Studies are showing that
being a good, supportive spouse is good for your
health. “Men over 65 whose wives consider them a
source of emotional strength usually live longer
than less needed hubbies.”
—Reader’s Digest, October
2002, p. 48 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Galatians 5:13 NIV “You, my
brothers, were called to be free. But do not use
your freedom to indulge the sinful nature;
rather, serve one another in love.”
During a friendly argument, a
husband asked his wife why she married him in
the first place.
"I was just stupid," she
When he said he was happy to
hear that, she requested an explanation.
"People get divorced all the
time because they fall out of love," he said.
"But I've never heard of anybody falling out of
—Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Ed Rowell
A British mathematician says
he can predict with remarkable accuracy, which
newly married, couples will have a happy life
together. Professor James Murray says two
formulas he devised have a 94 percent success
rate when it comes to predicting whether or not
a couple will stay together.
Murray discovered the formula
during a 10-year study of 700 couples in the
United States. The experiment involved observing
couples during a 15-minute interview when they
were newly married. Murray says the couple’s
ability to communicate on subjects like sex,
child rearing, and money were measured using a
scale of points for good or bad signals. Good
signals included smiles and affectionate
gestures, while negative points were recorded
for signals such as rolling the eyes, mocking,
or coldness. The points were then converted into
algebraic terms, which enabled the authors to
make divorce projections. Researchers used one
formula for the husband and another for the
wife. The couples were interviewed again every
two years and the model predicted which
marriages would fail with near perfect
—Reuters, Algebra Points the
Way to a Happy Marriage, August 8, 2003,
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Amazing! Mutual attraction
isn’t reason enough for people to get married.
The best marriages are the ones made in
heaven—the ones God joined together. That’s why
choose a mate begins by discovering God’s
Mark 10:9 NASB "What
therefore God has joined together, let no man
According to Lisa McLaughlin,
cohabitation before marriage is on the rise, up
from 10% in 1960 to 50% 1998.
—Time 4-24-2000 p 86
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
1 Cor. 6:13 KJV "Now the body
is not for fornication."
Donna Wood of the Boston
Massachusetts area has posted a sign in her
front yard asking, “Who wants to marry my
Inspired by recent “reality
shows” on television, and frustrated by her 22
year-old daughter’s poor choices in partners
over the years, Wood is seeking a soul mate for
her daughter, Karah Devlin. Wood also put in ad
in a local newspaper seeking the perfect
gentlemen. She feels the perfect match for her
daughter should enjoy movies, horse-back riding,
long walks, and water sports.
Wood says “The last guy, she
(Karah) dated prompted my husband and I to do
this. He was covered in tattoos, was a lot older
than she is and was just horrifying.” Wood says
her daughter has very poor taste in men. Wood
has taken charge of finding her daughter’s soul
mate. She is asking applicants to submit an
essay and a picture of himself. Wood will pick
ten finalists. After conducting interviews and
criminal checks, the finalists will spend time
with the family before a winner is chosen. Wood,
her husband, and two friends will make the final
Wood says her daughter will
have a say in the final selection since she will
probably marry that person. Wood adds, “We have
to make the decision because if there’s one bad
guy and one good guy, she’ll pick the bad
Wood’s daughter, Karah has a
four-year-old daughter. She admits she hasn’t
made the best choices in her life, saying, “My
decisions haven’t always been the best. I’m very
gullible. It’s very hard for me.” She adds she
is looking forward to the contest.
—Reuters, Monday, August 18,
2003, Mother takes Applications from Daughter’s
Suitors, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
I don’t know, but I don’t
think the only problem Karah has is selecting a
husband. This whole thing seems way extreme to
me. Perhaps the best solution to anyone’s
problem in which person they should marriage is
to ask God, and then follow His will.
Matthew 19:6 NASB “So they
are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God
has joined together, let man not
Ernest Becker, an atheist
author, in his book The Denial of Death, writes
that in ancient times romantic love was seldom
the basis for marriage. Becker says that modern
people don't want to admit to what degree they
are making up for the lack of inner spiritual
fullness by looking out there for their one true
love. He puts it this way,
"We still need to feel that
our life matters in the scheme of things. We
still want to merge our selves with some higher
self-absorbing meaning in trust and in
gratitude. But if we no longer have God, how are
we to do this? One of the first ways that
occurred to the modern person, as Otto Rank saw,
was the romantic solution. The
self-glorification that we need in our innermost
being, we now look for in the love partner. What
is it that we want when we elevate the love
partner to this position? We want to be rid of
our faults. We want to be rid of our feeling of
nothingness. We want to be justified. We want to
know that our existence hasn't been in vain. We
want redemption, nothing less…Needless to say,
human beings can't give you that."
In other words, the reason
why so many marriages fail and relationships end
in heartbreak is because we demand too much from
them. We idealize and idolize our partner,
looking to them to complete us, only to discover
that they have faults just like we do, and lack
the power to fill our inner emptiness or satisfy
our hunger for love. Only God can give to us and
be for us what our hearts truly long for. The
gospel is that Jesus Christ came and lived for
us, died for us and rose for us in order to give
us the justification and redemption that our
hearts so desperately long for. He alone makes
our lives matter.
— Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Dave Bootsma
For more information on The
Denial of Death, go to:
Finding your true love is a
good thing—but that doesn’t mean it is an easy
thing—especially when it is easy to allow
superficial things to divert your attention from
more important things. Aaron Ahuvia is a
consumer psychologist and associate professor of
marketing at the University of Michigan. After
studying dating behavior, he said, "People are
not good at understanding what they find
attractive in other people. People tend to focus
on common interests and superficial
characteristics and not understand the
importance of—or want to talk about—goals,
values and what they want to get out of a
by Jim L. Wilson
In my own marriage, I’ve
noticed a willingness on both of our parts to
adapt to things like preferences and interests.
As long as we’re doing it together, it doesn’t
matter so much what we are doing. Yet, for many
people common interests take higher priority
than common values. If we didn’t both value
things like our family, faith and our commitment
to be world changers, we would be in trouble.
But because we do, things of lesser importance
seem to fall into place.
Proverbs 18:22 (NASB) “He
who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains
favor from the Lord.”
For years, conventional
wisdom has said that a couple has a better
chance of staying married if they live together
before marriage. Society quickly dismissed the
church as being closed minded and backward for
even suggesting that marriage is the proper
context for sex and that couples should get
married before they cohabitate. But now some
researches from Pennsylvania State University
are saying that cohabitation before marriage is
not such a good idea.
Dr. Catherine Cohan and
Stacey Kleinbaum interview 92 couples, primarily
white, college educated people without children,
who were married for less than 2 years. In
general, they discovered that those who lived
together before marriage were more verbally
aggressive, more hostile and less supportive
than those who waited until marriage to live
together. The problem, according to the authors,
could be that those living together without the
benefit of marriage have less commitment to one
another and so they don't work at their marriage
as much. They summed up their research by
saying, "We just know that people who lived
together first had poorer communication skills."
They weren't quick to draw conclusions from the
study, but did say, "…there's nothing in the
research that says that living together helps
people in the long-run."
by Jim L. Wilson
Hebrews 13:4 NASB "Let
marriage be held in honor among all, and let the
marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and
adulterers God will judge."
From the April 30, 1999
edition of The Tennessean:
Dear Ann Landers:
On Aug. 14, 1945, the war
ended in the South Pacific. That was the day I
met the most beautiful and wonderful woman in
the world-my wife. There was a celebration
downtown, and I was kissing whoever came along.
Then, I kissed Mary. That kiss was special, and
I immediately put her name and phone number on a
handy piece of paper-a policeman's traffic
ticket, which I put in my wallet.
One day, as I lounged in my
barracks, I opened my wallet, and out fell that
ticket with Mary's name on it. I wrote her a
letter and the rest is history.
We have been married for 50
years and have three daughters and six
grandchildren. Now, my Mary, my beautiful rose,
is wilting. She has Alzheimer's disease, and I
am helpless to do anything about it. There are
no letters to write, no courtship to win her
love, only wonderful memories. I hold her hand,
serve her breakfast in bed, hug her and try to
hold on. How long this rose will continue to
bloom only God knows.
Seeing this disease rob me
of this wonderful person is hard, but I am
grateful that I have always told Mary how much I
loved her. I will never abandon her. She will be
with me always until "death do us part."
—Eddie in Indiana
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Ed
Merrilee Cole, a homeless
Australian woman has announced that she is suing
the Catholic church for $25 million dollars
because the priest forgot to sign her marriage
certificate over 50 years ago.
In May of 1950, Cole walked
down the aisle with her childhood sweetheart
Walter, promising to honor, cherish, and obey
The mother of seven says she
endured 16 years of marriage before divorcing
Walter. Last year, Cole discovered that the
priest had not signed her marriage certificate.
She says she would have left the loveless cruel
marriage earlier if she had known it was not
valid. “I believed, I was a lawfully wedded
wife, married and bound by the wedding vows. I
didn’t realize I could have walked away at any
time,” she says.
Church officials have asked
the court to throw out the case noting the
“technical defect” had no impact on the validity
of the marriage. They say the couple believed
they were man and wife, lived together as man
and wife, and even registered with Births,
Deaths, and Marriages as man and wife. Church
officials do not believe the priest expected
anyone would suffer loss and damage by failing
to sign a marriage license.
Cole says she is seeking a
million dollars for each year since her divorce.
She adds, I was never treated as a wife; I was
treated as a slave.”
August 21, 2002, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
It was not the lack of a
signature that caused this marriage to fail. The
failure occurred in the hearts of the people
Matthew 19:6 “Haven’t you
read,” he replied, “ that the Creator made them
male and female, and said “For this reason a man
will leave his father and mother and be united
to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?
So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore,
what God has joined together, let man not
Recently, network television
made a mockery of marriage when they asked the
question, "Who wants to marry a millionaire?"
and turned a sacred institution into a for
profit game show. Though I didn't see the show,
I did see a news report about it. Things didn't
turn out so well for the couple, but really,
wouldn't we have been surprised if it did?
A couple of years ago, I read
a news report about a groom that stabbed his
wife to death just hours after exchanging their
marriage vows. What was the argument about that
led to murder? Apparently, Louis Deleg, the
groom was jealous of an acquaintance of his
bride, so he stabbed his bride, Tina Entwistle
to death. Those at the wedding reception tried
to intervene, but to no avail.
—Reuters, March 30,
1998 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
God's purpose for marriage is
in startling contrast to the majority view of
our culture. He intended for the marriage
relationship to be an intimate, permanent union.
God created woman with marriage in mind.
Genesis 2:23-24 "And Adam
said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of
my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she
was taken out of Man. [24] Therefore shall a man
leave his father and his mother, and shall
cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one
The demographers are starting
to analyze the 2000 census data and are
reporting some of the trends they are
discovering. On May 14, 2001, the Washington
Post reported that the number of cohabitating
unmarried couples rose by 72 percent over the
past decade from 3.19 million to 5.47
Are we on the lower end of a
slippery slope that began decades ago? Will the
day come when traditional values will no longer
include marriage as the accepted context for
sex? Has that day already arrived? Commenting on
the trend, Andrew J. Cherlin, a Johns Hopkins
University sociology professor said, "The
central place of marriage in our family system
is eroding."
by Jim L. Wilson
Hebrews 13:4 NASB "Let
marriage be held in honor among all, and let the
marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and
adulterers God will judge."
When Country Singers Faith
Hill and Tim McGraw got married in 1996, they
made a vow that they would never spend more than
3 days apart from one another. Faith is keeping
that vow.
Her third album, FAITH has
surpassed three million copies in sales and she
owned the 1999 Academy of Country Music Awards
by taking home 4 trophies, including the one for
Top Female Vocalist. Yet, she views her family
as her major accomplishment. And she is keeping
her vows.
—Reader's Digest (Dec. 99, p.
52-53) Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
About 10 years ago Jim Wilson
had a brilliant idea for a sure fire way to get
rich. "I wrote a booklet entitled, Getting
Close, Staying Close: How to Increase Intimacy
in your Marriage, and offered it for sale in the
Classified Ads of Modern Bride magazine. It was
a perfect plan. The average reader of Modern
Bride only buys two copies, yet the magazine has
a very high circulation. So I figured that I
could run the ad forever and really rake in the
"I wrote the copy for the ad,
selling the booklet for $5.00, and mailed the
payment to the advertising department. Most of
the couples in my church were longing for
intimacy, I just knew this booklet would be a
great success. It wasn't. I sold three copies.
My $200+ investment made me $15.00 in gross
Why the dismal failure?
"I misread the market. Most
brides aren't preparing for a marriage, they are
preparing for a wedding—there's a
Weddings are important, but
they only last a few hours. A marriage is
another story. It lasts for a lifetime and can
be the closest human relationship we will ever
have. Yet, many couples struggle to find real
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
He said he would climb a
mountain for her—literally—but he got stuck
halfway up the sheer face of Marriage
Now, Lillooet-area (British
Columbia) T'it'q'et band Chief Norm Leech says
climbing a sheer rock face 180 metres high to
get to his waiting bride-to-be was so tough—and
eventually required a boost from rescuers—that
he intends to stay married.
Band tradition requires the
bride to climb the mountain using an easier back
route through trails. But the groom must climb a
steep rock face on the front using whatever
means he can muster, including his bare
Once he reaches the summit of
Marriage Mountain he is then supposed to lead
his bride back down to the village, where the
wedding can then take place.
As native bands and dancers
continued the drumbeat below, the chief was
stuck on a ledge with his brother, with no way
of going down or up.
Lillooet RCMP Const. Brian
Evans said the call for help came shortly after
noon and he decided the chief needed help. He
called in a rescue helicopter which finally
managed to haul the chief up to where Ireland
was waiting patiently.
The time was 7.30 p.m. She
had waited for her man for almost 10
"Eventually, and with some
help, I made it up," the chief laughed.
Several days later the chief
stated that he was happily married and that he
plans to stay married. "I am never doing that
again [climbing a mountain]."
— The Vancouver Province,
July 10 2001, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and
Dave Bootsma
Marriage requires commitment.
There are times when it is like climbing a
mountain without anything to hold on to. It is
tougher than we thought. Only our commitment to
the one we vowed to love forever, and our
dependency upon God's grace to help us with the
climb, will keep us from falling or giving
The best way to avoid a life
of crime may be to get married. According to a
new study released by the University of Florida,
ex-convicts who tied the knot were less likely
to commit another crime. Researchers also
discovered that ex-cons who did not make a
commitment and simply lived with a significant
other did not fare as well.
Lead author of the study Alex
Piquero says, “There is something about marriage
that leads offenders to turn away from crime.”
Piquero, a professor of criminology and law of
the University of Florida, adds, “Common law
relationships for living together actually lead
to more crime among non-white offenders.”
Piquero and his colleagues
followed the lives of 524 young men for seven
years after they were paroled from the
California Youth Authority. The young men
studied had committed serious crimes such as
burglary, auto theft, assault, rape, and murder.
