"Shane Battier was my
Vacation Bible School Teacher" read a sign at a
recent basketball game between Duke and Michigan
at the NCAA Basketball Tournament. When he was
just 16, Battier went to see his pastor to ask
if he could teach in the church's VBS, because
he didn't feel he could be a "whole person" if
he ignored his "spiritual side."
Shane Battier, the
6-foot-9-inch stand out for the Duke
University's basketball team is a whole person
today. Scouts and the press have had their eye
on him before he was a teenager, and he hasn't
disappointed them. Though some might think a man
of his height and athletic stature would have
his head in the clouds, he has his feet firmly
planted on the ground. The committed Christian
is a religion major and is still tending to his
"spiritual side."
—Religion Today, March 20,
2000 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
"And sitting down, He called
the twelve and said to them, "If anyone wants to
be first, he shall be last of all, and servant
of all." (Mark 9:35 NASB)
Bill Erkes spends 10 hours a
day, five to six days a week in his workshop,
earning no payment for his work, and giving away
everything he makes. Erkes is a retired airline
pilot who spends his time making wooden crosses
that he gives away to churches, youth Bible
camps, traveling missionaries, and religious
groups. Though his operation resembles a small
business enterprise, Erkes says it is only a
Erkes says, "I don't look for
rewards. I know it sounds corny, but it’s the
truth." He adds "There is something about
working in the workshop when your realize you
might be doing something our Savior did
thousands of years ago."
Erkes uses wood from trees he
cuts down himself, trimming branches off in his
workshop. He creates mainly ten-inch tall
freestanding crosses, but also creates some
small enough to fit in a missionary's pocket and
others large enough to anchor a church altar.
The crosses have traveled around the world.
Erkes has received cards from hospital patients
in Spokane Washington, and a missionary from New
Zealand. The missionary had attended a prayer
conference where Erkes sent crosses.
Erkes says the reason he
works so hard is simple. "I had time when the
requests came in," he says "I've never done any
advertising. It may sound corny, but I love the
Lord… and I'd like to learn better to serve him,
and this is just one way my so-called talents
can be used toward his kingdom."
Retiree's Cross-Building Hobby Touches People
Around the Globe, by Amy Green, March 24, 2004,
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Col. 3:17 NIV “And whatever
you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in
the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
the Father through him.”
Every Tuesday evening a crowd
gathers at a home in a well-worn suburban
neighborhood south of Chicago. Among those
attending the meetings are drug users and
problem gamblers. These meetings have a
different purpose- evangelizing new Christians
and to build their faith.
More than 20 people from age
9 to 63 gather every week on foot or in vehicles
that fill the cramped street, to praise God, and
learn about His love.
The meetings are led by
Nathan & Angela Thomas, who are the
youth/children’s pastors at a new church plant
in this neighborhood. Nathan and Angela left a
secure position at church in Nebraska to join
Nathan’s parents in starting this new outreach.
When asked why he chose to give up a secure
position to risk reaching out to this
blue-collar Chicago neighborhood, Nathan says, “
We had no money. But the scariest thing to me
isn’t lack of money—it’s being out of the will
of God.”
—Pentecostal Evangel,
Suburban church plant grows, July 14, 2002.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever
you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord, not for men since you know
that you will receive an inheritance from the
Lord as a reward.”
In the book, Leading with
Love…and getting more results, Neil Eskelin
tells the story of Clyde the carpenter. Clyde
had spent most of his career working for one
contractor. He felt it was time to retire.
Although Clyde hadn't saved a great deal or
money, he thought he and his wife would scrape
A few days later, Clyde went
to his boss and announced that he was too tired
to build any more houses. Therefore, he had
decided to retire and call it quits.
A few days later, the
contractor came to Clyde and asked him to
reconsider and build one final house. The
contractor pleaded, saying, "I really need your
supervision. Please."
Clyde finally agreed and
began working on his final project. His heart
wasn't in the work anymore, so his workmanship
was shoddy and fell far below Clyde's usual high
standard. The house barely passed the final
On the final day of
construction, the contractor called all of his
employees together. He also asked Clyde and his
wife to be present that day. The boss announced,
"This is Clyde's last day with us. He has been a
faithful employee of this company for years, and
we want to do something special to honor him.
Clyde, this house you have built is not going to
be sold. We are giving it to you and your wife
as a gift for many years of faithful service.
This is your retirement home, one I know you
will enjoy for the rest of your days!"
Neil Eskelin says, "Clyde had
just learned the greatest lesson of his
Phil 2:3-4."Do nothing out of
selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in
humility consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own
interests, but also to the interests of
—Leading with Love…and
getting more results, Neil Eskelin, pg 71-72,
published by Revell, a division of Baker Book
House. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
For more information on
Leading with Love, go to:
Kurt Warner, the quarterback
of the St. Louis Rams says he wanted to win the
Super Bowl in 2002, but the most important thing
for him was giving glory to God before, during,
and after the game.
Two years prior, Warner led
the Rams to a Super Bowl championship. Many fans
believed the Rams would win again, but the New
England Patriots captured the championship with
a last second field goal to break a 17-17
Warner said, "Who wins and
who losses isn't the determining factor in what
he gives each one of us. It's how we're going to
glorify God and how we are going to give Him
praise in a winning situation, in a losing
situation, in an 'up' time, in a 'down' time - I
don't think it matters - but I think He cares
about every one of us, and He cares about every
situation that we're in."
February 8, 2002, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
As I get older I realize I
will never play in a Super Bowl or World Series
Game. Kurt Warner's words remind me where the
real success in life is. Every moment, every
action, and every word is an opportunity to
serve the Lord. He wants us to glorify Him no
matter what we do, or when we do it.
