club from Rye Neck High School in New York takes encouragement seriously. They are sending messages to their classmates using Post-it notes. The notes left throughout the school building have messages like, “You are enough,” “Be Brave,” and “Love Yourself.” Junior Lilly Morningstar is president of the club and she thinks the short, yet simple messages resonate with her peers can make a big difference. The Club’s advisor, school psychologist Nicole Crispinelli agreed. “She said school can be stressful for many reasons.  She added, “Our hope is that a small and thoughtful message may serve as a reminder to someone to take a deep breath, remember that feelings are temporary, and that they are supported at school by friends and staff.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Proverbs 16:24 (CSB)

Pleasant words are a honeycomb:

sweet to the taste and health to the body.



When Mark Eklund was in junior high school, Helen Mrosla was his math teacher. One Friday she sensed that the students were frustrated with themselves and edgy with one another. To get a handle on this she asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she had them think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. At the end of the class. She collected the papers.


On the weekend she wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper and listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday, she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. “I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!” I heard whispered. “I didn’t know others liked me so much!” No one ever mentioned those papers in class again.


Years later Mark Eklund’s parents asked her to attend his funeral after he died in Vietnam. At a dinner following the funeral Mark’s father said, “We want to show you something.” Taking a wallet out of his pocket he said, “They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.” Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had been taped, folded, and refolded many times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things each of Mark’s classmates had said about him.


“Thank you so much for doing that,” Mark’s mother said. “As you can see, Mark treasured it.” Mark’s classmates started to gather around us. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, “I still have my list. It’s in the top drawer of my desk at home.” Chuck’s wife said, “Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.”


“I have mine, too,” Marilyn said. “It’s in my diary.” Vicki reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet, and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. “I carry this with me at all times,” she said without batting an eyelash. “I think we all saved our lists.”


Mrosla, Helen; The List, Reader’s Digest, September 2019, p. 70-72


It was just a simple attempt at helping some Jr. High students understand one another. It was a simple act of kindness that made a lifetime difference to the ones who received it. We can take many opportunities to show a little kindness to others. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.


Colossians 3:12 (CSB)

Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,



Instead of hauling the food left over after Super Bowl LIV to a landfill, over 30,000 pounds of food was used to feed the hungry people in South Florida. NFL Green organizers partnered with food recovery charities like Food Rescue US to make sure the uneaten food from Hard Rock Stadium was given to local shelters. The rescued food included uneaten chicken wings, ribs, tenderloin, and other items form VIP booths and concessions stands. The food was expected to feed 20,000 people after it was distributed to locations in the Miami area. Miami Director of Food Rescue US said, “We just want to help people in need. It’s amazing to see how much food there is that otherwise would have been thrown in the trash that can now feed so many people.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell


Psalm 107:9 (CSB)

For he has satisfied the thirsty
and filled the hungry with good things.



Justin Hale, a researcher from VitalSmarts, a leadership training company says, “We've just entered uncharted territory as a workforce, and as our research indicates, many leaders aren’t fully prepared to manage remote teams . . . We need to be flexible with how we work and adjust, while acknowledging it may take a little longer for some people to adapt than it will for others."


We must model God’s compassion for others.—Jim L. Wilson


Isaiah 54:10 (CSB)

Though the mountains move

and the hills shake,

my love will not be removed from you

and my covenant of peace will not be shaken,”

says your compassionate Lord.



Michael Todd went to a new school where he was the target of taunts and laughter. He did not have new clothes and was feeling very left out. Two of the kids piling on were Garrett and Kristopher Graham, a pair of freshman football players. The Graham brothers began to realize what they were doing was wrong. They hunted through their drawers and closets, found shirts, and pants they could part with and presented them to Michael the next day. He not only got some new clothes, but he has a pair of new friends whom he eats lunch with every day. “I’ve been bullied my entire life,” Todd told CBX News. Reflecting on the day Garrett and Graham gave him the clothes calls it, “The best day of my entire life, basically.”


Readers Digest July/August 2020


Kindness is always a good choice. Each of us can keep our eyes out for little, or big acts of kindness. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell


Ephesians 4:32 (CSB)

And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.



Nurse Sarah Calvelage is dispensing more than Meds as she treats patients in the COVID-19 ICU of her Huntsville, Alabama hospital—she is giving smiles. As you can imagine, it can be hard for patients to fight the physical effects of the disease, but that is not their only challenge. The only human interaction they have is with people wearing masks, gowns and face shields.  They go weeks, even months without seeing a smile.


Nurse Calvelage decided to do something about it. Using Social Media she asked people to send things that she could hang on the walls of the ICU room. People of all ages responded. Adults sent cards and children drew home drawn pictures. She said, “We’ve been able to brighten up their rooms of all of our patients back here and it really has seemed to improve their mood and lift their spirits quite a bit.” –Jim L. Wilson


Colossians 3:12 (CSB)

Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,




Ellen DeGeneres is a television host and comedian who is known for telling people, “Be kind to one another.” To clarify she recently said, “When I say, “Be kind to one another,” I don’t mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone.”


Readers Digest, March 2020, p. 19


This is a lesson we could all take to heart. — Jim Wilson and Rodger Russell


1 Samuel 20:14 (CSB)

If I continue to live, show me kindness from the Lord, but if I die,


There is a masked crusader on the streets of Santiago, Chile, this summer. But rather than fighting criminals, Solidarity Batman delivers hot meals. It is a challenging time in Chile. Unemployment has reached a record 12 percent. Recently, an unidentified man has been donning a full Batman suit, plus a surgical mask for coronavirus protection, and traveling through the capital city sharing sympathy and plates of food. Anyone can be like him, the everyday superhero says. “Look around you, see if you can dedicate a little time, a little food, a little shelter, a word sometimes of encouragement to those who need it.”