Piquero says he suspects that marriage brings
stability and a positive routine to ex-con’s
lives. Living together does not produce the same
sense of responsibility and people feel free to
live more erratic lifestyles.
The study found marriage was
the only lifestyle factor that appeared to deter
crime; Living together and heroin dependency
were the two factors that made ex-convicts more
likely to break the law again.
Dr. Hilten Patel, a
psychiatrist in Michigan is not surprised by the
findings. He says, Mental health professionals
“find that people who are married, especially
males, generally tend to do better overall.
That’s also true for physical health.”
—, Marriage Keeps
Ex-cons Out of Trouble, By Serena Gordon,
September 19, 2002. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell. (The University of
Florida findings appear in the September issue
of Social Science Quarterly.)
1 Peter 3:1 NIV “Wives, in
the same way be submissive to your husbands so
that, if any of them do not believe the word,
they may be won over without words by the
behavior of their wives.”
Research conducted and
published by USA Today shows that the number of
church weddings is declining while the number of
civil marriages, or couples living together, are
on the rise. Family researchers say the growing
number of couples living together without the
benefit of marriage and raising children is a
Though the numbers of
divorces and out-of-wedlock births have leveled
off in the past few years, families in which
parents co-habit have steadily increased.
Researchers say that though an unmarried mom and
dad living together look like a married couple,
the partnerships lack the formal long-term
commitment. This lack of commitment causes
problems for children.
Sociologists are discovering
that children raised by live-in parents are more
likely to experience emotional troubles and to
demonstrate poor performance in school. Since a
live-in household is less stable, a cohabiting
partner is more likely to suffer depression and
twice as likely to exhibit aggressive behavior.
The children of these unions follow suite by
being more likely to repeat grades in school,
drop out of school, become sexually active, or
exhibit anxiety.
As a result many governmental
agencies are working on ways to spread a
pro-marriage message. Some offer discounts on
marriage licenses if couples take classes
designed to build skills needed to make their
marriages work. The White House has even added
money to pay for counseling encouraging unwed
mothers to marry and give them the skills needed
to stay together.
Critics of these policies
argue that lifestyle decisions are none of the
government’s business. Proponents contend that
when the welfare of children is at risk,
reminding adults that their lifestyle decisions
do matter and are important.
—, Trend
to live together, not marry, puts kids at risk,
Monday, October 20, 2003. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Matthew 19:4-6 NIV. “Haven’t
you read,” he responded, “that at the beginning
the Creator made them ‘male and female,’ and
said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his
father and mother and be united to his wife, and
the two will become one flesh’? So they are no
longer two, but one. Therefore what God has
joined together, let no man separate.”
According to University of
Toronto psychiatrist, “There is nothing like a
good marriage.” Baker has spent the past decade
studying the effect of marital strain on
cardiovascular health. In a recent study, he
followed men and women with borderline high
pressure for three years. Baker discovered blood
pressure is directly linked to what he terms,
“Marital Cohesion,” or how much a couple does
and shares together.
An earlier study discovered
that couples in good marriages had thinner heart
walls than those in bad marriages. A thicker
heart wall means higher blood pressure
Baker’s research agrees with
a growing number of studies linking the state of
a person’s marriage to their overall health. One
study showed that marital stress can double the
risk of developing diabetes. A Swedish study
found that women in marital disharmony had a
three-times greater risk of a second heart
attack. Another study showed that positive
interactions can boost immunity and reduce the
risk of heart disease by keeping stress hormones
There are lots of good
reasons to choose a mate wisely. One reason is
for your health.
“The Importance of Being…Married,” May 22, 2002,
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Proverbs 19:13-14. NIV A
foolish son is his father’s ruin, and a
quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.
Houses and wealth are inherited from parents,
but a prudent wife is from the Lord.”
In ancient times,
philosophers were in the marketplace exchanging
ideas. But where do philosophers ply their
trades today? The only place I can think of is
Country Music. It is, perhaps, one of the last
bastions of pop philosophy in our day.
I recently ran across a list
of quirky titles that left me thinking about
what our modern-day philosophers were saying.
What collective message does this list of
Country Song titles give you?
“How Can I Miss You if You
Won’t Go Away?”
“If the Phone Doesn’t Ring.
It’s Me”
“My Wife Ran Off With My Best
Friend. (I Sure Miss Him)”
“I Keep Forgettin’ I Forgot
About You”
“Thank God and Greyhound
(She’s Gone)”
“I Got You on My Conscience,
But at Least You’re Off My Back.”
—Reader’s Digest, June 2002,
p. 123 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
After I stop laughing at the
list of song titles, I’m left scratching my
chin. These songs appear to take marital discord
for granted. The message is simple; life without
“you” is a better life for “me.” Though the
scripture does say, “A constant dripping on a
day of steady rain and a contentious woman are
alike;” (Proverbs 27:15 NASB) it also paints a
picture of the home as an ideal place where a
husband and wife nurtures one another and their
children into wholeness and peace.
The starting place for
building a home that a Country Singer would
never croon over could be as simple as saying a
kind word or doing a considerate act.
Proverbs 15:1 NIV “A gentle
answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs
up anger.”
According to sociologist
Andrew Greeley, a recent survey of 657 couples
showed that 75% of people who pray with their
spouses describe their marriages as "very happy"
as opposed to 57% of couples that don't pray
—Reader's Digest, March 2002,
p. 184 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Galatians 6:2 KJV “Bear ye
one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of
The movie "Mr. & Mrs.
Smith" recently hit theatres raking in over 186
million dollars. In the film, the Smiths are an
ordinary, suburban couple trapped in a lifeless
marriage. Each of them, however, is hiding a
terrible secret: both are highly trained
assassins living covert lives, hidden even from
each other. The plot thickens (as does their
marital problems) when both are hired to kill
each other. Throughout the film both Mr. and
Mrs. Smith fling knives, shoot guns and set off
bombs with the intention of killing one another.
Marriage counseling's not gonna solve this
Why would a film with such a
morbid plot do so well in theatres? Something
about this tale must have struck a chord with
contemporary audiences.
Unfortunately, the common
attitude is "If you are not happy, get out."
There are even jewelry companies that rent
wedding rings to young couples who have a
supposedly 'realistic' view of marriage.
It's a sad day in America
when we trivialize, if not celebrate, such
marital strife.
—"Mr. & Mrs Smith".
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Nathan
Ephesians 5:22-25 (NIV)
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife as
Christ is the head of the church, his body, of
which he is the Savior. Now as the church
submits to Christ, so also wives should submit
to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love
your wives, just as Christ loved the church and
gave himself up for her"
Ali Aghili and Marney Hurst
had planned a June wedding in Aspen, Colorado,
but the authorities intervened to halt it. The
night before their wedding, they had a knock
down and drag out fight that escalated into a
fist fight. After responding to a 911 call, the
police spent three hours with them sorting the
whole mess out and then arrested them. The bond
they posted for their freedom required that they
stay away from each other.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Eventually the bond will
expire and the two will be allowed to have their
wedding, hopefully before they do, they can
learn to resolve their differences in a
healthier manner so they can fulfill their
destiny of an interdependent lifelong
1 Corinthians 11:11 (KJV)
"Nevertheless neither is the man without the
woman, neither the woman without the man, in the
A British couple has worked
their way into the Guinness Book of World
records by staying married for 80 years. The
Guinness organization says the couple holds two
records, one for the longest marriage for a
living couple, and for having the oldest
aggregate age of a married couple. 105-year-old
Percy Arrowsmith and his 100 year-old wife,
Florence were married June 1, 1925 after meeting
at their local church where he sang in the choir
and she taught Sunday school.
Mrs. Arrowsmith attributed
the success of their marriage to hard work and
never going to bed with an argument unsettled.
She added, "It has not been easy, but worth
every minute because he is much more than my
best friend; he is the love of my life."
The couple's daughter Jane
Woolley said her parents are both "very perky."
The family says the couple always kisses each
other and holds hands before going to bed.
—Associated Press, U.K.
Couple Marks 80th Wedding Anniversary, June 1,
2005; Agence France Presse, Couple reveal
secrets of long—very, very long—marriage. June
1, 2005. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Ephesians 5:31 (TEV) "As the
scripture says, 'For this reason a man will
leave his father and mother and unite with his
wife, and the two will become one.'"
In England, researchers are
interpreting the data from a new report that is
showing that marriage is on the decline and
cohabitation is on the increase in their
country. In the early '70's about 10% of all
births were to unwed mothers. In 1974 it
increased to 32% and today it is 42%. Robert
Whelan, of the Civitas think-tank, said: "Of all
the statistics that show our problems this is
the one that matters most. There needs to be a
programme to educate the public in the problems
associated with children brought up by one
Phillip Hodson, a fellow of
the British Association for Counseling and
Psychotherapy, underscores the difference
between marriage and cohabitation. "Marriage is
when two people become one," he suggested, "and
cohabitation is when two people remain
by Jim L. Wilson
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB) "This is
why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds
with his wife, and they become one flesh."
In her book, "Who Put the Cat
in the Fridge?", Rhonda Rhea writes, "When two
people both want the same thing—to live a life
that glorifies the Father—a oneness is born that
breeds success."
—"Who Put the Cat in the
Fridge?", pg. 77-78. Illustration by Jim L.
Genesis 2:24 (ASV) "Therefore
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and
shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be
one flesh."
Two people gave Steven Dulka
their hearts on the same day.
One literally, through a
transplant, the other figuratively, through
marriage. Dulka suffered from inflammation of
the heart and had been released from the
hospital expecting to receive a heart transplant
as soon as a heart became available.Shortly
after noon on his wedding day, Dulka received a
call from the hospital's transplant coordinator
asking him to come in right away because a heart
was waiting.
Since the ceremony was
planned for two o'clock, the couple called to
ask if they could move up the ceremony.When the
chapel agreed, the couple enlisted friends to
call everyone on the guest list to inform them
of the new time. Immediately following the
ceremony, the newlyweds sped to the
When asked about the change
of plans, the bride, Deidre Dulka said, "Even
though it was short, it was really romantic,
really serious, really loving, really
proper."She swept her arms around the hospital
room, and added. "This is our honeymoon
—Associated Press, Groom Gets
New Heart on His Wedding Day, October 14, 2004.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Proverbs 18:22 (NASB) "He who
finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains
favor from the Lord."
The United State Armed Forces
is sponsoring "marriage enrichment" seminars in
hopes of saving marriages ravaged by military
operations overseas.Studies show that the
divorce rate has risen to 21 percent among
couples where one spouse has been sent off to
war.In response to the need the Army is spending
$2 million on a variety of marriage programs
such as vouchers for romantic getaway to places
like the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, and
marriage building weekends.
One program being implemented
Army-wide teaches couples communication skills
and the value of forgiveness. It includes a
40-hour course with lessons on the dangers of
alcohol and tobacco and how to recognize
post-traumatic stress. Soldiers who complete the
program receive promotion points and a weekend
retreat with their spouse.To make the program
more desirable, the Army is encouraging
commanders to give their soldiers time off to
attend, providing babysitting.
Col. Glen Bloomstrom,
director of ministry initiatives for the Chief
of Chaplains says, "If you learn those skills,
you can make an impact on the number of
divorces, and the number, we think, of reports
of physical violence."Bloomstrom added, "What
we're trying to do is change the culture, that
it's OK to work on your marriage and take some
time, and invest in your lifelong
relationship—especially now when we're asking so
much of your military spouses."
—Associated Press, $2 million
to save Army marriages, December 29, 2004.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Matthew 19:4-6 (NASB) "And He
answered and said, 'Have you not read, that He
who created them from the beginning made them
male and female, [5] and said, 'For this cause a
man shall leave his father and mother, and shall
cleave to his wife; and THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE
FLESH'? [6] Consequently they are no longer two,
but one flesh. What therefore God has joined
together, let no man separate."
A new study suggests that
staying married has unique benefits, and one of
the most noticeable may be financial. The
nationwide study found the wealth of a married
person is almost double that of someone who is
The study compiled data taken
over a 15-year period, involved 9,000 Americans
between the ages of 21 and 28 in 1985. While
respondents who remained single had a slow but
steady growth of wealth, those who married and
stayed married showed a sharp increase in wealth
accumulation after marriage growing by about 16
percent a year by the tenth year of
The study found that divorce
among baby boomers reduced personal wealth by 77
percent when compared with people who remained
single. Married couple saw their wealth double
during the same time period.
Research Scientist and author
of the study Jay Zagorsy summed up his findings
saying, "If you really want to increase your
wealth, get married and stay married. On the
other hand, divorce can devastate your
—Reuters, Marriage builds
wealth more than being single?, January 20,
2006. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Hebrews 13:4-5 (TEV)
"Marriage is to be honored by all, and husbands
and wives must be faithful to each other. God
will judge those who are immoral and those who
commit adultery. [5] Keep your lives free from
the love of money, and be satisfied with what
you have. For God has said, 'I will never leave
you; I will never abandon you.'"
(I thought the fact that this
two verses were together was interesting based
on the results of this study.)
Captain Caleb Holt is
a firefighter who loves his job, and thinks he
knows what it means to love his wife, Kathryn.
While he is valiantly fighting fires and saving
lives in the community, a fire of another kind
threatens to destroy his marriage. As a
firefighter, Caleb knows it is important never
to leave your partner alone, especially in a
fire. What he must learn is why the same
statement is true about his marriage. When Caleb
and his wife are at the end of their wits and on
the brink of divorce, Caleb’s father challenges
him to take a 40-day challenge in an attempt to
save his ailing marriage. Caleb reluctantly
accepts the challenge, hoping one way or the
other, he will be able to find peace, and be
free of the troubles in his private life. When
he begins the challenge, Caleb learns the task
ahead of him is bigger than he thought,
especially when his friend Michael Simmons
confronts him with an important truth about a
marriage relationship.
Option 1: Show Clip from
Fireproof, Chapter 7, 30-39 to 33:06 and make
Option 2: Describe scene
from Fireproof and make application
Caleb and Michael met
in the firehouse kitchen after the others have
gone to bed. Michael asks Caleb about the
challenge ahead. “40 days. Does Kathryn know?”
Without looking up, Caleb dryly responds, “I’m
not going to tell her. If she wants to go ahead
and file, that’s up to her.” Obviously worried,
Michael says, “Divorce is a hard thing, man.”
Revealing the need he feels within, Caleb
responds, “Well, if it brings peace.”
Michael looks Caleb
in the eye and tells him, “Caleb, you want the
right kind of peace.” Confused, Caleb asks,
“What do mean by that?” Michael gestures toward
Caleb’s hand. “Do you know what that ring on
your finger means?” Nonchalantly, Caleb takes a
sip of his coffee, and says, “It means I’m
married.” Then Michael begins to go into more
detail. He tells Caleb, “Yeah. Well it also
means you made a lifelong covenant. You, putting
on that ring while saying your vows.” He pauses
then adds, “the sad part about it is, when most
people say,’ for better or for worse’, they
really only mean for the better.”