Colossians 3:17 NIV "And
whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it
all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
to God the Father through Him."
Recent attacks and
kidnappings by terrorists in Iraq have forced
some foreigners in that country to flee. Despite
the violence, the aid organization World Vision
is continuing its work on a number of projects
in the war-torn country. World Vision
spokesperson Andrea Swinburn-Jones says a lot of
work is being accomplished in a hostile
World Vision has 67 staff
members working in Iraq. Swinburn-Jones says,
"In our programs in northern Iraq, we've managed
to rehabilitate more than 200 schools—and in
excess of 100,00 children now have access to
clean, rehabilitated schools. She say the
actions of the workers are speaking loudly to
the Iraqi people. The people were very aware
that the organization is a Christian
organization and were not sure what to make of
what they were doing. Swinburn-Jones adds,
"We've brought education areas to their
children, running water, that type of thing—and
they can see that it's our hearts that count.
We're driven by the work of Christ."
Amidst Violence, Ministry Demonstrates Christ's
Love, Reaches Out to Iraqi People, April 15,
2004. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
These workers serving in the
middle of danger certainly need our prayers of
support. Their service is given to the Lord and
not men.
Ephesians 6:17-18 NIV "Serve
wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord
not men, because you know that the Lord will
reward everyone for whatever good he does,
whether he is slave or free."
Singer and actor Billy Ray
Cyrus says the PAX TV series “Doc” is more than
a television program; to Cyrus it is his way of
giving back to God. Cyrus says he had always
prayed to use his skills and talents the way God
wanted him to. When he saw the pilot script for
“Doc,” Billy Ray knew the program was the
vehicle he wanted.
“Doc” is not Cyrus’ first
acting endeavor. He says, “I had done
‘Mulholland Drive’ and I felt kind of bad that
my kids couldn’t watch that movie.” He adds, “I
always prayed that God would give me the vision
and wisdom and the intelligence to do the things
I was supposed to do, and use my influence in a
manner He would be proud of. When I read ‘Doc,’
I thought, ‘Here’s my chance to give back to
Cyrus describes the program
as a little bit “Mayberry,” a little bit of
“Touched by an Angel,” and a little bit “ER.”
Cyrus doesn’t necessarily want to play a perfect
character. He says he would also like to explore
some of the other aspects of his character’s
personality but he says that he feels the
program is a really well rounded program and
represents the light.
Billy Ray Cyrus Giving Back to God, September
24, 2002, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Colossians 3:17 NASB “And
whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through
Him to God the Father.
The way you sleep may reveal
a lot about your personality. A new study by the
Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service in London
has identified six common sleep positions and
their meanings. A large hotel group commissioned
the study
Director of the Service,
professor Chris Idzikowski says, “We are all
aware of our body language when we are awake,
but this is the first time we have been able to
see what out subconscious says about us.”
The study found the most
favored sleep position, and the one favored by
51% of women was the fetal position. People who
curl up in this position tend to be shy and
sensitive, while people who sleep on their back
with their arms at their side are usually quiet
and sensitive.
The study identified those
who sleep on their sides with outstretched legs
as usually social and easygoing people. If their
arms are also outstretched, the study found that
person tends to more suspicious. People who
sleep on their back with outstretched arms and
legs are usually unassuming and good
The least common sleep
position observed was lying on the stomach with
arms at the sides of the head. Only 6.6 percent
of people prefer this position, and they tend to
have brash and gregarious personalities.
Idzikowski identified the
positions by comparing personality traits of
people, preferred ways of sleeping, and the
common sleeping positions; said that once a
sleep style is adopted, it is rarely changed. He
said, “What’s interesting is that the profile
behind the posture is often very different from
what we would expect.”
—www.cnn.com, September 16,
2003, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
The Apostle Paul recognized
that it is not the way we sleep but the way we
act while awake that was most important.
Ephesians 5:13-14 NIV “But
everything exposed by the light becomes visible,
for it is light that makes everything visible.
This is why it is said: ‘Wake up sleeper, rise
from the dead, and Christ will shine on
They thought they’d failed
miserably. Sixteen Chinese Christians went to a
rural area to plant churches but got absolutely
no response from the people. They were
destitute, living in the Forest, scavenging for
enough food to keep them alive.
Discouraged, they fasted for
a week and prayed for God’s guidance. When they
gathered to discuss what they should do, each
person said that God was saying to stay and
“wash their feet.”
For three years, they sat on
the side of the road with buckets of water
offering to wash the farmer’s feet as they were
going and coming from the fields. The offer
annoyed the farmers who regularly beat the
evangelists and poured their water over
But the Christians didn’t
give up. Finally, one of the farmers let one of
the Christians wash his feet and when he did,
the other farmers relented. For three months
they washed 1500 farmer’s feet, twice a day.
Until one of the farmers asked, “Why are you
doing this.”
Three years and three months
after they decided to stay and “wash feet” they
finally got to proclaim the gospel. A few weeks
later, the gospel had triumphed in the hearts of
the farmers and they all placed their faith in
Jesus Christ, as did another 50,000 residents of
the region within 2 years.
—the Commission, June 2002,
p. 26 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
John 13:14 NIV “Now that I,
your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also should wash one another's feet.”
Two mountain goats met on a
narrow highland pathway. On one side of the path
was a canyon 1,000 feet deep. On the other,
there was a steep cliff rising straight up.
There was no room to turn around, and neither
goat could back up without falling. The
missionary observing this, wondered what would
happen next.
The goats studied each other
for a few minutes. Finally, instead of battling
to the death over the right to pass, one of the
goats knelt down and became as flat as possible.
The other goat walked over the first, and then
both goats proceeded safely.
In many ways, the church
seems to have reached an impasse with culture.