 The Week, September 4, 2020, p. 5

 Jesus said that those for whom the kingdom of God was prepared are those who give the hungry something to eat. —Jim Wilson and Rodger Russell
Matthew 25:34–35 (CSB)

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

“ ‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in;


Sam Gifford and a friend were taking senior pictures along the Mississippi River near Minneapolis, when a nearby shout changed their focus.  Authorities said an older man hunting for a lost drone had slipped on a trail and slid 60 feet down the embankment towards the river. Gifford asked his friend to contact authorities while he climbed down to the man and kept him calm until help arrived. Gifford said he had lifeguard training in the past which helped with the situation.  Rescue crews were able to help both Gifford and the man to safety. Gifford said, “I just kept him talking, making sure that he was comfortable, different things like that. Make sure he wouldn’t slip any further.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell

 Acts 20:35 (CSB)

In every way I’ve shown you that it is necessary to help the weak by laboring like this and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, because he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”


 The tree selected to stand in New York’s Rockefeller Center for the 2020 Christmas season came with an unexpected guest. An employee of the company that secured and transported the tree spotted a little owl in the tree. He put it in a box and called his wife, who checked with a local wildlife center. They discovered the owl was not a baby, but rather a Saw-whet owl, a species of the smallest owls living in the Northeastern United States. They took it to a wildlife center who nursed the hungry and thirsty animal back to health. They named the tiny bird, “Rockefeller” and planned to release it back in the wild, when it was healthy again.  Ellen Kalish, director of the Ravensbeard Wildlife Center in New York, where the owl was taken said, “It’s a wonderful story for this crazy time. A wonderful story, for a wonderfully cute owl, named ‘Rockefeller.’”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell

Psalm 145:9 (CSB)

The Lord is good to everyone;

his compassion rests on all he has made.


A Florida couple said they were grateful to a man who found and returned a bag containing a quarter million dollars in lost jewelry. Joe and Elif Fitzgerald had attended a charity event in Florida and had a lot to pick up after the event. They put a bag containing $250,000 worth of jewelry in the back of their car, but the hatch did not close and the bag fell out as they drove home. The couple said they discovered the trunk was open and Elif checked her phone and found dozens of missed calls telling her that a bag belonging to her had been found in the road. The couple said a stranger found the bag and called 911 to make sure it as returned. They said they were surprised by the man’s honesty and plan to reward him for his good deed. Elif said, “I was completely shocked that they returned it. I have valuable jewelry. It’s an amazing feeling knowing there are people out there like that man.” –Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell

Romans 9:15 (CSB)

For he tells Moses, I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.


 Despite the bad news in the world around them, two North Dakota families choose to focus on good and spread kindness. 11-year-old Eva Brooke and her family collected $280 and gave it to their server when they visited one of their favorite local restaurants. Brooke said she got the idea from another friend, whose family reached out to friends and collected over $1,600, which they split into two super tips. Brooke said she calls the idea, “Project Kindness” and plans to make spreading kindness a top priority. She said neither her family, nor her friend’s family know the servers they helped, and said giving a gift to a stranger made it a little extra special. Brooke said, “It’s good to give and always be kind.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Hebrews 13:2 (CSB)

Don’t neglect to show hospitality, for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it.



In his book, Bezonomics: How Amazon Is Changing Our Lives and What the World's Best Companies Are Learning from It, Brian Dumaine recounts a trip Bezos took with his grandparents when he was 10 years old. He wrote, “His grandmother Mattie was a chain-smoker, and at that time the networks were running a major TV ad

campaign to get people to stop smoking—Bezos saw these ads while watching the Days of Our Lives soap opera during afternoons at the ranch. One of the advertisements had a statistic that said every puff of a cigarette takes two minutes off your life. One day during the trip, while sitting in the backseat of his grandparents’ car, he calculated how much time Mattie had taken off her life. When he was finished with his arithmetic, he proudly announced to her how many years she’d lost but got a reaction he didn’t expect. She burst into tears. His grandfather stopped the car and took Bezos out of the backseat. He had no idea what was about to happen because Pop Gise had never before said a cross word to him. Recalls Bezos: “I thought he might actually be angry with me, but he wasn’t. He said these incredible words, ‘You’re going to find out one day that it’s harder to be kind than clever.’”

--Bezonomics, pg. 36.

Proverbs 11:17 (CSB)

A kind man benefits himself,

but a cruel person brings ruin on himself.


Restaurant owner Robert Magiet has found a unique way to help other small food vendors on the coldest Chicago days. Magiet stops at the vendor’s carts and buys their entire inventory for the day which allows the vendors to make their daily wages and also go home and stay warm.  On average, he buys 15 dozen tamales for $16 a dozen and said many vendors are in disbelief when he stops because they do not understand why someone would want to buy so many tamales at once.  After he buys the food, Magiet donates it to community food banks and shelters to help those in need and the homeless.  Magiet encourages others to help those in need any way they can. He added, “All it takes is one act of kindness and others will notice and join in. Together, we can all make a huge difference in other’s lives.  It’s never been more important to support each other.” –Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell

Luke 10:36–37 (CSB)

“Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?”

“The one who showed mercy to him,” he said.

Then Jesus told him, “Go and do the same.”