Caleb’s interest is
piqued at the comment, and responds, “Kathryn
and I were in love when we got married, but
today we’re two very different people, alright?
It’s just not working anymore.” To counter
Caleb’s objections, Michael looks for something
to make his point clear and finally grabs the
salt and pepper shakers from the table. Holding
them in his hands he says, “Caleb, Salt and
Pepper are completely different. Their makeup is
different. Their taste and their color. But you
always see them together and when you…”
Michael’s voice trails off as he looks around
again. “Hold on a second.” Then, finding a tube
of superglue, Michael begins putting glue on the
sides of the salt and pepper shaker.
Caleb can’t figure
out what Michael is up to and asks, “What are
you doing, Michael? What did you do that for?”
Holding the salt and pepper shakers together,
Michael looks up. “Caleb when two people get
married, it’s for better or for worse. For
richer or for poorer, in sickness and in
Getting a little tired of
the lecture, Caleb protests, “I know that, but
marriages aren’t fireproof! Sometimes you get
burned!” Michael looks him on the eye and says,
“Fireproof doesn’t mean fire will never come,
but that when it comes, you’ll be able to
withstand it.” Caleb takes the glued salt and
pepper shakers. “You didn’t have to glue then
together.” He begins trying to pull them
Watching him, Michael
says, “Don’t do it Caleb. If you pull them apart
now you’ll break either one or both of them.”
Annoyed, Caleb puts the shakers down and says
defensively, “I’m not a perfect person, but
better than most and if my marriage is failing,
it is not all my fault.” Desperate for Caleb to
understand, Michael says, “But Caleb. I’ve seen
you run into a burning building to save people
you don’t even know, but you’re going to let
your own marriage just burn to the ground.”
Though he has heard the truth, Caleb struggles
with what it means. He looks directly at Michael
and says, “Michael, you are my friend and I’ve
allowed you to speak freely with me on this
job.” He angrily adds, ”Don’t abuse it!” Michael
sits back in his chair and sighs as he watches
Caleb leave the room. Caleb has heard the truth,
but the question is will he choose to act on
what he has heard or ignore it?
Application: From the
beginning, God designed marriage to be one man
and one woman for a lifetime. Divorce is not
God’s plan, but the hard heartedness can drive
couples apart. The truth expressed by Michael in
the movie is that a fireproof marriage is one
that can withstand hard times, as well as the
good times life brings.
-- Fireproof, Chapter 7,
30-39 to 33:06. Illustration by Jim L. Wlson and
Jim Sandell
Matthew 19:3-8 (CEV) Some
Pharisees wanted to test Jesus. They came up to
him and asked, "Is it right for a man to divorce
his wife for just any reason?" Jesus answered,
"Don't you know that in the beginning the
Creator made a man and a woman? That's why a man
leaves his father and mother and gets married.
He becomes like one person with his wife. Then
they are no longer two people, but one. And no
one should separate a couple that God has joined
together." The Pharisees asked Jesus, "Why did
Moses say that a man could write out divorce
papers and send his wife away?" Jesus replied,
"You are so heartless! That's why Moses allowed
you to divorce your wife. But from the beginning
God did not intend it to be that way.
A bold German, Mika
convinced his sweetheart Anna-Bell that a
wedding in a warm place such as Africa was a
good idea. On New Year’s Eve, they packed their
swim gear and headed for the Hamburg airport for
their African trip. German police thought
something amiss however, and they were right.
Mika is only six-years-old; Anna-Bell is only
When asked what they were
doing by the police officer, Anna-Bell replied,
“We just wanted to get married, and so we just
thought, let’s go there.”
--Time Magazine, January
19, 2009 p. 16
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Marriage should never
happen on a whim. It is a lifetime commitment
between two people that God joins together.
However, some people treat it as casually as
six-year-old Mika and five-year-old Anna-Bell
Proverbs 18:22 (MSG) “Find
a good spouse, you find a good life— and even
more: the favor of God!”
Dominick and Anne Cosentino were married in
1928. She was 16. He was 18. In 2008 the
Cosentinos, now 98 and 96 celebrated 80 years of
marriage. At the celebration “Anne wore a white
wedding veil, and when Dominick kissed her, he
laid his hand on her heart.”
In a day when marriage seems more fragile every
passing year the Cosentinos have a secret.
“Couples shouldn’t anticipate their entire
marriage will be rosy,” Mrs. Cosentino told the
St. Petersburg Times, “but compassion and
devotion can keep them together.”
--World Magazine, September 20/27, 2008, p. 12.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
God’s intent is for a man and a woman to make a
lifetime commitment to one another and then keep
that commitment even if it takes 80 years. I am
sure that the boy and girl that were married in
1928 have changed a lot in the intervening
years. The one thing that hasn’t changed is
their devotion to one another. That is what
makes marriage work.
Proverbs 18:22 (NASB) “He who finds a wife
finds a good thing And obtains favor from
the LORD.”
According to an Australian Lawmaker one of the
best ways to save the planet may be to stay
married. Senator Steve Fielding, who heads the
independent Family First political party down
under, told a senate hearing that staying
married is better for the planet because divorce
often leads newly single people to lead wasteful
lifestyles. Fielding who grew up in a family of
18 children, and has been married for 22 years,
quoted statistics based on a study from the
United Stares.
According to Fielding, divorce made concerns
over climate change worse. He said when couples
separate; they need more rooms, more
electricity, and more water, all of which
increase their carbon footprint. Fielding added,
“We understand that there is a social problem,
but now we’re seeing there is also environmental
impact as well on the footprint.”
--Stay married and save the planet,,
February 24, 2009, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
I don’t always know what to think about climate
change, but I know staying married has always
been God’s plan.
Matthew 19:3-6 “Some Pharisees wanted to test
Jesus. They came up to him and asked, "Is it
right for a man to divorce his wife for just any
reason?”Jesus answered, "Don't you know that in
the beginning the Creator made a man and a
woman? That's why a man leaves his father and
mother and gets married. He becomes like one
person with his wife. Then they are no longer
two people, but one. And no one should separate
a couple that God has joined together.”
Despite recent trends toward short
relationships and divorce among other stars,
rock musician Jon Bon Jovi and his wife have
remained married through the years. The couple
was high school sweethearts and wed after
graduation. When asked about the longevity of
the relationship between him and his wife, the
former Dorothea Hurley, Bon Jovi said the main
factor was fear.
The couple will celebrate their platinum
anniversary in 2009. Bon Jovi explained the
secret of their happiness this way, “Let get
that right here, right now. I’m afraid of my
wife.” He then added, “Trust me, she is
the best. I am very happy.”
--Bon Jovi: I’m scared of my wife,
April 27, 2009, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Proverbs 5:18 CEV Be happy with the wife
you married when you were young.
A defense of marriage showed up in a mainstream
news source recently. Time Magazine printed an
essay by author Caitlin Flanagan entitled “Why
Marriage Matters.” In the essay, Ms. Flanagan
points to the statistics in building a case for
commitment in marriage.
She appeals for lasting unions based on the
discovery that, “on every single significant
outcome related to short-term well-being and
long-term success, children from intact,
two-parent families outperform those from
single-parent households. Longevity, drug abuse,
school performance and dropout rates, teen
pregnancy, criminal behavior and
incarceration—if you can measure it, a
sociologist has; and in all cases, the kids
living with both parents drastically outperform
the others.”
In the essay, she quotes a book by a Princeton
sociologist and single mother, Sara McLanahan.
Ms. McLanahan did not want to believe her own
research but she faithfully printed the results
in a book, Growing Up with a Single Parent: What
Hurts, What Helps. “Children who grow up in a
household with only one biological parent,” she
found, “are worse off, on average, than children
who grow up in a household with both of their
biological parents, regardless of the parents’
race or educational background.”
-- Time, July 13, 2009. P. 47 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Matthew 19:6 (NASB77) "Consequently they are no
longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God
has joined together, let no man separate."
The University of California, Berkeley studied
how couples fight and resolve marital
disagreements. They analyzed the conversations
of 154 middle-aged and older couples as they
discussed the conflicts in their marriage. They
discovered that couples who use the words “we”
and “our” have happier marriages than those who
usually use the words “I” and “his” or
--The Week, February 19, 2010, p. 22
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Philippians 2:3-4 (NASB77) “Do nothing from
selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility
of mind let each of you regard one another as
more important than himself; (4) do
not merely look out for your own personal
interests, but also for the interests of
Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychologist studies
happiness. One thing he discovered is that
married people are happier than those who just
live together. He uses himself as an example.
“My girlfriend and I had been living together
for a dozen years.” Because of his discovery, he
proposed marriage. How did it work out? “I love
my wife more than I loved my girlfriend, even
though she’s the same person. Commitment isn’t
just a sign of love; it is a cause of
--Reader’s Digest, February, 2010, p. 16
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
God can command a man to love his wife because
God already knew that commitment is a cause of
love. Sometimes the action of loving someone
wholeheartedly precedes the feelings of
Ephesians 5:25 (NASB77) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ also loved the church and
gave Himself up for her;
In a study by the National Center for Health
Statistics, more couples are living together
before marriage. The results of living together
first are significant. “If a couple cohabited
before getting married (and 28 percent of
couples do), the likelihood of their marriage
lasting 10 years decreased by 6 percentage
points. Cohabiting couples also report lower
levels of relationship quality, lower income
levels, and don’t experience the same health
benefits that marriage gives.” In addition,
children living in such situations don’t fare as
well academically or behaviorally.
--World March 27, 2010 p. 13. Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
God’s plan for a man and a woman to become one
flesh in marriage for a lifetime of love
together is still the best plan.
Genesis 2:24 (GW) “That is why a man will leave
his father and mother and will be united with
his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
The Center For Disease Control recently
reported results from a new study concerning
marriage in America. Researchers based the study
on a sample of over 12,000 men and women
nationwide and found that marriages in the
United States tend to last longer than unions
where couples live together outside
The study found 78 percent of marriages lasted
five years or more, compared with less than 30
percent of cohabitating unions. One reason
cohabiting relationships were shorter-lived than
marriages is that over half of the couples who
lived together made the transition to marriage
within three years. At the time the interview
were conducted 40 percent of men and women aged
15 to 44 were married while 9 percent were
living together. The study also found 75 percent
of marriages between men and women aged 26 years
or older lasted at least ten years, while
marriages begun in the teen years did not.
Children also played a role with 80 percent of
couples who had their first child at least eight
months after their marriage were likely to
celebrate their tenth anniversary.
--Marriages last longer than living together?;;
2, 2010, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell.
Matthew 19:4-6 (CEV) “Jesus answered, ‘Don't
you know that in the beginning the Creator made
a man and a woman? (5) That's why a man leaves
his father and mother and gets married. He
becomes like one person with his wife. (6) Then
they are no longer two people, but one. And no
one should separate a couple that God has joined
In his book, What Did You Expect? Paul David
Tripp writes “Your marriage isn’t what you
expected because you are a sinner married to a
sinner and you both live in a fallen
--World, June 5, 2010 p. 31. Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
We need to be reminded that no matter the
glowing testimonies of marriage we sometimes
hear, no marriage is without its difficulties. I
am not all that different from others. My
marriage needs working on from time to time, and
sometimes more often than others.
The good news according to Tripp is that there
is sufficient grace to bring your marriage back
to life.
Mark 10:9 (NIV) "Therefore what God has joined
together, let man not separate."
A 30 year-old Taiwanese woman says she is
looking forward to getting married. She has
posed for pictures in a flowing white dress,
enlisted a planner, rented a hall, and sent
invitations to 30 of her closest friends. The
only thing missing at the wedding will be the
groom, because Chen Wei-yih is getting married
to herself.
Chen says she is facing social pressure to get
married, but none of the men she has met were
the right person. She says at thirty, she is in
her prime and has plenty of good experience
along with a good job. Chen says she in planning
a honeymoon for one to Australia after the
ceremony. Since she is not marrying anyone, Chen
will not be allowed to officially register the
marriage. That leaves her open to find a husband
in the future. She says she hopes more people
will love themselves. Chen added, ”It’s not that
I’m anti-marriage. I just hope that I can
express a different idea within the bounds of a
Bride-to-be set to say “I do’ --- to herself,
, October 22, 2010. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
When I look at God’s plan for marriage, I’m not
sure he left room for us to provide our own
Matthew 19:4-6 (CEV) ”Jesus answered, "Don't
you know that in the beginning the Creator made
a man and a woman? (5) That's why a
man leaves his father and mother and gets
married. He becomes like one person with his
wife. (6) Then they are no longer
two people, but one. And no one should separate
a couple that God has joined together."
On October 10, 2010—10/10/10—more than 32,000
couples said their marriage vows. That is 6
times the usual daily number. The last time that
many weddings occurred in one day was July 7,
2007. People consider these lucky days on which
to begin a marriage.
--The Week, October 22, 2010, p.8 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
It takes more than beginning on a lucky day to
make a good marriage. Husbands and wives need to
learn to be submissive to one another and he
must love her as Christ loved the church.
It is more difficult to achieve a lifelong
satisfying marriage than simply starting on the
right day.
Ephesians 5:22-26 (NASB77) “Wives, be subject
to your own husbands, as to the
Lord. (23) For the husband is the
head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of
the church, He Himself being the Savior of the
body. (24) But as the church is
subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be
to their husbands in everything.
(25) Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ
also loved the church and gave Himself up for
her; (26) that He might sanctify
her, having cleansed her by the washing of water
with the word,”
Recently published articles seem to indicate
that society as a whole is devaluing marriage
and that many think the concept is obsolete.
Despite those views, recent opinion polls
suggest there may be more to the story. The
Focus on the Family organization examined the
recent stories, and found there actual surveys
told a different story. Gary Schneeburger, Vice
President of Communications for Focus on the
Family says the recent stories are a reminder of
how dangerous it can be to base an entire story
or a headline or one part of an opinion
Schneeburger says the polling found 39 percent
of respondents felt marriage was obsolete, but
67 percent of the same people said they were
optimistic about the institution of marriage. He
explained, “(People) recognize society does not
value marriage as it should, but they personally
certainly desire it.”
Looking closely at the numbers in the polling
reveals more than half of single adults
expressed a desire to be married, and over a
third of respondents, married or not, felt it
would be easier to have a fulfilling live life
inside a marital relationship. Overall,
two-thirds of people surveyed believed it was
best for society to bear and raise children
inside a marriage. Schneeburger believes
people’s personal responses to the question are
a reflection of Christian beliefs. He said,
“From a Christian perspective, we believe that
God’s written on the hearts of everyone, those
who know Him and those who don’t, that desire to
be married, that desire to have a family and
that recognition that in the context of that one
man, one woman marriage comes some of the things
(the survey) talked about: stability, more
satisfaction (and) gratification.”
--Marriage Is Not Obsolete, Family Expert says,;November
2010, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Matthew 19:6 NASB “So they are no longer two,
but one. Therefore what God has joined together,
let man not separate.”
39% of Americans surveyed by the Pew Research
Center say that marriage is becoming obsolete.