Our first response is to fight for our rights,
and knock our opponents off the cliff. Shouldn't
our response be to humbly bow and allow our
opponents to pass over us. This is not to say
the church needs to become a footstool of the
world, but we can show the relevance of Christ's
love as we serve others instead of trying to win
arguments. The power of Christ is seen in
submission and service more than in dominating
and commanding force.
John 5:12-13 "Love each other
as I have loved you. Greater love has no man
than this, that he lay down his life for his
—Our Daily Bread, October,
2000, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
When Mother Theresa accepted
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, she said. "I
choose the poverty of our poor people. But I am
grateful to receive (the Nobel) in the name of
the hungry, the naked, the homeless, of the
crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all
those people who feel unwanted, unloved,
uncared-for throughout society, people that have
become a burden to the society and are shunned
by everyone."
Even while being honored, she
brought attention to the downtrodden she served.
Why? She knew the spiritual nature of her work.
She was doing more than touching the needy; she
was touching Jesus. Five years prior to
accepting her award, she said, "I see God in
every human being. When I wash the leper's
wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord himself. Is
it not a beautiful experience?"
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 25:40 KJV And the
King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I
say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
one of the least of these my brethren, ye have
done it unto me.
In June of 2000, Tiger Woods
was spotted on the Black Mountain course in
Henderson Nevada during a qualifying round for
the U.S. Amateur Public Links. No, Woods wasn't
playing golf, he was caddying for his college
roommate, Jerry Chang. People who are truly
great are willing to serve.
—Yahoo Sports, 6-22-2000
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 20:26 NASB "… but
whoever wishes to become great among you shall
be your servant,"
A former National Guard
captain whose military service was supposed to
have ended 7 years ago was sent to Iraq by
mistake due to a clerical error. In May 2004,
Jim Dillinger received a letter from the defense
department saying he was one of the 5,600
members of the Individual Ready Reserve who were
being sent to Iraq. Dillinger had resigned his
captain's commission in 1996 after serving 17
years in the Guard. His contract said his
military obligation ended in April 1999. His
personnel record mistakenly said his service
would end in July 2010, which was the date he
would have been discharged if he had remained in
the Ohio National Guard.
Dillinger said, "They were
still carrying me on the books as a captain, and
nobody caught it. Including me." Dillinger was
told he had not been discharged because of the
military's "stop-loss" program. He says, "That
explanation didn't make complete sense to me,
but I accepted it. I'd been in the Army a long
time, and when they tell you something, you
believe it." When the error was discovered in
May, the Guard sent Dillinger his discharge
papers along with their apologies. Regarding his
service in Iraq, Dillinger said, "I honestly
believe I helped accomplish something over
there, and the men I served with, they are like
brothers to me. But I can't get past the fact
that I should never have been sent there in the
first place."
—Associated Press, Man serves
in Iraq Due to Clerical Error, July 4, 2006.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
2 Timothy 2:3-4 (CEV) [3] As
a good soldier of Christ Jesus you must endure
your share of suffering. [4] Soldiers on duty
don't work at outside jobs. They try only to
please their commanding officer.
It was every parent's worst
nightmare. On March 24, 2005, one-year-old
Connor Reynolds fell down a flight of stairs in
his grandmother's home in Burnaby, British
Columbia. Fearing the worst, Angela called
emergency services for help. The paramedics
arrived on the scene in a heartbeat, but they
told her that her situation was not an emergency
and that she could tend to it herself. One of
the paramedics said that babies at that age
don't have bones.
Knowing that something was
wrong with her son, Angela took matters into her
own hands and rushed him to the hospital where
doctors put him in a body cast to treat his
broken femur.
While the B.C. Ambulance
Service hasn't released details of what measures
were taken, they have assured Ms. Reynolds that
they've disciplined the paramedics. That isn't
good enough for her; she's contacted a lawyer
just in case there are long-term consequences to
the poor service Connor received.
by Jim L. Wilson
Why would qualified personnel
refuse to serve? In this case, they didn't think
there was a legitimate need—at least that is
what they said. Perhaps it was laziness or
hardheartedness—I don't know for sure.
Regardless, they had a job to do and refused to
do it. Certainly they deserve whatever
punishment they will get. And so do we.
Ezekiel 33:6 (HCSB) "However,
if the watchman sees the sword coming but
doesn't blow the trumpet, so that the people
aren't warned, and the sword comes and takes
away their lives, then they have been taken away
because of their iniquity, but I will hold the
watchman accountable for their blood."
Dr. Jennifer Furin has the
credentials that would ordinarily guarantee a
comfortable life. At the age of thirty-five, she
has completed Harvard Medical School, and one of
the world's most prestigious residencies at the
Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital
in Boston. Though she could have a thriving
medical practice and six-figure income, Dr.
Furin has chosen a different path. She is one of
several doctors who are serving in a new medical
program designed to bring the best of modern
Western medicine to sick people in some of the
poorest countries of the world.
Dr. Furin spends most of the
year working 70 hours a week in Lima, Peru,
caring for patients in the shacks and slum
clinics. She is one of twenty doctors who treat
patients and train local doctors in Peru, Haiti,
and the prisons of Russia. Some of the doctors
give their efforts to caring for the poor in
neighborhoods of Boston. The program they are
part of was founded in response to the growing
gap in healthcare between the rich and poor of
the world. The program is funded primarily
through private donations.
Dr. Furin explains her
motivation this way. "I have seen that the world
can be a terrible place. For some reason beyond
me, I am in a position to do something about
that. It is not noble. It is simple. Because I
have the choice, because I can, I do."