Census data for 2010 also reflects a declining
interest in marriage. Only 54% of adults are
married today compared with 57% ten years ago
and 72% in 1960. Those that are getting married
are waiting later to say the vows. The average
age at first marriage for men is 28.2 and for
women, 26.1. That is up almost 2 years since
These statistics reflect the alternatives
available in our postmodern culture.
Cohabitation, for example has nearly doubled in
the last 20 years and many of those living
together believe it is a step toward
--USA Today, November 18, 2010, p. A1
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Matthew 19:5 (NASB77) and said, ' FOR THIS
In Taiwan, a culture that prizes families and
denigrates unmarried women, Chen Wei-yih has
reached 30 years old with no prospects. Her
answer? Marry herself. She has planned a
wedding, complete with photographs, reception,
and invitations to 30 of her closest friends.
The only thing missing will be a groom. After
the wedding, she is going to be taking a solo
honeymoon to Australia.
--World, November 20, 2010 p. 23 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
She can have the party, she can have the
reception, she can take the pictures, she can go
to Australia, but the Bible says a marriage
requires two, one man and one woman. We
wish Chen Wei-yih the best and pray she will
find someone with whom to share her life.
Mark 10:6-9 (NASB77) (6) "But from the
beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND
BECOME ONE FLESH; consequently they are no
longer two, but one flesh. (9) "What therefore
God has joined together, let no man
A new Harris Interactive poll indicates a
dangerous new trend is emerging in America. The
poll of over 2,000 Americans found that 31
percent of American couples who have combined
finances admitted they regularly committed
“financial infidelity,” by lying to their
spouses about money. The results showed that
one-third of respondents say also said they have
been deceived about family finances, and both
sexes said they lie to their partners about
money in equal numbers. The most common lie was
hiding cash, followed by hiding minor purchases,
hiding a bill, not disclosing a major purchase,
and finally by keeping hidden bank
The most disturbing trend revealing in the
study is the result of the financial infidelity
was consequences on the marriage relationship.
Sixteen percent of couples surveyed said the
deception led to divorce, while 11 percent said
it caused them to separate. Most of the couples
reported less severe consequences saying the
lies resulted in an argument and decreased trust
within the relationship. Chief Executive of the
national Endowment for Financial Education said,
“These indiscretions cause significant damage to
the relationship.”
--Three in 10 Americans commit financial
; January 13, 2011. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Ephesians 5:8-10 (HCSB) “For you were once
darkness, but now ?you are? light in the Lord.
Walk as children of light— (9) for the fruit of
the light ?results? in all goodness,
righteousness, and truth— (10) discerning what
is pleasing to the Lord.”
Love that is special, and a marriage that
lasts, are not automatic. Many of the
celebrities we are fascinated with wish they
could have found lasting love. Jack Nicholson,
now in his 73rd year, admits that “his wandering
attentions haven’t made for lasting
relationships. ‘I’ve been in love in my life,
but it always starts with an obsession that
lasts exactly 18 months. Then it changes.’
Though he’s had a good run, he believes his
prospects for finding love again are dim. ‘I’ve
had everything a man could ask for, but I don’t
know if anyone could say I’ve been successful
with affairs of the heart.’
--The Week, Feb. 18, 2011, p. 10 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Jane Fonda would like to celebrate a 50th
wedding anniversary. At 76 and divorced from her
third husband, she realizes that isn’t going to
happen. "I wish that I had the man of my life
when I was about Hilary Duff’s age (17) and
stayed married for 40, 50 years and had been
able to celebrate a 50th anniversary." I wish
that I'd been able to do that, but I just wasn't
dealt those cards."
What does a long lasting love take? Sheryl P.
Kurland interviewed 75 couples, all of whom had
been married for 50 years or more and published
their insights. (Everlasting Matrimony Pearls Of
Wisdom From Couples Married 50 Years Or More,
Bai Publishing August 2007). Some of the pearls
were things like, “Praise your spouse. Keep your
own ego in check. Keep communication lines open.
Display affection for the other. Live within
your financial capabilities.”
When Canadian couple, Archie and Winifred
Mulford, celebrated their 75th wedding
anniversary they simplified the secret. The
secret to their happy marriage according to Mr.
Mulford: "She liked me and I liked her and
that's all there is to it."
Mark 10:9 (ESV) What therefore God has joined
together, let not man separate."
Getting married can be stressful enough, not to
mention the added worries over how to pay for
everything. Staying on a budget can put a couple
on the edge on what should be one of the
happiest moments of their lives. A church in the
Toledo Ohio area plans to help relate financial
concerns for newlyweds by offering free wedding
weekends. Pastor Josh Plaisance of The Dwelling
Place Church says the church offers the
minister’s services, live music, sound, and even
a photographer free on a first come first served
basis on two specific weekends.
The only requirement is the church asks couples
to agree to their time frame, have a marriage
license and attend two pre-marriage mentoring
sessions. The church hopes the marriage weekends
will draw new families to the church. Plaisance
adds, “The average cost of a wedding is $24,000
in America; which is outrageous to me. So we
just said that we’re going to do something about
it to help a couple take that step to get
married and make it a little bit easier. We’ll
bear the burden.”
--Church giving away free wedding weekend,
Church-giving-away-free-wedding-weekend ; March
9, 2011. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Ephesians 5:31-33 (CEV) (31) As the Scriptures
say, "A man leaves his father and mother to get
married, and he becomes like one person with his
wife." (32) This is a great mystery, but I
understand it to mean Christ and his church.
(33) So each husband should love his wife as
much as he loves himself, and each wife should
respect her husband.
When a couple decides to marry, they have a
very rosy view of their future together. In a
recent survey of marriage-license applicants, 0%
felt like they would ever get a divorce. This
optimism can lead to a decision to neglect the
counseling and preparation for marriage that is
--Time, June 6, 2011 p. 46 Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Ephesians 5:22-33 (ESV) (22) Wives, submit to
your own husbands, as to the Lord. (23) For the
husband is the head of the wife even as Christ
is the head of the church, his body, and is
himself its Savior. (24) Now as the church
submits to Christ, so also wives should submit
in everything to their husbands. (25) Husbands,
love your wives, as Christ loved the church and
gave himself up for her, (26) that he might
sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing
of water with the word, (27) so that he might
present the church to himself in splendor,
without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that
she might be holy and without blemish. (28) In
the same way husbands should love their wives as
their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves
himself. (29) For no one ever hated his own
flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as
Christ does the church, (30) because we are
members of his body. (31) “Therefore a man shall
leave his father and mother and hold fast to his
wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (32)
This mystery is profound, and I am saying that
it refers to Christ and the church. (33)
However, let each one of you love his wife as
himself, and let the wife see that she respects
her husband.
Instead of a lifetime covenant of marriage,
couples in Mexico City will be able to sign a
limited time contract of marriage if a
legislative proposal becomes law. The contract
time can be as short as two years. The state
advantage is “you wouldn’t have to go through
the tortuous process of divorce.”
--The Week, October 14, 2011 p. 6
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The “tortuous process of divorce,” is the
dividing up of community property, and most
importantly, the custody of any children. In
addition, there are the emotions involved in any
breakup, but the biggest problem I see, is the
disregard for the Biblical admonition to love as
Christ loved the church. Thankfully, he made an
eternal covenant with us, not a time limited
Ephesians 5:25-33 (NASB) (25) Husbands, love
your wives, just as Christ also loved the church
and gave Himself up for her, (26) so that He
might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the
washing of water with the word, (27) that He
might present to Himself the church in all her
glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such
thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
(28) So husbands ought also to love their own
wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own
wife loves himself; (29) for no one ever hated
his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it,
just as Christ also does the church, (30)
because we are members of His body. (31) FOR
TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. (32) This mystery is
great; but I am speaking with reference to
Christ and the church. (33) Nevertheless, each
individual among you also is to love his own
wife even as himself, and the wife must see to
it that she respects her husband.
Anthony Hopkins spent his career as an Actor;
most would agree he was a good one. The English
crown knighted him Sir Anthony for his acting
achievements. At age 73, Hopkins is dissatisfied
with his life’s profession.
Recently in Memphis, he visited a cinema
complex. “They were just about to start the
matinee and I looked inside. All these people
were waddling around with their popcorn and
their hot dogs.” After imitating a snore he
said, “I thought, ‘That’s it? This is the movie
industry I’ve invested my life in?’”
When asked where he found contentment he said,
“In marriage.” His wife, Stella, “Has brought a
lot of peace to my life, I learnt from her to
just take life as it comes. I expect nothing and
accept everything. And it makes life so much
--The Week, February 25, 2011 p. 12
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Like many others, Sir Anthony has discovered
that the real key to a good life is our
relationships, in loving others, and in
investing in other people.
Philippians 1:1-6 (KJV) “Paul and Timotheus,
the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints
in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the
bishops and deacons: (2) Grace be unto you, and
peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
Jesus Christ. (3) I thank my God upon every
remembrance of you, (4) Always in every prayer
of mine for you all making request with joy, (5)
For your fellowship in the gospel from the first
day until now; (6) Being confident of this very
thing, that he which hath begun a good work in
you will perform it until the day of Jesus
The very first institution created by God was
marriage. (See Genesis 2:24) When Paul looked
for a way to describe the relationship between
Christ and the church, he chose the marriage
relationship. (See Ephesians 5:22-33) Because
marriage is so essential in God’s economy, it is
only logical that it comes under attack from
forces opposed to God.
According to the US Census Bureau, marriage is
at an all-time low. The percentage of married
adults has dropped from 57% to 52% in just the
last ten years. Young Americans are waiting
longer than ever to get married increasing from
22.5 years to 28.4 years for men, and from 20.6
to 26.5 for women. In the meantime, more and
more couples are cohabiting rather than
The cohabiting alternative solves none of the
problems of marriage. Seven of ten cohabitations
end in divorce and the breakups are as painful
as divorce. With children involved in both
situations, the question must be asked about the
impact on the young. The Center for Marriage and
Families shows “cohabitation is even more
detrimental for children than divorce. While one
of four children born to married parents will
see them divorce by age 12, two out of five will
experience parent cohabitation by age 12—and the
breakup rate for these unions is almost three
times higher”
In addition, government data show that children
are at least three times more likely to be
emotionally, physically, or sexually abused in a
cohabiting household.
--World, December 3, 2011, p. 58 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
These are just some of the reasons we need to
continue promoting the God created institution
of marriage.
Proverbs 31:10 (HCSB) Who can find a capable
wife? She is far more precious than jewels.
New research suggests marriage is becoming less
common in the United States. The report showed
that Americans are getting married less
frequently and when they do marry, they are
doing it later in life. The findings are similar
to results in the United Kingdom where
researchers found that only 48 percent of adults
reported they were married. While researchers
debate the impact the findings will have on
society, they point out the decline in marriage
is evident. In 1960, the number of adults
reporting they were married was 72 percent. In
2010, it was only 51 percent. Between 2009 and
2010 the number of reported marriages also
declined by five percent. Combine that with more
people waiting to marry, and researchers say the
signs point to marriage as being less important
to people today.
The study found a number of factors might be at
work. Other kinds of living arrangements, such
as cohabitation, are more socially acceptable
now than in the past. It is also more acceptable
for a single person to live by himself or
herself, or for a parent to remain single while
supporting children. The fact that people may
consider they have more options now than they
once did contributes to the number of adults
waiting until after college to settle down.
Social researchers say economically, married
couples tend to have more income and more
wealth. Studies have also found that marriage
partnerships also force people to plan for the
future, share assets, and build wealth together.
The overall impact might be to create a future
where people are less able to build wealth,
affecting the overall economic well being of the
Researchers say in other countries where
marriage has declined, many people live
together, and the assumption is that is the same
as being married. They say they will continue to
study the trends to see which direction America
moves in. The country could continue to place
marriage in a state with more recognition and
legal benefits, and grant other forms of
cohabitation a lower status. They agree the
choice will affect the nation’s future well
--Marriage rate in America drops to new low;
December 14, 2011, Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Matthew 19:4-6 (CEV) Jesus answered, "Don't you
know that in the beginning the Creator made a
man and a woman? (5) That's why a man leaves his
father and mother and gets married. He becomes
like one person with his wife. (6) Then they are
no longer two people, but one. And no one should
separate a couple that God has joined
The Wall Street Journal calls nagging the
marriage killer. In fact, it is much more common
than adultery and according to the journal
potentially as toxic.
Every couple, at some point faces “the
interaction in which one person repeatedly makes
a request, the other person repeatedly ignores
it and both become increasingly annoyed” Or
nagging for short.
People nag when they have a perception that
they will not get what they want from the other
person. They need to keep asking and reminding
in order to get it. Usually the more they badger
the other person, the more the other spouse
starts to withhold resulting in even more
The result is a toxic relationship that kills
--Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2012, p. D1
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
1 Peter 3:1-2 (ESV) Likewise, wives, be subject
to your own husbands, so that even if some do
not obey the word, they may be won without a
word by the conduct of their wives— when they
see your respectful and pure conduct.
Baylor University psychologists questioned
3,539 married couples to determine what couples
argue about. They discovered that although
arguments involve many different topics the
tension that sparked the arguments “almost
always involved deeper issues relating to
whether the partners felt understood or
Scientific American says “all fights come down
to two basic issues that have little to do with
the content of the arguments: One person feels
that he or she is being unfairly controlled or
feels neglected.”
--The Week, July 16, 2010 p. 21 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Ephesians 5:33 (ESV) However, let each one of
you love his wife as himself, and let the wife
see that she respects her husband.
A New York judge has ordered a divorcing couple
to build a wall dividing their home in half.
Pinchs and Nechama Gold have two weeks to decide
on the exact location of the wall. Mr, Gold’s
attorney said “the unusual order made perfect
sense. They’ve been living like there was a wall
up for two years now.”
--The Week, July 16, 2010 p. 6 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Ephesians 4:31-32 (ESV) Let all bitterness and
wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put
away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to
one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, as God in Christ forgave you.
A Florida judge recently came up with an
unusual sentence for a man accused of domestic
violence. Officials arrested Joseph Bray after
he and his wife had a fight because he neglected
to wish his wife a happy birthday. Records
indicated police took Bray into custody he and
his wife had argued, and he pushed her onto a
couch, grabbed her throat, and raised his fist,
but never hit her. Broward County bond court
Judge John Hurley asked bray’s wife Sonya if she
felt threatened by her husband, had been injured
by him, or if money and or alcohol were
The tearful woman repeatedly told the court the
problem was a lack of communications between
them. The judge asked a few more questions
before ruling. He discovered she liked Red
Lobster and bowling. Then Judge Hurley told Mr.
Bray’s lawyer that he would be released by 3 PM.
Bray was instructed to stop and get some flowers
and a card. The judge ordered him to change
clothes, pick up his wife, take her to dinner at
Red Lobster, and go bowling afterward. Judge
Hurley explained his creative ruling saying the
testimony he received from Mrs. Bray convinced
him to be lenient. He ordered the couple to sign
up for marriage counseling the next day.
In his instructions to Mr. Bray, Judge Hurley
said, “Flowers, birthday card, Red Lobster,
bowling. You’ve got your work cut out for you.”
--Sentence for domestic abuse: Jail or dinner
and a date,
February 8, 2012, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
Ephesians 5:25 (HCSB) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her
John and Frances Canning learned that the Queen
of England was going to be in the local area on
the day of their wedding so they sent her an
invitation. The Queen graciously turned down the
invitation, but began making plans for a
surprise appearance. The couple was stunned and
reported, “the surprise made the day.”
--World, April 21, 2012 p. 21 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Christian couples pray that the Lord will show
up on their wedding day and seal them to one
another in a lifetime commitment. When the Lord
is present, his presence makes not only the day,
but also the marriage.
Ephesians 5:25-27 (ESV) Husbands, love your
wives, as Christ loved the church and gave
himself up for her, that he might sanctify her,
having cleansed her by the washing of water with
the word, so that he might present the church to
himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or
any such thing, that she might be holy and
without blemish.
Yogi Berra and his wife Carmen have been
married 63 years. Sports historians recognize
Berra as the greatest living Yankee baseball
player and he literally has a museum full of
memorabilia from his years as a Yankee player,
coach, and manager. (The museum is in Upper
Montclair, New Jersey) His teammates have
included some of the greatest baseball players
in history and he is still a part of the Yankee
teams today.
Broadcaster Michael Kay, wanting to know which
teammate out of all the players he had been
friends with over the years, asked Berra, “Which
person would you most want to have in a foxhole
with you.” Without a seconds hesitation Berra
answered, “Carmen.”
--Araton, Harvey, Driving Mr. Yogi,( Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012), 42.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
That is the way it should be. When two people
partner up for life, they should work at
becoming so close that they would rather have
one another than anyone else.
Genesis 2:23 (ESV) Then the man said, “This at
last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken
out of Man.”
Jeffrey and Amanda Radle don’t exactly see eye
to eye when it comes to politics. Apparently,
when Jeffrey couldn’t persuade his wife to come
around to his political point of view, he tried
to stop her from going to the polls to cast her
He stood in front of the family Dodge Durango
so she couldn’t pull out of the driveway, when
she tried to go around him, he hurled his body
in front of the car, which led to admission into
the local hospital for “injuries to his head,
neck and back.”
Commenting on the story, Daniel Macht says,
“It’s just politics, people.”
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
There is a difference between leading and
controlling. Mr. Radle wasn’t giving himself up
for his wife—he was asking her to lose herself
in him. Marriage is never about one person
capitulating to another, it is about two people
caring about each other so much that they
respect, love and submit to one another.
Ephesians 5:22–25 (HCSB) Wives, submit to
your own husbands as to the Lord, 23 for the
husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the
head of the church. He is the Savior of the
body. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so
wives are to submit to their husbands in
everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just
as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for
In India, the wedding day is very important.
Aamir Khan says, “We put all our energy into
making a success of the wedding ceremony, rather
than the lifelong commitment that follows it.”
While parents are responsible for arranging most
weddings in India including the choice of a
spouse, they are more concerned with the wedding
day than the marriage.
--The Week, June 1, 2012 p. 15 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
In the United States we get to choose our own
spouse, and arrange our own marriage, and yet
somehow we often go overboard in wedding
planning and neglect marriage planning. Couples
spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars
on a one day celebration but remain reluctant to
spend a few hundred dollars and 10 or 12 hours
receiving good pre-marital direction on building
great marriages.
Matthew 19:4-6 (ESV) He answered, “Have you not
read that he who created them from the beginning
made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore
a man shall leave his father and his mother and
hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one
flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh.
What therefore God has joined together, let not
man separate.”
“We get the feeling they can’t stand the sight
of each other.” Those words describe the
relationship of long term mates. Authorities had
to separate them because they were afraid they
would kill one or the other. No amount of
counseling could help these two. They were giant
turtles. They had been mates for most of their
115-year-old lives.
--Time, June 25, 2012 p. 12 Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
No one knows why they suddenly turned on one
another. No one knows how to help. Fortunately
for human couples there is help. Understanding
the principles in God’s word relating to love,
trust, communication, forgiveness, and mutual
submission can bring love back to the
Ephesians 5:24-26 (ESV) “Now as the church
submits to Christ, so also wives should submit
in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love
your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave
himself up for her, that he might sanctify her,
having cleansed her by the washing of water with
the word,”
Spouses who are concerned that their other half
may not remain faithful have a new weapon at
their disposal. It is a wedding ring that has
“I’m Married” engraved into the inside in such a
way that when the wearer takes the wedding band
off, the message remains imprinted on the
finger. I think it is kind of like, branding
your spouse.
Husbands and wives should remember their vows
and take their commitments seriously. God
intends us to be faithful to one another for a
lifetime, no brand needed. --Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
“With This Ring, I Thee Distrust.” Time, July
16, 2012 p. 50
Matthew 19:6 (HCSB) So they are no longer two,
but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined
together, man must not separate.”
When Alan Tucker and his wife were married,
they took the usual vows, promising to be true
to one another “in sickness and in
health.” When Alan took his vows, he knew
they would be difficult to fulfill. His wife
Jennifer was born three months premature and was
diagnosed with cerebral palsy while still very
young. Now, 40 years later, Alan still provides
care for his bride, 24/7 without
complaining. Alan chose not to ask for
outside help either. He takes care of all of
Jennifer’s personal care, medications, and
personal affairs, and then keeps up the
housework. Alan takes his responsibilities in
stride saying that caring form his wife is
second nature to him and his never gives it a
second thought.
Since Alan has been so faithful to her,
Jennifer recently nominated him for an Adult
care Giver of the Year Award. She said,”
Alan doesn’t like the limelight, but I think
people should know how good he and other carers
are.” She added, “I know other people with
disabilities whose husbands have upped and left
them because of their problems, but he has
always stayed by my side. I feel blessed to have
him with me because he never grumbles about what
he has to do.” --Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
--“In sickness and in health-he’s a
4, 2012,
Philippians 2:13–14 (HCSB) “For it is God who
is working in you, enabling you both to desire
and to work out His good purpose. 14 Do
everything without grumbling and arguing,”
Lena Henderson and Roland Davis got married in
Tennessee when they were teenagers. After four
children and twenty years, they divorced in
1964. Davis remarried and moved away, but the
coupled stayed friendly and kept in touch.
When Davis’s second wife passed away, his
daughter suggested he moved back to New York to
be close to the family. Not only did he
move, he also called Henderson and asked if she
would marry him again. She agreed, and the
85 year-old couple will tie the knot for the
second time.
When the couple went to get their marriage
license city workers cheered for them. The
family says the ceremony will include four
generations of their family. The bride will wear
blue, and the groom will be decked out in a
tuxedo. When asked about getting married again,
Davis said, “You don’t think people are going to
get married at this age. We’re just thankful
we’ve lived this long and that we’re still here.
We have a lot to be thankful for.”– Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Couple to remarry almost 50 years after
divorce, by Claudine Zap,;
July 30, 2012.
Mark 10:7–9 (HCSB) “For this reason a man will
leave his father and mother [and be joined to
his wife], 8 and the two will become one flesh.
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9
Therefore what God has joined together, man must
not separate.”
Disagreements over finances are the most common
source of marital discord and experts say
fighting over money may do may damage than
couples realize. A study conducted by the Utah
State University found that couples who
disagreed about money once a week were twice as
likely to divorce as those who differed less
than once a month. They say the reason is that
money involves other issues such as power,
control, self-esteem, freedom, and even love.
Experts say communication is the key to
resolving money issues, because couples are
often blinded by their own views about how to
use the money they have. To keep monetary issues
to a minimum, experts recommend couples be
completely open about all their financial
dealings and exchanging information with each
other. They also recommend understanding the
other’s money personality, and establishing and
living on a budget. The experts say regular
weekly discussions about finances may prevent
bigger arguments later. --Jim L. Wilson and Jim
The Best Ways to Prevent Money Arguments With
Your Spouse, by Daniel Bortz,,
September 7, 2012.
1 Timothy 6:10 (TEV) For the love of money is a
source of all kinds of evil. Some have been so
eager to have it that they have wandered away
from the faith and have broken their hearts with
many sorrows.
A recent study out of Norway shows that divorce
rates there are about 50% higher among couples
who shared the housework compared with those in
which women did most of the chores. One clue to
the reason for this comes from another study by
Bosch, the high-end dishwasher company. They say
that 40% of couples fight over how to load the
It may be that there is something to the
differences in the sexes. My wife doesn’t like
the way I wash and put away the dishes. I don’t
appreciate the way she cleans the garage. The
key to overcoming this obstacle, according to
Craig Wilson in USA Today is never share the
same chore. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
USA Today, October 17, 2012 p. 1D
Proverbs 31:1-31 (HCSB) (1) The words of King
Lemuel, an oracle that his mother taught him:
(2) What ?should I say?, my son? What, son of my
womb? What, son of my vows? (3) Don’t spend your
energy on women or your efforts on those who
destroy kings. (4) It is not for kings, Lemuel,
it is not for kings to drink wine or for rulers
?to desire? beer. (5) Otherwise, they will
drink, forget what is decreed, and pervert
justice for all the oppressed. (6) Give beer to
one who is dying and wine to one whose life is
bitter. (7) Let him drink so that he can forget
his poverty and remember his trouble no more.
(8) Speak up for those who have no voice, for
the justice of all who are dispossessed. (9)
Speak up, judge righteously, and defend the
cause of the oppressed and needy. (10) Who can
find a capable wife? She is far more precious
than jewels.acrostic. (11) The heart of her
husband trusts in her, and he will not lack
anything good. (12) She rewards him with good,
not evil, all the days of her life. (13) She
selects wool and flax and works with willing
hands. (14) She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from far away. (15) She rises
while it is still night and provides food for
her household and portions for her female
servants. (16) She evaluates a field and buys
it; she plants a vineyard with her earnings.
(17) She draws on her strength and reveals that
her arms are strong. (18) She sees that her
profits are good, and her lamp never goes out at
night. (19) She extends her hands to the
spinning staff, and her hands hold the spindle.
(20) Her hands reach out to the poor, and she
extends her hands to the needy. (21) She is not
afraid for her household when it snows, for all
in her household are doubly clothed. (22) She
makes her own bed coverings; her clothing is
fine linen and purple. (23) Her husband is known
at the city gates, where he sits among the
elders of the land. (24) She makes and sells
linen garments; she delivers belts to the
merchants. (25) Strength and honor are her
clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come.
(26) She opens her mouth with wisdom and loving
instruction is on her tongue. (27) She watches
over the activities of her household and is
never idle. (28) Her sons rise up and call her
blessed. Her husband also praises her: (29)
“Many women are capable, but you surpass them
all!” (30) Charm is deceptive and beauty is
fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD will be
praised. (31) Give her the reward of her labor,
and let her works praise her at the city
Using GPS tracking devices, miniature cameras,
and specialized software, spouses can monitor
one another’s activities. This type of spying is
increasing even though at least five U. S.
circuit courts have ruled that spousal
surveillance violates the Federal Wiretap Act.
Some may argue that Reagan’s doctrine: “trust
but verify” works for marriages, but I suspect
that this type of verifying is more of a
precursor of divorce than a way to build trust.
--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
World, November 17, 2012 p. 64
Ephesians 5:22–26 (HCSB) “Wives, submit to your
own husbands as to the Lord, 23 for the husband
is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of
the church. He is the Savior of the body. 24 Now
as the church submits to Christ, so wives are to
submit to their husbands in everything. 25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave Himself for her 26 to make
her holy, cleansing her with the washing of
water by the word.
General Colin Powell rose from modest
beginnings to become the top military commander
of the U.S. Armed Forces. He served as Secretary
of State under George W. Bush. When he was ready
to retire he gave up the 20 bodyguards, the
private plane, and the adulation to become an
ordinary citizen.
Powell says, “I was sitting at home with my
wife, and I said, ‘Darling, this is the first
day of the rest of our lives. I won’t be leaving
the house at 5:30 in the morning anymore.’ She
froze. Then I heard her mutter under her breath,
‘This fool doesn’t know how we stayed married
for 50 years.’”
Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but
living according to the biblical principles of
marriage enables us to have long and healthy
marriages.--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The Week, November 23, 2012 p. 8
Ephesians 5:22–31 (HCSB) “Wives, submit to your
own husbands as to the Lord, 23 for the husband
is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of
the church. He is the Savior of the body. 24 Now
as the church submits to Christ, so wives are to
submit to their husbands in everything. 25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave Himself for her 26 to make
her holy, cleansing her with the washing of
water by the word. 27 He did this to present the
church to Himself in splendor, without spot or
wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and
blameless. 28 In the same way, husbands are to
love their wives as their own bodies. He who
loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever
hates his own flesh but provides and cares for
it, just as Christ does for the church, 30 since
we are members of His body. 31 For this
reason a man will leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two will
become one flesh.”
Victor Cruz is an NFL star with a modern
lifestyle. He lives with his girlfriend and
their child. Even Time Magazine can see the
hypocrisy in a confessed Christian living such a
lifestyle. They asked, “You’re Catholic, and you
have a kid with your girlfriend, who is also
your manager. Why haven’t you married her
Cruz’s answer is insightful. “I just want the
timing to be right. And I feel like we’re almost
there, but once I wake up that one morning and I
look over at her and I get that “go buy a ring”
feeling, that’s when it’ll happen.”
The only explanation for such an attitude is a
young man who is so totally swayed by a secular
worldview. It is telling that he does not even
see the moral issue involved here. --Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell
Time, October 22, 2012 p. 64
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB) “This is why a man leaves
his father and mother and bonds with his wife,
and they become one flesh.”
In the current rush to certify Homosexual
marriage, many are neglecting to understand the
purpose of Marriage. Jordan Lorence, senior
counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom recently
talked about that purpose.
“When two people apply for a marriage license,
the government doesn’t ask them to prove their
love, their capacity to find happiness, or even
their ability to make money. At its core, the
public purpose of marriage is to promote the
continued existence of a society. Marriage laws
exist because children are the natural product
of sexual relationships between men and women,
and both fathers and mothers are important for
children. That’s the reason diverse cultures and
faiths have recognized one-man, one-woman
marriage as the best way to promote healthy
families and societies.” --Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
USA Today, December 11, 2012 p. 8A
Genesis 2:24 (ESV) Therefore a man shall leave
his father and his mother and hold fast to his
wife, and they shall become one flesh.
“Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story
end?” That’s the first line of Nicholas Sparks’
The Notebook, his first novel, which was made
into the movie of the same name. He is an 80
year-old man reflecting on his life, which he
summarizes like this: “I am a common man with
common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life.
There are no monuments dedicated to me and my
name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved
another with all my heart and soul, and to me,
this has always been enough.”