—Parade Magazine, April 3,
2005, Because We Can, We Do, by Tracy Kidder.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
1 Peter 4:10 NLT "God has
given gifts to each of you from his great
variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so
that God's generosity can flow through
In his book, "The Radical
Reformission" Mark Driscoll writes, "People with
this transaction mindset about God and church
will even see ministry not as something they do
with the spiritual gifts God has given them but
rather as something that is done for them as a
religious service by someone else. Consequently,
churches pandering to this mindset are filled
with consumers who take more than they give and
with observers who watch more than they
—"The Radical Reformission",
p171-172. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Mark 10:45 (NASB) "For even
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give His life a ransom for
In his best-selling book,
"The Purpose-Driven Life", Rick Warren writes,
"Unfortunately, many leaders today start off as
servants but end up as celebrities. They become
addicted to attention, unaware that always being
in the spotlight blinds you."
"You may be serving in
obscurity in some small place, feeling unknown
and unappreciated. Listen: God put you where you
are for a purpose!" And then he writes, "Your
ministry matters to the kingdom of God."
—"The Purpose Driven Life",
p. 263. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
Service that pleases God is
service done for His pleasure, not for personal
recognition. Dr. Warren is absolutely right—your
ministry does matter to God's Kingdom. Don't
judge your ministry by the recognition you get
from people. What matters most is what God
thinks about what you do and the heart you do it
Philip. 2:3 (NASB) "Do
nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but
with humility of mind let each of you regard one
another as more important than himself;"
In his book, "An Unstoppable
Force", Erwin McManus writes, "The purpose of
the church cannot be to survive or even to
thrive but to serve... The church exists to
serve as the body of Christ, and it is through
this commitment to serve that we are forced to
engage our culture."
—"An Unstoppable Force", p.
23. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
It is easy to make survival
or success our focus and miss the point that
Christ established His church to serve.
Mark 9:35 (NIV) "Sitting
down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, 'If
anyone wants to be first, he must be the very
last, and the servant of all.'"
While Dean and Patty O'Bryan
lived in Germany, they took their kids to a
small circus in a nearby town. The circus
sported all the usual acts: high-wire stunts,
bareback horse riders, bicycles, and animal
tamers. After about 30 minutes they realized,
however, that in every act, the same 8 or 10
performers would appear. The performers would
appear, breathless, running in and out, changing
costumes quickly, and assuming the next role. By
the time it was all over, Dean and Patty
realized that the circus performers were great
at jumping from role to role, but none of them
did a great job at any one role.
“How much like the American
church,” Dean says, “where the same few people,
usually out of breath, try to do it all,
assuming roles they can't fill well, because
‘someone has to do it.’”
—Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Dean O'Bryan Illustration by Jim L.
Ephes. 4:11-16 NASB “And He
gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and
some as evangelists, and some as pastors and
teachers, [12] for the equipping of the saints
for the work of service, to the building up of
the body of Christ; [13] until we all attain to
the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of
the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure
of the stature which belongs to the fullness of
Christ. [14] As a result, we are no longer to be
children, tossed here and there by waves, and
carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the
trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful
scheming; [15] but speaking the truth in love,
we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who
is the head, even Christ, [16] from whom the
whole body, being fitted and held together by
that which every joint supplies, according to
the proper working of each individual part,
causes the growth of the body for the building
up of itself in love.”
Early in the morning on
October 19, 2002, Gene Jones and his partner
Jeremy Wieckhorst were making a routine run,
hauling a load of oil when they saw a white van
hit a light pole and roll over. By the time they
got over to the wreck, Michael Myers, grain
truck driver pulled over too.
Jones extended his hand to
the dark-haired man to see if he could feel a
pulse. When he did, he told the man that help
was coming and continued to hold his hand.
The man gasped for air a
couple of times. Then he died.
When the police arrived, the
three truck drivers helped them roll the van off
of the man and when they’d done all they could
to help, got back into their rigs and headed
Stella Galindo was
grief-stricken, as I’m sure you can only
imagine, when the police notified her that Juan,
her son had died in a traffic accident. Her
grief was multiplied by the thought that he died
alone. She was haunted by the thought of her son
dying in the cold, alone. A few weeks after his
death, a police officer told her that a witness
saw a truck driver crouched over her son’s body.
For a month she searched for the man and when
she located him invited him over to her
When the doorbell rang,
Stella, her husband Juan Sr. and daughter
Sanjuan answered the door. She hugged the
thick-chested truck driver and said, “Thank you
for stopping. Thank you for not letting him die
there alone.” Jones reached out his big hand
once again, but this time he wasn’t holding onto
a dying man—this time he was holding onto a
grieving mother. “I wish I could have done
more,” he said. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Later Stella gave Jones a
plaque she had made with two hands clasping one
another—her way of expressing her gratitude to
the man who offered a helping hand to her
son…and to her.
—Wichita Eagle,
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
James 2:15-17 NASB “If a
brother or sister is without clothing and in
need of daily food, [16] and one of you says to
them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’
and yet you do not give them what is necessary
for their body, what use is that? [17] Even so
faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by
Quebec's Court of Appeal
upheld the firing of two Montreal paramedics who
refused to help a dying man because they were on
a break. Stopped by a motorist who said his
friend was having difficulty breathing, the
paramedics directed him to a hospital two
traffic lights away.
—Macleans Magazine, February
23, 2004 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Dave
Do you serve Christ and His
people only out of duty or when it's convenient,
or do you do it out of love and gratitude?
Psalm 100:2 (KJV) “Serve the
Lord with gladness: come before his presence
with singing.”
On the night of February 9th,
2006, a parking lot scuffle occurred between a
shoplifter and three security guards in an
affluent neighborhood in San Ramon, CA. Matters
worsened when a small mob of angry shoppers
joined the fray, attacking the security guards
believing them to be muggers harassing an
innocent man. While a thief was trying to get
away with stolen goods, and security guards
attempted to apprehend the thief, shoppers
battled the security guards.