We find the old man reading a love story from a
notebook to an equally old woman who suffers
from Alzheimer’s. It soon becomes clear that the
old man, Noah, is reading to his beloved wife
Allie, who can no longer recognize him. And he
is reading the story of their life. In the
story, Noah’s children try to get him to come
home with them since Allie can’t recognize any
of them.. They reason that they could all take
turns visiting her. But Noah tells them, “Your
mother is my home,” and he stays with her to the
Noah and Allie’s story could be yours. Nicholas
Sparks based his story on his wife’s
grandparents. He said that it was amazing to him
that after 60 years of marriage, these two
people were treating each other the same as he
and his wife were treating each other after 12
hours of marriage. --Jim L. Wilson and Steve
Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
Ephesians 5:33 (ESV) However, let each one of
you love his wife as himself, and let the wife
see that she respects her husband.
Former NFL football player turned pastor; Miles
McPherson says a lot of people don’t understand
the real purpose of marriage. Speaking to a
group of college students at Liberty University,
McPherson warned the students not to get married
because they want to get happy, because that
motivation is wrong. McPherson said marriage is
not designed to make you happy, it “is there to
make you holy.” He encouraged the students to
focus less on what they can get in a
relationship and more on what they can
contribute to it. He says takers acquire what
they want on their own terms, while people who
are receivers get what they need by giving to
others. Using experience from his own marriage
as an example, McPherson said, “You realize that
the only way the relationship is going to work
is if you deny yourself. You have to give. Your
marriage will never work if you are a taker.” He
added, “It’s a compromise; we both have to give,
why? Because God wants to make us holy and the
only way to be holy is to let go.”—Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Marriage Not There to Make You Happy, Says
Megachurch Pastor, By Leonardo Blair,,
February 4, 2013.
Ephesians 5:25-27 (ESV) (25) Husbands, love
your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave
himself up for her, (26) that he might sanctify
her, having cleansed her by the washing of water
with the word, (27) so that he might present the
church to himself in splendor, without spot or
wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be
holy and without blemish.
A new book by Wendy Moore, How to Create the
Perfect Wife: Britain’s Most Ineligible Bachelor
and his Enlightened Quest to Train the Ideal
Mate, tells the story of Thomas Day, an 18th
century author who experimented with raising his
own perfect wife. He adopted two prepubescent
orphans believing he could teach one of them to
be the wife he wanted. The experiment failed
miserably for all the obvious reasons.
God’s word is the best source for an excellent
wife. Love her, as Christ loved the church and
gave Himself for her.” Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Review in The Week, April 26, 2013, p. 20
Ephesians 5:25 (ESV) Husbands, love your wives,
as Christ loved the church and gave himself up
for her,
Karl Lagerfeld is a multimillionaire German
fashion designer. Recently the 77-year-old
announced he has fallen in love with Choupette
and would like to marry her. The only thing
holding him back is the fact that Choupette is a
Siamese cat. “I never thought I would fall in
love like this with a cat,” he told a CNN
With the long-standing definition of marriage
in flux, it is not surprising that someone would
think like that.--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Hebrews 13:4 (CEV) Have respect for marriage.
Always be faithful to your partner, because God
will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful
in marriage.
The actual cost of a wedding hasn’t risen all
that much, still a few dollars for a wedding
license but the amount couples are paying for a
wedding has skyrocketed. An average American
couple paid $28,427 in 2012 for their wedding,
including the reception. Depending on where you
live the price goes even higher. In Boston the
average is $39,239, in Santa Barbara, it’s
$42,319; and in Manhattan, $76,687.
All this is happening at a time when marriages
are less likely to last. According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, the divorce rate of first
marriage is around 50 percent; second marriages
are at 60 to 67 percent and third marriages are
at 73 to 74 percent.
As the value of a marriage drops, the cost of
getting married rises. Perhaps as a people we
are putting too much value on the wedding
celebration and not nearly enough on the health
of the marriage.--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
The Week, June 21, 2013 p. 13 (Price of
statistics) (accessed 7/1/13)
Hebrews 13:4 (CEV) Have respect for marriage.
Always be faithful to your partner, because God
will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful
in marriage.
After 80 years, and over 100 descendents later,
Jose Riella and Martina Lopez of Paraguay had a
religious ceremony to augment their civil union
from 40 years previous. It just goes to show
that it is never too late to do the right thing.
–Jim L. Wilson
While it is unusual for an organ that once
functioned in the bride to now function in the
groom, it is not unusual for a couple to share
the same heart. Not literally, of course, but
with time, marriage has that effect on some
people. —Jim L. Wilson
Genesis 2:25 (NASB) And the man and his wife
were both naked and were not ashamed.
“Every dozen or so seconds in the United
States, a woman is beaten, assaulted, or
strangled. Domestic violence is the top cause of
injury for American women between the ages of 15
and 44.”
This is not God’s plan for women. It is not a
godly man who treats his wife in such a way.
God’s plan is for men to love their wives. Love
them just as Christ loved the church. Jesus
loved the church enough to die for her. Men
should love their wives that much. --Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell
“When Escape is the only option.” The Week,
June 14, 2013, p. 40
Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ also loved the church and
gave Himself for her,
Michael Roach and Cristy McNally made a very
unusual vow when they were married in 1998. The
Arizona couple lives in the desert and teaches
Buddhist meditation. They vowed, and practiced
togetherness on an extreme level. They promised
never to stray more than 15 feet from each
other. Daytime, nighttime, 24-hours-per-day they
were with each other.
There is a difference between closeness and
Could your marriage survive is arrangement?
Roach and McNally’s didn’t. They divorced in
2010.--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Ephesians 5:21 (NASB) and be subject to one
another in the fear of Christ.
In his weekly column in Time Magazine Joel
Stein comments on Gwyneth Paltrow’s conscious
uncoupling remarks as a nicer way to say
divorce. Paltrow’s holistic doctor wrote the
essay defending her actions. He said that human
traditions of marriage date back to when life
expectancy was 33 years. Now that we live into
our 80’s one marriage is no longer enough for
many people.
Marriage is under attack on many fronts. Is it
because good marriages are the foundation of a
solid society? There is a reason sexual sins are
condemned so often in the Bible. It is the sin
that strikes at the very heart of who we are as
humans. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Time, April 14, 2014. P. 62
Matthew 19:16 (HCSB) (16) Just then someone
came up and asked Him, “Teacher, what good must
I do to have eternal life?”
Marriage is still an important element in our
culture. For many, the wedding is a major life
event that requires detail planning. Perhaps
none has planned like Rearna Ackord, a
22-year-old British woman who has spent six
months planning her wedding down to the tiniest
detail. She has picked out a church, a $1,700
bridal gown, the menu for the reception, and
even the music for her walk down the aisle.
“Every girl grows up dreaming of their wedding
day,” says Ackord. “I’m just taking it one step
further than most and making those dreams a
There is just one detail that hasn’t been
solved. She hasn’t found anyone to marry. She
makes all these plans in anticipation of the day
she finds a groom. There is a difference between
a wedding and a marriage. Too bad many people
spend so much time fixating on the former that
they miss the potential beauty of the later.
--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week, April 6, 2012 p. 12
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB) (24) This is why a man
leaves his father and mother and bonds with his
wife, and they become one flesh.
Christian marriage is from God. God joins two
people together, for life. Jesus is specific;
humans are not to separate what God had joined.
That makes the statement of Gwyneth Paltrow and
Chris Martin a sad one. In announcing their
divorce they stated, “It is with hearts full of
sadness that we have decided to . . .
consciously uncouple.”
We are eyewitness of the unraveling of the
institution of marriage. The problem is not just
in the redefinition of marriage, but in loss of
respect for it as well. --Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
Mark 10:9 (HCSB) (9) Therefore what God has
joined together, man must not separate.”
32-year-old Walid Chaabani had enough, so left
home to get away from his wife, even though he
knew that doing so would result in going to
prison for breaking the terms of house arrest.
According to police, "Living with his wife was
particularly difficult and unbearable." He told
authorities that he was "tired of continuously
fighting with his wife." So to escape his wife,
he decided to go to prison.—Jim L. Wilson
Proverbs 25:24 (HCSB) Better to live on the
corner of a roof than to share a house with a
nagging wife.
Singer, songwriter, actor, and television
personality Adam Levine recently married after
the longtime professed bachelor had insisted
that he would never get tie the knot. In writing
his own vows however, he stumbled on a biblical
truth that many a spouse should remember.
He wrote and then vowed, “Behati, I love you
more than I love myself and we all know how much
I Love myself.” --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
--The Week, August 1, 2014 p. 10
Mark 12:31 (NASB) "The second is this,
There is no other commandment greater than
In an HBO documentary, filmmaker Doug Block has
followed up on 112 of the weddings he has
recorded. He tells about some that have been
successes, some that didn’t last. The
documentary, 112 Weddings, helps its audience
realize that “Happy weddings are easy. Happily
ever after is complicated and messy.”
--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
--World, July 26, 2014 p. 23
Ephesians 5:25 (NASB) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ also loved the church and
gave Himself up for her,
As Jason and Jessica Roth were preparing to
celebrate their tenth anniversary, an old photo
revealed that they had known each other a lot
longer than they thought. Instead of meeting at
students at Florida State University, they
actually met for the first time in preschool. It
turns out that when Jason was four, he was sent
to live with his aunt in Jessica’s hometown of
Lakeland, Florida. Jason’s aunt operated a
preschool that Jessica attended, and Jason
started going there while living with his aunt.
At a party Jason discovered that Jessica had
gone to the preschool and when he searched
through some old pictures, he found a picture
with both of them in it. Both of them were
amazed at how they had met so early and then
followed similar course that brought them
together again 17 years later. Jason said
he hesitated to call it destiny, but added, “We
were always kind of in each other’s orbits, we
were just waiting for the stars to align. Very
rarely in life do you see how all the pieces
fall into places to make things happen.”—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
'Phenomenal happenstance': Married couple
discovers they first met as preschoolers, By
Marisa Kabas,,
August 15, 2014.
Proverbs 18:22 (NASB)He who finds a wife finds
a good thing And obtains favor from the
Ron Washington as manager of the Texas Rangers
was at the peak of his career. After admitting
he had been unfaithful to his wife he resigned
his position with these words. “I broke her
trust. I am here today to own that mistake.”
He could have kept his job and remained silent
on the indiscretion. Instead he chose to resign
and try to save his 42-year marriage. --Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
World, October 18, 2014, p. 62
1 Peter 4:8 (HCSB) Above all, maintain an
intense love for each other, since love covers a
multitude of sins.
A study of 3000 marriages, conducted by two
Emory University researchers, indicates that if
you want your marriage to last, date for 3 years
before you tie the knot, spend the money on the
honeymoon not the wedding, and stay active in
your local church.
The researchers found that couples who
• date for at least 3 years before their
engagement are 39% less likely to get divorced
than couples that dated less than a year.
• spend between $5,000 and $10,000 are46% less
likely to get divorced than those that spent
more than $20,000.
• attend religious services regularly are 46%
less likely to divorce.
• honeymoon are 41% less likely to divorce than
those who don’t. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Mark 10:9 (HCSB) (9) Therefore what God has
joined together, man must not separate.”
According to an article in the National Review,
marriage is essential to the growth of our
economy and the best social program of all.
Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore
writes “that marriage with a devoted husband and
wife in the home is a far better social program
than food stamps, Medicaid, public housing, or
even all of them combined.”
The reasons are simple. “Children of married
parents are more likely to graduate high school,
less likely to go to jail, and more likely to
delay sexual activity.” Children growing up
without a father are “five times as likely to
live in poverty.”
This is hard to hear in a society where more
than 40 percent of children are born out of
wedlock. One of the things we as the church can
do is keep calling our culture back to
traditional values. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Genesis 2:24 (NKJV) “Therefore a man shall
leave his father and mother and be joined to his
wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Jugal Kishore, 25, was going to be married to
his beloved. They were about to exchange vows
when he was struck by an apparent epileptic
seizure. He was rushed to the hospital. The
23-year-old bride was furious that she had not
been told of Kishore’s medical condition. She
asked a member of her brother-in-laws family to
marry her on the spot. By the time Kishore
returned to the wedding venue, the wedding was
over and his bride was married to another.
The foundation of a marriage found in the vow,
“to love for better or worse,” certainly didn’t
apply here. Kishore is upset with the
proceedings, but he may be better off without a
wife who would so quickly desert him. -- Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week March 6, 2015, p. 12.
Ephesians 5:25 (HCSB) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her
When Professor Robert Oscar Lopez was very
young, too young to remember his dad, his
parents divorced. His mother began a
relationship with a woman who also had kids.
They moved in together permanently when Robert
was a teenager. In 2012 Lopez shared his view
publicly that his same-sex upbringing was
detrimental, resulting in attacks from all sides
by gay activists.
Lopez doubled down and co-launched an advocacy
group, the International Children’s Rights
Institute, whose mission involves defending the
right of children to have a mother and
father—their biological ones, whenever
This institute is defending a child’s God-given
right to grow up in a family with his mom and
dad. What a concept! How many generations must
be damaged before we understand that God’s
recipe for marriage and family is the best one?
-- Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Daniel James Devine, The Kids Are Not All
Right, World, March 23, 2015 p. 44-50
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB) This is why a man leaves
his father and mother and bonds with his wife,
and they become one flesh.
Clint Eastwood says, “They say marriages are
made in heaven. But so is thunder and
lightning.” -- Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Some marriages have more thunder and lightning
than others. We should work to follow Biblical
advice on how to have a peaceful family.
The Week, April 10, 2015, p. 15;
Colossians 3:18-20 (HCSB) Wives, be submissive
to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
(19) Husbands, love your wives and don’t be
bitter toward them. (20) Children, obey your
parents in everything, for this pleases the
Roy Runyon has been on the city council of
Bremerton, Washington for 6 years. With his term
due to expire he filed for reelection. On the
same day a challenger also filed for the same
seat. This was no ordinary challenge since Kim
Faulkner, the challenger also happens to be
Runyon’s wife of 12 years.
She said, “I just think our district needs more
qualified people to run.” He said, “Our marriage
has been fine, up to now.”
Marriage is not easy. Blending two lives into
one couple necessitates give and take, love and
giving. This cannot make it any easier. --Jim L
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Ephesians 5:25 (HCSB) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her
Candace Bushnell, whose writing and personal
adventures spawned the Sex and the City TV show,
has made a career out of her search for the
perfect guy. Now she tells The Times (U.K.) she
has given up on men. She says that plenty of her
friends share her disappointment with men.
Bushnell says, “I say, ‘You must be so happy,
you’re married.’ They Say, ‘No, let me tell you
something, I hate my husband. I hate him all the
time.’” Bushnell says, “I really feel an
increasing anger from women toward men, and I
think that anger is very, very justified. The
problem is that husbands bully their wives and
act like the rulers of their own
Candace and her friends need to meet a biblical
husband, one who lives by the Apostle Paul’s
admonition in Ephesians to “Love his wife as
Christ loved the church.” A woman has real
trouble hating that kind of husband. --Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week, June 26, 2015, p. 8
Ephesians 5:25 (HCSB) Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her
Time magazine asked several people the
question, “Is Monogamy Obsolete?” Pastor Andy
Stanley replied that it is more like an
endangered species. “Rare, Valuable. Something
to be protected.”
According to Stanley, “beside the fact that
women and children do not fare well in societies
that embrace polygamy and promiscuity, ‘sexual
freedom undermines financial and emotional
He said, “We desire intimacy—to know and to be
fully known without fear. Intimacy is fragile.
Intimacy is powerful. And intimacy is fueled by
When Jesus was asked about marriage he was
clear, a man and a woman together form the bond
known as marriage. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Time, September 21, 2015 p. 65
Mark 10:9 (HCSB) "Therefore what God has joined
together, man must not separate.”
When Time Magazine asked Nathan Collier if
Monogamy was Obsolete he responded with a
definite, “Yes.” He said, “We need to legalize
In his defense of polygamy Collier gives many
of the same arguments we have repeatedly heard
over the last few years. “I’ve always been a
polygamist. Those of us who practice polygamy
need to be protected by law. The state is
discriminating against those who believe
marriage involves more than one spouse. While
monogamy is natural to many, “polygamy is just
more natural to us.”
Marriage is under attack from many directions.
God spoke, Jesus affirmed, biblical marriage is
defined, one man, one woman, one marriage. —Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Time, September 21, 2015 p. 65
Matthew 19:5 (HCSB) and He also said: “For this
reason a man will leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two will
become one flesh?
Wendy Birmingham, lead author of a new study
out of Utah on marriage, said the study said
they found a quarter of the couples in the
research were genuinely happy, but the rest fell
into the ambivalent category. Couples in
what the researchers termed “ambivalent
marriages,” those that not bad enough to leave,
but still have distinctly negative attitudes do
not get many of the advantages of couples in
fulfilling marriages..—Jim L. Wilson and Jim
A Better Marriage Is Better for Your Health, By
Belinda Luscombe,,
Accessed October 17, 2015
Proverbs 18:22 (HCSB) A man who finds a wife
finds a good thing and obtains favor from the
Ryan Anderson, a Heritage Foundation senior
research fellow, has released a new book, Truth
Overruled: The future of Marriage and Religious
Freedom. In an interview with World Magazine
Anderson speaks about the current situation in
the United States regarding gay marriage. “Gays
and lesbians aren’t to blame for the problems
that our marriage culture faces;” he says, “It’s
heterosexuals who bought liberal ideology during
the sexual revolution of the late ‘60s and early
‘70s. Only after 40 years of the cultural
redefinition of marriage could you have five
Supreme Court justices legally redefine
If marriage is truly between one man and one
woman, as we so often argue, we need to have as
much emphasis on the “one” as we do the man and
woman part. The truth is, we have allowed
Biblical marriage to come undone, long before
the Supreme Court ruling. —Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
World, October 17, 2015 p. 29
Mark 10:6-9 (HCSB) But from the beginning of
creation God made them male and female. (7) For
this reason a man will leave his father and
mother [and be joined to his wife], (8) and the
two will become one flesh. So they are no longer
two, but one flesh. (9) Therefore what God has
joined together, man must not separate.”
There is another new kind of marriage on the
horizon according to Ryan Anderson, a Heritage
Foundation senior research fellow. He is
referring to an idea introduced in the
Washington Post called “wedlease.” “A wedlease
would be a 5-year marriage contract that you
could renew if you wanted to, but otherwise it
has a presumption of ending after five years:
lease a house, lease a car, and lease a
That kind of marriage is as far from being
biblical as gay marriage, polygamy, or open
marriage and has the potential to cause far
greater damage to the family. —Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
World, October 17, 2015 p. 29
Mark 10:6-9 (HCSB) But from the beginning of
creation God made them male and female. (7) For
this reason a man will leave his father and
mother [and be joined to his wife], (8) and the
two will become one flesh. So they are no longer
two, but one flesh. (9) Therefore what God has
joined together, man must not separate.”
China has created a problem. For years they had
a one-child policy and as a result prospective
parents aborted their child when they found out
it was a girl. Now they have a shortage of women
that rises to the level of a crisis. Zhejiang
University economics professor Xie Zuoshi has a
possible solution. Multiple Chinese men should
be allowed to marry the same woman. He defends
himself against criticism by declaring “No one
is forcing anyone to accept “one wife, many
Known as polyandry, one woman with more than one
husband may take its place alongside of
polygamy, gay marriage, and no fault divorce as
another threat to the family. —Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell
World, November 14, 2015 p. 14
God’s intended marriage to be between one woman
and one man who remain together for a lifetime
creating a stable family.
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB) This is why a man leaves
his father and mother and bonds with his wife,
and they become one flesh.
In an article in Relevant magazine, Debra
Fileta, a licensed Counselor, lists five ways
couples can invest in their marriage. She says,
couples need to connect spiritually, and the
best way to do that is to pray with each other
about the concerns of the day. The second
is to communicate meaningfully by setting aside
ten to twenty minutes a day just to talk,
sitting face to face. This gives couples a
chance to catch up and keep up with each other.
Fileta recommends that couples touch often
because physical contact is important. She says
couples need to confess and forgive and take
time to get away on date nights or other
opportunities to rekindle their love and
friendship. Fileta says investing in a marriage
means doing small things that have a large
impact, and adds that it is never too late to
start.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
5 Things Married Couples Should Do Every Day By
Debra Fileta,,
17, 2015.
Hebrews 13:4 (HCSB) “Marriage must be respected
by all, and the marriage bed kept undefiled,
because God will judge immoral people and
When Bobby Wesson wanted to honor his wife’s
hard work, he never dreamed so many people would
see his message. Wesson took a picture of his
wife and son sleeping and described how her day
would go when she woke up in an hour. He
described how she took care of her family and
then worked hard taking care of others who might
be having the worst day of their lives. He said
sometimes she would come home and talk about her
day, and other days she might laugh or cry, but
he said no matter what she would be on time for
her next shift. He closed saying, “My wife is a
trauma nurse. My wife is a hero.” So far, the
post has been shared over 92,000 times.—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Husband’s Facebook post about overworked wife
goes viral,,
November 13, 2015.
Proverbs 31:27-28 (HCSB) “She watches over the
activities of her household and is never idle.
(28) Her sons rise up and call her blessed. Her
husband also praises her:”
When Charles and Frances
Hamlin celebrated their 68th wedding
anniversary, they decided to see if they could
recreate everything, including the $8 price. The
Hamlins still had the original receipt from the
Poinsett from 1947. Today, a room in the hotel
costs between $250 and $300, although Hamlin
said he thought $8 was expensive 68 years ago.
At first, the hotel balked at giving the couple
a room for $8, but reconsidered when they
learned that they had their original receipt.
John Geddes, director of sales and marketing at
the Westin Poinsett they have helped couples
replicate their experience at the hotel and
decide to help the Hamlins. Geddes said it was
unusual for the couple to have their original
receipt, so they thought it would be a fun thing
to do. “It’s very neat,“ Geddes said. “It was
kind of a no-brainer for us to recreate the
magical night.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
68 years later, couple to
recreate 'magical' honeymoon for $8, By Angelica
Proverbs 5:18 (HCSB)“Let
your fountain be blessed, and take pleasure in
the wife of your youth.”
Chris Dempsey overheard a
coworker talking about his cousin who was in
desperate need of a liver donor. Chris, a former
Marine now working for Village of Frankfort, IL
volunteered. After testing he donated more than
half of his liver to save the life of Heather
Krueger. The two had never met before the
donation but in the weeks leading up to the
surgery and during the grueling recovery they
became close and are now engaged to be married.
Heather said, “We share a
special bond. It’s not only the organ donation,
but how much he was there for me through the
worst time in my life.”
Spouses don’t have to share
organs to stand together in the good times and
the bad. In fact, that is part of the marriage
vow, “for better or for worse.” When the two,
husband and wife are joined together, they
become one flesh, sharing even more than half a
liver apiece. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The Week, January 22, 2016 p.
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB) This is
why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds
with his wife, and they become one flesh.
Immediately after repeating
their wedding vows, Lynnette Beedle and Stephen
Klejka began running a half-marathon in Canton,
Ohio. –Jim L. Wilson
I love the symbolism here.
Marriage is not a sprint; it is a marathon. For
better or worse, richer or poorer, ‘til death do
we part.
Mark 10:6–9 (HCSB)“But
from the beginning of creation God made them
male and female.7For
this reason a man will leavehis
father and mother [and be joined to his
wife],8and the
two will become one flesh. So they are no
longer two, but one flesh. 9
Therefore what God has joined together, man must
not separate.”
If you have ever watched sea
otters sleep, you will notice something unique
about them. They sleep holding hands. It may
seem strange, but there is a legitimate reason
as to why they do. They sleep holding hands so
that they do not drift apart. While they are
sleeping, the current in the sea can cause them
to drift for several miles, leaving them all
alone if they are not holding on to their
The same is the case with
marriage. Life pulls you in so many directions
that you and your spouse can drift apart. “No
one gets married thinking they will end up miles
apart but if we aren’t intentional, like those
sea otters, we will likely wake up one day, look
at our spouse and think, who are you?” –Jim L.
Wilson and Eric Gibbs
--Nine Thoughts That Can
Change Your Marriage, 189-91.
Colossians 3:18–19 (HCSB)“Wives, be submissive to your husbands, as
is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands,
love your wives and don’t be bitter toward
One of the results of the
divorce revolution in our culture is that many
who have experienced their parent’s divorce are
delaying or rejecting marriage. Over 60 percent
of them think cohabitation before marriage is a
good idea, and they are more likely to be living
with their partner than those from intact,
married families. The thing that makes this
trend worrisome is that cohabitation “leads to
more breakups, divorce, and economic
instability, creating a complex web that
increasingly involves children.”
The sanctity of marriage is
real. God created the marriage bond and it is
best for all parties, men and women, boys and
girls. Live with your partner only after you
marry, and stay married despite the
difficulties. –--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Mary Jackson, Sins of their
Fathers and Mothers, World Magazine, June 11,
2016 pp. 50-53
Matthew 19:6 (HCSB)“So
they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore, what God has joined together, man
must not separate.”
According to Ramesh Ponnuru,
senior editor for National Review, Families
provide the foundation people need to be
successful in a challenging and chaotic world.
Ponnuru says that abundant evidence shows that
children generally do better academically,
economically, and behaviorally “when they are
raised by parents who are married to each
other.” Adults who go unmarried or raise
children without a partner, meanwhile, are more
likely to struggle personally and economically.
While Ponnuru uses political
reasons for the necessity of families, our
civilization itself is in dire need of a return
to the biblical family. –Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell.
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB)“This
is why a man leaves his father and mother and
bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh.”
When Leroy Black died of cancer
his obituary appeared in the Press
Atlantic City twice.In the
first one, he was described as a well-loved
fiberglass technician. After some other
niceties, the obituary said he “is survived
by his loving wife, Bearetta Harrison
observant reader would have seen an almost
identical obituary following the first one.
The difference was in the surviving line.
“Black is survived by his longtime girlfriend,
Princess Hall.”
Jesus reminds us that we are
united as one to our spouse. —Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell.
The Week August 19/26 2016 p.
Matthew 19:5 (HCSB) “and He
also said: “For this reason a man will leavehis father and motherand be joined
to his wife,and the two will become
one flesh?”
According to a January poll
from the National Endowment for Financial
Education, 42 percent of people admit to being
financially unfaithful to their partner. They
admit to keeping secret bank accounts, hiding
big-ticket purchases, or covering up bad
investments. Mandy Walker in
says that lying about money can be as
devastating to a relationship as old-fashioned
physical infidelity.
In a good marriage, partners
keep nothing from one another. How can you even
imagine you are treating one another with love
and respect, as the scripture tells us to do, if
we are lying about something as basic as money.
Finances are one of the main
things that cause friction in a marriage. Lying
about it just increases the harm.—Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell.
The Week, February 26, 2016
p. 41
Ephesians 5:23–31 (HCSB)“for the husband is the head of the wife
as Christ is the head of the church. He is the
Savior of the body. 24 Now as the
church submits to Christ, so wives are to submit
to their husbands in everything. 25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave Himself for her 26
to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing
of water by the word. 27 He did this
to present the church to Himself in splendor,
without spot or wrinkle or anything like that,
but holy and blameless. 28 In the
same way, husbands are to love their wives as
their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves
himself. 29 For no one ever hates
his own flesh but provides and cares for it,
just as Christ does for the church, 30
since we are members of His body. 31For this reason a man will leavehis
father and motherand be joined to his
wife,and the two will become one
Larry Ripple stole $3000 from
a Kansas City bank at gunpoint. Then he sat down
in the bank lobby, told a security guard, “I am
the guy you are looking for,” and waited for
police. He then confessed to police that he had
earlier argued with his wife and told her “he’d
rather be in jail than at home.” The police
charged him with bank robbery, then released
This may be an extreme
example, but marriage often becomes a
battlefield rather than the place of emotional
warmth and intimacy that God intended. How are
we working to keep our own marriages places of
refuge? It doesn’t take much to make a marriage
superior to jail time. I wonder if Ripple when
home when he was released? --Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell.
The Week, September 23, 2016
p. 12
Ephesians 5:22–33 (HCSB)
“Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the
Lord, 23 for the husband is the head
of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.
He is the Savior of the body. 24 Now
as the church submits to Christ, so wives are to
submit to their husbands in everything. 25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave Himself for her 26
to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing
of water by the word. 27 He did this
to present the church to Himself in splendor,
without spot or wrinkle or anything like that,
but holy and blameless. 28 In the
same way, husbands are to love their wives as
their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves
himself. 29 For no one ever hates
his own flesh but provides and cares for it,
just as Christ does for the church, 30
since we are members of His body. 31For this reason a man will leavehis
father and motherand be joined to his
wife,and the two will become one
flesh.32 This mystery is
profound, but I am talking about Christ and the
church. 33 To sum up, each one of
you is to love his wife as himself, and the wife
is to respect her husband.”
Rogelio Andaverde, a Texas
husband allegedly staged his own kidnapping. He
wanted to hang out with friends but his wife
would not give permission. Andaverde arranged
for friends to don masks, display guns, and come
to his home and take him away while his
terrified wife looked on.
A good marriage requires
honesty. It seems like an arranged kidnapping
falls short of the Biblical mandate to love your
wife as yourself. --Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
The Week, October 28, 2016 p.
Ephesians 5:25 (HCSB)“Husbands,
love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
and gave Himself for her”
An 82-year-old man
found his missing wedding ring, with a carrot
growing through it in his garden, just like
his wife said he would. He lost the ring as he
and his wife were celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary. His wife assured him that
he didn’t need to worry, that they would
likely find it while working in the garden
some time. That time came three years later,
just six months after his wife passed away.
When asked to comment on the discovery, the
widower said, “you reap what you sow.” —Jim L.