Out of nowhere another man
entered the fray and cried with a booming voice,
"Everyone back up! Everyone calm down! I am the
mayor of San Ramon!"
The thief got away but the
mayor managed to settle the mob and give medical
treatment to a wounded guard.
Unlike many in high
positions, Mayor H. Abram Wilson is willing to
get his hands dirty and truly serve those under
his authority—even at the risk of his own
—East Contra Times, Saturday,
February 25, 2006. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Nathan Morales.
Mark 10:41-44 (NIV) Jesus
said, "You know that those who are regarded as
rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and
their high officials exercise authority over
them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to
become great among you must be your servant, and
whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be
served, but to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many"
In the book, "Here I Am (Now
What on Earth should I be Doing?)", author
Quentin Schultze encourages us to put our hearts
into our work by finding ways to serve others.
He writes, "My first paid job was cleaning and
restocking shelves in a family drugstore. After
one week, I had mastered the work and grown
bored. Then two things began to improve my view
of the tedious job: customers started asking me
where to find products, and I noticed shoppers
purchasing items that I had restocked. The
paycheck was useful, whereas serving others was
rewarding. Because we are creatures of the
heart, we seek work and volunteer stations that
serve others. Our labor need not be impressive,
but it is most gratifying when it contributes to
others' well being."
—"Here I Am (Now What On
Earth Should I Be Doing)", pg. 37. Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Philip. 2:3 NLT "Don't be
selfish; don't live to make a good impression on
others. Be humble, thinking of others as better
than yourself."
61 year-old fisherman Jim
Peterson faced a quandary when his fishing boat
recently seized up, stranding him about 80 miles
off the coast of Newport, Oregon. After several
hours of struggling, Peterson was only able to
get the boat to go into reverse. Though he could
have waited for a rescue ship, Peterson decided
to use what he had. Though it was incredibly
slow, Peterson piloted the ship back to port in
reverse. The 80-mile trip took 39 hours to
—World Magazine, Slow Boat,
September 9, 2005, pg. 9. Illustration by Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Even when it is difficult,
let's use whatever we have to serve the Lord and
1 Peter 4:10 (MSG) "Be
generous with the different things God gave you,
passing them around so all get in on it:"
In his book, The Shape of Faith to Come, Brad
Waggoner writes, “Serving God and others is a
mark of spiritual maturity. In fact, without
service, spiritual transformation is
--Shape of Faith to Come, 140. Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson
1 Corinthians 10:24 (YLT) “let no one seek his
own--but each another's.”
In his book, 360 Degree Leader, John Maxwell
writes, “The true measure of leaders is not the
number of people who serve them but the number
of people they serve.”
--360 Degree Leader, 289. Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson
Philippians 2:3 (NKJV) “Let nothing be done
through selfish ambition or conceit, but in
lowliness of mind let each esteem others better
than himself.”
John Hamilton was arrested and police charged
him with obstructing official business and
disorderly conduct. What was his crime?
Frustrated with the city’s inability to pay
mowers to cut the grass in Sandusky’s Central
Park he decided to do it himself. He cut the
foot high grass and was cleaning up with a power
blower when the city decided they didn’t like
his volunteerism and arrested him.
--World Magazine, June 20, 2009, p. 18
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The saying goes, “No good deed goes
unpunished.” The moral of this story, if there
is one, has to be the wisdom to be sure to check
with the people you are volunteering to help
before you start.
But more than that, I think there is another
lesson. Perhaps you’ve felt unappreciated for
your service and your desire to do what’s right.
While our ministry is to our fellow man,
ultimately it is to God.
1 Corinthians 10:24 (NASB77) “Let no one seek
his own good, but that of his neighbor.”
In his book, An Unstoppable Force: Daring to
Become the Church God has in Mind, Erwin McManus
writes, “The life of the church is the
heart of God. The heart of God is to serve a
broken world. When Jesus wrapped the towel
around his waist, he reminded us that only he
could wash away our sin. The church cannot live
when the heart of God is not beating within
--An Unstoppable Force, 23. Illustration by Jim
L. Wilson and Andre Mooney
Mark 9:35 (NAB) Then he sat down, called the
Twelve, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to
be first, he shall be the last of all and the
servant of all."
In the book, Unexplainable: Pursuing A life
Only God Can make Possible, author Don Cousins
encourages believers to find a life where God
Himself becomes the fulfilling dynamic behind an
unshakeable contentment, profound significance,
and abiding success in life. Cousins uses
the examples of well-known men from the Bible
such as Abraham, Joseph, Moses. King David, and
Daniel. Cousins writes, “We view each of
these men as having a “calling” from God, which
they did. Yet not one of them was employed in a
situation that fits our common understanding of
calling. It’s worth noting in particular just
how many of them spent significant seasons of
their working life engaged as slaves.
In each of their cases, we see that God’s
influence through them wasn’t dependent
primarily upon a position they held or a job
they performed, but rather upon their
relationship with Him. It wasn’t what they did
that characterized their calling; it was who
they did it for. Each of them was led by God to
the position they held and the work they
For each of us Cousins summarizes that our
calling is not what we do, but who we do it for.
He writes, “You’ve been called to a relationship
with Jesus, and you need to carry out your work,
whatever it may be, in a manner befitting His
presence in your life. Seeing Jesus as your boss
makes a big difference.”
Unexplainable: Pursuing a Life Only God Can
Make Possible, Don Cousins, Copyright 2009 Don
Cousins, Published by David C. Cook
Company, pg 169-170.
Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Ephesians 6:6-8 (CEV) Try to please them at all
times, and not just when you think they are
watching. You are slaves of Christ, so with your
whole heart you must do what God wants you to
do. Gladly serve your masters, as though they
were the Lord himself, and not simply people.