Wilson and Daniel Noh
I’m sure his
delight in discovering the ring hand more to
do with his memories, than its monitory value.
Proverbs 18:22 (HCSB)“A man
who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains
favor from the Lord.”
In Saratoga Springs, New
York, a European company has established the
first Divorce hotel in the United States. Using
a pattern first established in Amsterdam in 2012
a couple can check into the Gideon Putnam Resort
on Friday as a married couple, and check out on
Sunday, Single.
What God intended as a
picture of the relationship of Christ and the
Church is degraded to a no pain exit from a
relationship. I am glad Jesus doesn’t desert His
sometimes faithless church so easily. –--Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Ephesians 5:21–33 (HCSB)“submitting to one another in the fear of
Christ. 22 Wives, submit to your own
husbands as to the Lord, 23 for the
husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the
head of the church. He is the Savior of the
body. 24 Now as the church submits
to Christ, so wives are to submit to their
husbands in everything. 25 Husbands,
love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
and gave Himself for her 26 to make
her holy, cleansing her with the washing of
water by the word. 27 He did this to
present the church to Himself in splendor,
without spot or wrinkle or anything like that,
but holy and blameless. 28 In the
same way, husbands are to love their wives as
their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves
himself. 29 For no one ever hates
his own flesh but provides and cares for it,
just as Christ does for the church, 30
since we are members of His body. 31For this reason a man will leavehis
father and motherand be joined to his
wife,and the two will become one
flesh.32 This mystery is
profound, but I am talking about Christ and the
church. 33 To sum up, each one of
you is to love his wife as himself, and the wife
is to respect her husband.”
Campbell, who wrote the lyrics to the song
‘I’m Not Gonna Miss You’?” is suffering from
Alzheimer’s disease. On their anniversary, his
wife Kim blogged, “Thirty-four years is a
monumental testament to love, faith,
selflessness, and commitment. “ I will always
celebrate our family’s life and love I’ve
shared with my husband and I will continue to
do the remembering for us!” —Jim L. Wilson
& Stephen Hayes
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB)“This
is why a man leaves his father and mother and
bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh.”
Karen Spence,
the wife of Vice President Mike Pence, said
that while they were dating she told her
future husband that he was her number 1. She
said he replied that he would probably
disappoint her because he is only human. He
told her she needed to have God and Jesus in
that spot rather than him. A Washington
newspaper recently reported that the vice
president will not eat alone with any woman
other than his wife. –Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Lady Karen Pence Says Her Husband Told Her To
Put God First,
Colossians 3:18 (HCSB)“Wives,
be submissive to your husbands, as is fitting in
the Lord.”
Scarlett Johansson recently commented on her
thoughts about what she calls, “the very
romantic and beautiful institution of
marriage.” Now separated from her second
husband, she isn’t sure monogamy is natural.
“I don’t think it’s natural to be a monogamous
person. It’s a lot of work. And the fact that
it is such work for so many people—for
everyone—proves that it is not a natural
She is right
about one thing. It is a lot of work to have a
successful marriage. Jesus said it requires a
man to love his wife more than himself. He is
to love her as much as Christ loves the
church. It is a love that is willing to give
its life for the one loved. I don’t know if we
can call marriage “natural,” but it is the way
God has commanded. –Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
The Week,
March 10, 2017 p.10
Matthew 19:5 (HCSB)“and
He also said: ‘For this reason a man will
leavehis father and motherand
be joined to his wife,and the two
will become one flesh?’”
together is very different from Marriage.
“Anybody who tells you that it’s the same is
lying,” says actress Scarlett Johansson. While
not sold on the institution of marriage she
recognizes the difference between marriage and
living together. Marriage is “a beautiful
responsibility, but it’s a responsibility.”
One of the
ways it is different is that marriage honors
God, living together does not. God calls us to
make a lifetime commitment to others. –Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week,
March 10, 2017 p.10
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB)“This
is why a man leaves his father and mother and
bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh.”
Biblical marriage is on the
decline. New polling shows that 64% of American
adults say that same-sex marriages should be
recognized as legally valid—the highest
percentage to date. In 1996 only 27% agreed.
As culture moves further and
further from a biblical standard we can only
expect these percentages to grow. —Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell.
The week, May 26, 2017 p 19
Matthew 19:5
(CSB) “and he also said, ‘For this
reason a man will leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two will
become one flesh?’”
Perhaps the newest trend in
the continuing saga of attacking the institution
of marriage is the number of longtime single
people who are now having full ceremonies in
which they marry themselves. Called sologamy, it
is popular in places like Brooklyn and San
Francisco. Erika Anderson, 37, recently tied the
knot with herself. She explained its meaning.
“It means that we are enough, even if we are not
partnered with someone else.”—Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell.
The week, May 26, 2017 p. 8
Genesis 2:24
(CSB) “This is why a man leaves his
father and mother and bonds with his wife, and
they become one flesh.”
Brad Wilcox, a sociology
professor at the University of Virginia is also
the director of the National Marriage Project.
In an interview in World Magazine he states that
“Men who work diligently, attend church with
their spouse regularly, are emotionally engaged
in their marriages, and don’t abuse drugs and
alcohol have a pretty slim chance of getting
He further states
“Christianity turns men’s hearts and minds
toward the family. They are more emotionally
engaged with their wives and children. They are
more likely to read to their kids, to hug and
praise their children.”
Marriage was God’s idea after
all. If we include the creator in the creation
the result will be much better. —Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell.
Genesis 2:24
(CSB) “This is why a man leaves his
father and mother and bonds with his wife, and
they become one flesh.”
A German man was heartbroken when
he lost his wedding ring while gardening. When
he told his wife about the loss, she assured
him that the ring would eventually reappear.
The couple had just celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary, and continued to hope
they would find the symbol of their enduring
love. Three years later, he was harvesting
carrots and found the ring wrapped around one
of them. When the man told the story to a
local broadcaster, he said he was glad that he
had found the ring and saddened that his wife
had died six months before being proved right.
—Jim L. Wilson & Jim Sandell
German man loses wedding band, carrot unearths
5:31 (CSB) “For this
reason a man will leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife,and the two
will become one flesh.”
federal judge sentenced a Kansas man to
probation after the man admitted that he
robbed a bank to get away from his wife,
Lawrence Ripple wrote a note demanding money
from the bank in front of his wife, and then
took it to the bank and gave it to a teller.Ripple’s
note also claimed that he had gun. After
receiving the money, Ripple waited for police
to arrive and turned himself in. Records
indicated Ripple told the court that he was
depressed after recent heart surgery and said
he had not been feeling like himself. – Jim L.
Wilson & Jim Sandell
husband who robbed bank to avoid wife given
Job 7:6 (CSB) “My days pass
more swiftly than a weaver’s shuttle; they come
to an end without hope.”
At 40, Laura
Mesi finally got married, but she did not marry
another person—she married herself. Commenting
on the ceremony, Mary Louise Kelly ofNPR’s
Morning Edition said: “Now this ceremony held no
legal weight. On the other hand, no one to
bicker with over who has to write the thank-you
notes.” —Jim L.
and the two will become one
flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
As he prepared to graduate with an
aviation degree, Gavin Becker decided to use
his piloting skills to propose to his
girlfriend. He used a snow blower to carve a
giant message in the snow on a frozen lake.He
wrote the words “Marry Me” surrounded by an
oversized heart and offered to take his
longtime girlfriend, Olivia Tuft, for a plane
ride over a resort that his family owned. When
she saw the proposal, Toft accepted. –Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Husbands, love your wives, just
as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself
up for her,
When we take wedding vows we
intend for them to be forever. Sometimes they
don’t last quite that long. For one couple in
Tennessee it didn’t even last overnight. Kate
Prichard and James Burton ended up drinking a
little too much after their nuptials and at
the motel got into a fierce argument. Kate
reached under her wedding dress, pulled out a
pistol, and pulled the trigger pointed at her
new husband. Fortunately, the gun was not
loaded. But when she loaded it and fired it
into the air, Police showed up and arrested
the bride.
That may be a record for a short
marriage. The end of marriages, while not
usually as animated, all contain stories of
anger and hurt. The husband who loves his wife
as Christ loves the church and the wife who
respects her husband are the marriages that
survive. What can you do today to show your
undying love for your spouse? —Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell.
The Week, August 18/August 25,
2017 p. 14
Ephesians 5:25 (CSB)
love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
and gave himself for her
Ten years after they met in the
canned vegetable aisle at the supermarket,
Larry Spiering and Becky Smith got married
next to shelves of canned carrots and peas.
Smith said she worked at the Community
Supermarket when Spiering walked up to her and
gave her a piece of paper with his name and
phone number on it. Smith decided he might be
worth the risk and followed up and the two
fell in love. The couple thought it was only
fitting to get married in the aisle where they
met and the owner of the market was glad to
accommodate them. The judge who performed the
ceremony said it was the first time he had
married anyone at a grocery store, but after
the ceremony Smith said the wedding was
exactly what they wanted, “something nice and
easy.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Police in
Miami Beach, Florida say a man they identified
as Kenneth came into the station to ask for
their help with his proposal. The department
agreed and they arranged for the couple to be
pulled over as they drove down a city street.
When the officer pulled the couple over, he
asked them to get out of the vehicle and then
asked Kenneth if he had anything to say. At
that point, the young man got down on one knee
and held out a ring, as he asked his
girlfriend to marry him. She said she was so
surprised that she didn’t know what to say at
first. She looked at the police, then her
boyfriend and the ring, and finally blurted
out, “Yes!” The video released by the
department showed her answer and then the
officers saying, “Congratulations, guys!”—Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Sharyn Rubin
and Eric Schlesinger first meet in a dorm
building elevator on move-in day at Temple
University in 1972. A few days later, Rubin
recognized Schlesinger at a mixer and formally
introduced herself to him. Her opening line
was “Hi, Mr. Elevator Man.” That meeting
turned into a marriage that lasted more than
42 years. When Rubin passed away due to colon
cancer, her husband and the school wanted to
honor her, so they put a plaque on that
elevator, inscribed with Rubin’s quote. Now
everyone living in the dorm will know about a
chance meeting that changed two lives.
Schlesinger said meeting his future wife in
that elevator was “The most important thing”
that happened to him at Temple University.—Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
When a Michigan couple learned
that they broke the law when they married two
years earlier, they asked a judge to void the
first marriage and then marry them again.
Philip Timmer and Trish Stewart were both
divorced with children from previous marriage
when they met in 2010. They married in 2016,
but afterwards Stewart learned that her
divorce had not been properly finalized and
she was still legally married to his first
husband. Stewart worked to get the details
settled and asked a local Circuit Court Judge
Ronald Schafer to void her first marriage to
Timmer and marry them again. Schafer agreed
even though he had never presided over a
wedding before.Afterward he said, “It’s not enjoyable
finalizing the end of a marriage. To have the
opportunity to join two in marriage was a
pleasant surprise.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Ephesians 5:33 (CSB)“To
sum up, each one of you is to love his wife as
himself, and the wife is to respect her
study published in the journal PLOS One
reports that married people have better
physical health at older ages than unmarried
people. One of the biggest differences is
married people tend to walk fasten ad have a
stronger grip. The researchers studied English
adults over age 50, and a group of American
adults aged 51 and older. Researchers said
they separated people into those in their
first marriage and those who had been
remarried, and then people who had been
married and divorced and those who had never
been married. Researcher Natasha Wood from
University College London’s Institute of
Education said walking speed is an overall
measure of health because it includes balance,
agility, and speed. Wood added, “There’s been
a lot of other research which has shown that
married people are healthier and have lower
rates of mortality but very little research
which has looked at physical capability.”—Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Proverbs 18:22 (CSB)22
A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and
obtains favor from the Lord.
We have
all heard the saying, “If momma ain’t happy,
ain’t nobody happy.” Well new research
reported in the New York Times indicates what
makes momma happy. The paper reported that
their research shows “the happiest of all
wives in America are religious conservatives,
followed by their religious progressive
counterparts.” 73 percent of wives who hold
conservative gender values and attend
religious services regularly with their
husbands have high-quality marriages.
Those of us who believe the
Word of God are not surprised. After all,
marriage is God’s invention and he knows the
best way to make it work. –Jim L. Wilson and
Rodger Russell.
Ephesians 5:25–26 (CSB)
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave himself for herto
make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of
water by the word.
When asked about the secret
of his 75-year long marriage to Arlene Dean,
Loyal Dean said. “I feel that we each understand
what each one of us desires and what we need,”
–Jim L. Wilson
Romans 15:7 (CSB) “Therefore
accept one another, just as Christ also accepted
you, to the glory of God.”
On leap day 2020,
twenty-nine couples tied the knot at two
twenty-nine p.m. in Hell, Michigan, a small town
20 miles outside Ann Arbor. The Rev. Yvonne
Williams officiated the mass ceremony. The
ceremony was short and sweet, less than 10
minutes, and was held outside the town’s chapel.
Couples had to have a Michigan wedding license.
Rev. Williams said to the couples, “When you get
married in Hell, there’s nowhere for your
marriage to go but up,”
USA Today, February
24, 2020, p 4 A
Sometimes every
marriage has tough times. It can be a difficult
road. A marriage built on biblical principles
should more resemble heaven than hell. Love from
the husband and respect from the wife makes that
kind of marriage. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Ephesians 5:33
(CSB) “To sum up, each one of you is to love his
wife as himself, and the wife is to respect her
OK, until
way after death do us part. When Le Van’s wife
died 16 years ago, the Vietnamese man said the
thought of bidding an eternal farewell to his
wife was so objectionable that he slept on her
grave. In stages, he kept getting closer and
closer to her. First digging a tunnel to get
next to her coffin, and then he dug up her
bones and enclosed them in a plaster statue.
He cleans and dresses the statue twice each
day and at night he sleeps with the bones of
his long dead wife. “People said I’m crazy
because I take care of a corpse,” he said,
“but I strongly believe that she is always
with me.” His plans are to “sleep with her
dead body until I die.”
The Week,
February 21, 2020 p. 12
Losing a
loving spouse is difficult. Le Van’s
commitment to his wife is commendable; it is a
lot like God’s love for us. It is never
ending, surviving even through death. —Jim L.
Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Psalm 33:22
May your
faithful love rest on us, Lord,
for we put our
hope in you.
One of the keys to a
marriage’s survival is effective communication
skills. Communication is not completed until the
recipient receives the message intended by the
sender. A woman in India has filed for divorce
from her husband because his communication is
being received differently than he intends. She
says she wants him to communicate by arguing
with her. “Whenever I make a mistake, he always
forgives me,” the woman complained. “I am
feeling suffocated in such an environment.”
The Week, September 4, 2020,
p. 6
We may think we are the best
communicators ever. We want to forgive our
spouses as we are encouraged to do. We must be
sure it is communicated in the right way. —Jim
Wilson and Rodger Russell
Colossians 3:13 (CSB)
bearing with one another and
forgiving one another if anyone has a grievance
against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven
you, so you are also to forgive.