You know that you will be rewarded for any good
things you do, whether you are slaves or
Lydia delivers meals to low income senior
citizens with the charity “meals on wheels.” So
what, you may say, thousands of people do that.
Lydia is 101.
Lydia rides shotgun and navigates for her
72-year-old partner helping the “little old
ladies,” as she refers to her clients. She
speaks of the blessing she gets from being of
service. “It’s fun for me and a chance to get
out. It gives me something to do.”
Even over a century old, Lydia Hart takes what
she has and employs it in the service of others.
What a challenge to you and me.
--World, August 1, 2009. P. 15 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
1 Peter 4:10 (NASB77) As each one has received
a special gift, employ it in serving one
another, as good stewards of the manifold grace
of God.
More than 50 years after his death, the Army
has endorsed awarding the Medal of Honor to a
Kansas priest who humbly served his fellow
prisoners in a Chinese prison camp during the
Korean War. When they returned home after the
war, members of the eighth Calvary Regiment
spoke of the many ways Emil Kapaun continued to
look after his men even though he was wounded
and sick himself. Kapaun often risked his life
to sneak out after dark to seek food for those
who were too weak to eat, and wash the clothes
of other prisoners. Kapaun died at the camp
seven months after he entered captivity, but his
men say they will never forget him, and worked
for years to see Kapaun receive the honor he
Helen Kapaun, the chaplain’s sister in law said
she and her husband had prayed they would live
to see Kapaun honored. Rev. John Hotze of
Wichita said the recognition has been a long
time in the making. Hotze said, “He saw it as a
role of serving his men and laying down his life
for his men.” Kansas Representative Todd Tiahrt,
who will present the matter to Congress added,
”It’s hard to image living through something
like that. He handled it like a saint. This is
the kind of person that we ought to emulate.”
--Army agrees Kansas priest worthy of Medal of
October 13, 2009. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Mark 10:44-45 (CEV) “And if you want to be
first, you must be everyone's slave. (45) The
Son of Man did not come to be a slave master,
but a slave who will give his life to rescue
many people.”
Luxury Hotels have added an
amenity to their resorts. Guests can stay at the
resorts and spend a day of their vacation
volunteering. The projects include things like
serving at a soup kitchen, improving a hiking
trail, working in food banks, or removing
invasive plants in Everglades National
Called “Silver Spoon
Volunteerism,” guests stay in their plush rooms,
wine and dine at their luxury restaurants and
spend a day, or part of a day as volunteers.
Critics think these are just people who want to
“soothe their guilty consciences by doing
something that is billed as ‘giving
--Time, November 15, 2009.
P. 53. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Churches have long known
that people will volunteer for many kinds of
short-term projects. Hotels and resorts are just
now learning that people have a heart to help
others. Jesus taught us that ministry is when we
not only give a cup of water, but when we give
it as a disciple of Jesus.
Our goal is not to just
minister to others, but to do so in the name of
Christ. That is the difference between
volunteerism and service. We want to be servants
of Christ, not just servants.
Matthew 10:42 (MSG) “Give a
cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for
instance. The smallest act of giving or
receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't
lose out on a thing."
During the heavy snowfall
in the Milwaukee area of 2010, three
neighborhood boys decided to brave the elements
so their neighbors didn’t have to. Rasheed
Harris, his brother Koran, and their cousin
Rahagee Burns began early in the morning with
the wind whipping, and the snow swirling. The
boys began by clearing their grandmother’s
driveway of snow, and then kept going until they
had cleared almost the entire block. One
neighbor came out with his snow blower but the
boys shoveled his drive anyway.
The three shovelers never
asked for a penny. They said they viewed
shoveling snow as more than a chore. Speaking
for the three, Rasheed said, “We’re just out
here doing good deeds, No charge, just shoveling
all the snow.” Rahagee added, “I want to be a
little more helpful, all around Good Samaritan.
It just feels good doing good deeds for other
--Kids in one north side
Milwaukee neighborhood shovel entire block for
February 9, 2010. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
1 Peter 5:5 (GW) “Young
people, in a similar way, place yourselves under
the authority of spiritual leaders.
Furthermore, all of you must serve each other
with humility, because God opposes the arrogant
but favors the humble.”
While hiking in the Nepal’s Himalayas, Ethan
Todras-Whitehill discovered one of the hazards
of hiking in scenic places. If you focus too
much attention on the footpath, you miss the
scenery. If you focus too much on the scenery
you trip over the rocks and roots on the trail.
While hiking with an Icy peak dominating the
horizon, Todras-Whitehill said, “even though the
terrain beneath my feet was still easy, I kept
tripping because I couldn’t tear my eyes away
from the 24,786-foot Annapurna III.”
--The Week, May 7, 2010 p.32. Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
This is a hazard of life as well. If we focus
too much on the mundane, we miss the glorious.
But if we spend too much time in the glorious we
miss the common tasks that are essential.
Matthew 17:4 (NASB77) “And Peter answered and
said to Jesus, ‘Lord, it is good for us to be
here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles
here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one
for Elijah.’”
According to a lament by a letter writer in USA
Today, not only is employment tough to find
during this recession, it is even hard to find a
place to volunteer.
--USA Today August 16, 2010, p.8a Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Many Baby Boomers have reached the age where
they are no longer attractive to employers. Many
have already retired and are just looking for a
place to volunteer their services. Sometimes, it
is not easy.
One place you can find a way to serve is at
your local church. We have plenty of service
opportunities, places where you can use your
talents to serve the Lord, your church, and your
2 Thessalonians 3:13 (HCSB) Brothers, do not
grow weary in doing good.
Mervyn Salmon, a choir member at St Cuthbert’s
Church in Wells, Somerset, may hold the record
for longest continuous service. When he joined
the choir, 70 years ago, “King George VI was on
the throne, Winston Churchill was prime
minister, and Adolf Hitler stood towering over
Europe.” Today, at age 78, Salmon is still
singing. Except for when he was in the military
in 1956, he has never missed a service.
--World May 8, 2010, p. 15 Illustration
by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
2 Thessalonians 3:13 (NASB) But as for you,
brethren, do not grow weary of doing good.
Larry Hasenfus earned a spot on the Springfield
College baseball team. His dazzling knuckleball
was enough to win a spot on the pitcher’s mound.
The interesting thing is Larry is 58 years-old.
He went back to college when he lost his job,
now he is playing baseball with teammates who
are all younger than his own children.
--The Week May 21, 2010 p. 4. Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Some of us may think we are too old to serve
the Lord. Rag arm Larry should be an inspiration
to us all. We never grow too old to be of some
service to the Lord and to His church.
Galatians 6:9 (NASB77) “And let us not lose
heart in doing good, for in due time we shall
reap if we do not grow weary.”
In Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical,
Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded
Lives, Richard Swenson writes: “Medical studies
reveal that service is health enhancing. One of
the best ways to heal your own emotional pain is
to focus instead on meeting the needs of others.
It works, powerfully.”
--Margin, Kindle Loc. 748-49 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson
Matthew 20:26 (CEV) But don't act like them. If
you want to be great, you must be the servant of
all the others.
A restaurant in China has found a new way to
guarantee “service with a smile.” The Dalu Robot
restaurant opened in Jian and is believed to be
China’s first hotpot eatery. More than a dozen
robots operate in the establishment servings as
entertainers, servers, greeters, and
receptionists. Each is equipped with a motion
sensor to tell it to stop when a customer is in
its path.
The robots that resemble Star Wars style droids
circle the room carrying trays of food in a
conveyor belt-like system. The restaurant’s
owner, Zhang Yongpei says he was inspired by
space exploration, robotic technology, and
global innovation. He hopes to show the world
that China is a serious competitor in technology
development. The robots have drawn a lot of
praise from patrons, who have been disappointed
by lackluster service in other establishments.
Li Xiaomei, a first time visitor said the
service was better than humans. He said, ”Humans
can be temperamental or impatient, but they
don’t feel tired, they just keep working and
moving round and round the restaurant all
--Robot Waiters in China never Lose Patience,
22, 2010, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
Philippians 2:14-16 (HCSB) (14) Do everything
without grumbling and arguing, (15) so that you
may be blameless and pure, children of God who
are faultless in a crooked and perverted
generation, among whom you shine like stars in
the world. (16) Hold firmly to the message of
life. Then I can boast in the day of Christ that
I didn’t run or labor for nothing.
Blake McJunkin, the center for the SMU football
team, displays passages from God’s word on his
social networking site. Recently, he put one of
his favorites in practice by protecting Aggies
safety Trent Hunter in a dangerous
situation. Hunter intercepted the football
during the first quarter of the game, and in the
process lost his protective helmet, leaving his
head exposed. McJunkin and teammate Kelly
Turner made the tackle stopping Hunter, but
McJunkin recognized the danger Hunter faced
without his helmet.
With one spontaneous move McJunkin used his
left arm to shield the opposing player’s
head. McJunkin said 2 Timothy 4:2-5 is one
the verses he has posted on his social site. One
verse is a reminder to “keep your head in all
situations”, and McJunkin put it into
practice. After watching the game
tape, Hunter recognized his opponent’s kind act,
especially considering a turnover changing the
course of the game, might fill some players with
rage. Hunter said, “My helmet popped off
and I really didn’t know what had happened. When
I was watching the video later, I saw that
(McJunkin) was protecting my head from any other
hit. I really appreciate that gesture, it’s what
sportsmanship is all about.”
--SMU’s Blake McJunkin Shields An Opponents
Unprotected head,
September 12, 2011. Illustraton by Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
2 Timothy 4:5 (GW) But you must keep a clear
head in everything. Endure suffering. Do the
work of a missionary. Devote yourself completely
to your work.
Mark Titus holds the record for the most
individual career wins in Ohio State basketball
history. He was teammates with seven future NBA
players. In his four years he scored a total of
nine points, had five rebounds, and three
assists while playing only 48 minutes. After his
days on the team were over he wrote a book about
the time on the bench. (Titus, Mark, Don’t Put
Me In, Coach, Doubleday: 2012)
--Sports Illustrated, March 26, 2012 p.
26 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger
Church members need to be sure that is not
their attitude about getting in the game. Don’t
put me in Pastor. I don’t want to play. The
Church needs every member to be involved in her
mission. There is no place for bench
Ephesians 4:11-13 (ESV) (11) And he gave the
apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the
shepherds and teachers, (12) to equip the saints
for the work of ministry, for building up the
body of Christ, (13) until we all attain to the
unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of
the stature of the fullness of Christ,
Scott Kwak was a successful business man who
founded and led his own e-commerce company,
until the summer of 2007, when the market crash
forced him to close the company. Kwak says he
was in a state of despair and admitted that his
faith in God plummeted as the company went
down. He was lost about what to do, until
he went to an event featuring Loren
Cunningham of Youth With a Mission.
At the event, Kwak was challenged about his
purpose in life, and decided to volunteer his
time with a ministry that partnered with his
church, called Zimele, Zulu for “to stand on
one’s own feet.” At first,Kwak was
skeptical about the group but his view changed
after visiting South Africa. He saw firsthand
how the organization was impacting rural
communities in that part of the world.
Kwak said, after that he saw how God provided
every month, and heard miracle after miracle
where God had provided. He began to see
God in the middle of everything.
Kwak says since then, his faith and joy have
been restored. He discovered that sometimes in
life a person must surrender to God in order to
get back on the right path. When asked about his
new position, as executive director of Zimele
USA, Kwak said, “If you would have asked me one
year ago I would have said, ’No way’.” He
added, “It’s been a blessing and a miracle,
really. I’ve been humbled every step o f the
--PROFILE: How one former executive is doing a
world of good with his NJ church,
6, 2012, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim
2 Corinthians 9:12-13 (HCSB) (12) For the
ministry of this service is not only supplying
the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing
in many acts of thanksgiving to God. (13) They
will glorify God for your obedience to the
confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your
generosity in sharing with them and with others
through the proof provided by this
Darnell Brown is a one-year-old adventurer.
Venturing out in East Point, Georgia, Darnell
fell into a storm drain and became trapped. The
only rescuer who was small enough to reach him
was Rosa Tullis, who stands only 4 feet 11
inches tall. She squeezed down the hole where
she reached little Darnell and pulled him to
safety. She ended up with cuts and bruises but
says it was worth it because, “I have
--The Week, May 11, 2012, p. 4 Illustration by
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
Matthew 7:12 (HCSB) Therefore, whatever
you want others to do for you, do also the same
for them—this is the Law and the Prophets.
Onlookers called an unemployed New York man a
superhero because he risked his life to keep a
nine-month-old boy from being hit by an oncoming
subway train. Delroy Simmonds was on his way to
a job interview when he saw the toddler, still
strapped into his stroller trapped on the
tracks. Simmonds jumped from the safety of the
platform and lifted the bleeding child to safety
as the train bore down on them. The child’s
mother was too shocked to respond after a sudden
gust of wind blew the child into the train’s
Witnesses said Simmonds never hesitated. He
simply took action, and saved the life of the
toddler. They were amazed at his courage and
kept calling him a hero. The child was taken to
a hospital for treatment of facial cuts and is
doing fine. After watching the ordeal on
television, a project manager from a local
airport called to offer Simmonds a job as a
maintenance worker, which he accepted.
Afterwards, Simmonds, a father of two, told
reporters, “Everybody is making me out to be
some sort of superhero. I’m just a normal
person. Anybody in that situation should have
done what I did.” --Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Unemployed man who saved toddler from oncoming
subway train in Brooklyn gets a job,
June 27, 2012,
Colossians 3:23-24 GNB Whatever you do,
work at it with all your heart, as though you
were working for the Lord and not for people.
Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward
what he has kept for his people. For Christ is
the real Master you serve.
The queen of England recently celebrated 60
years on the throne of Great Britain. She used
the occasion to reaffirm her dedication to
serving the nation and its people for the rest
of her life. Her confidants said the queen
still has the same sense of duty she had when
she was crowned six decades ago. The queen is
only the second monarch to serve more than fifty
years. She is following in the footsteps of her
great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria.
A member of the queen’s inner circle said she
has made a promise before God to dedicate
herself to her country and to her people. She
was serious when she made the commitment 60
years ago, as she is today. Friends say she
would never abdicate the throne and wanted to
use the special occasion to rededicate herself
to the task she accepted when she ascended to
the throne at age 25. The same close friend
said, “Queen Victoria would never have
considered abdicating and neither will our
Queen. And that is so marvelous for us that she
is like a rock in a stormy sea, we know she is
there regardless. Everything else around
us shakes, but she doesn’t.” --Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell.
--Queen makes it clear she will not abdicate,
2, 2012,
Matthew 10:22B CEV But if you
remain faithful until the end, you will be
A lot of people in the St. Louis area remember
Steven Stevens for his rich resonant voice, but
others say they prefer to remember the way he
used his voice. Stevens was a radio and
television personality in the area for many
years, and since he started broadcasting at a
young age his voice influenced the direction of
his life. His family says they remember that
Steven’s relationship with God played a bigger
role in how he lived his life and used his
abilities. The first thing we would do each
morning was to read the Bible, because he wanted
to put God first. Stevens had read the Bible
through several times, and used his unique voice
to record several full length translations of
the Bible as well as many specialty-themed
recording on topics like healing, love, and
prosperity. Steven’s daughter Kristi says her
father used his talent best when he glorified
God with it. She added,”The Bible teaches that
we are to love God and then love others. And my
dad did that.”— Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Steven Stevens reported at WLWT, recorded the
October 12, 2012.
Philippians 2:1-4 (HCSB) (1) If then there is
any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation
of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if
any affection and mercy, (2) fulfill my joy by
thinking the same way, having the same love,
sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal.
(3) Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in
humility consider others as more important than
yourselves. (4) Everyone should look out not
?only? for his own interests, but also for the
interests of others.
The family of 40-year-old Jason Kroft says they
would like to find and thank the man who saved
Jason’s life but they cannot locate the
person. Kroft was sightseeing in New York,
when he suffered a serious heart attack on a
street corner and collapsed. Kroft’s wife
called emergency operators, but noticed her
husband was turning blue. At that moment, a man
appeared, asked a few questions, and
administered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The
stranger continued doing chest compressions
until an ambulance arrived. In the confusion of
getting Kroft into the ambulance and transported
to a hospital, the stranger slipped into the
crowd and disappeared.
Kroft and his family are trying to contact the
man, but he has not come forward. They do not
suspect they will find him. Kroft’s brother
summed up their feelings saying, “We would
definitely like to find the guy and thank him,
but if he doesn’t want to be identified, we
don’t want to force him. I hope all the media
around this reaches him and he knows how much we
appreciate him.”— Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
New York Good Samaritan Sought by Family of Man
He Saved,
15, 2012.
1 Corinthians 10:24 (HCSB) No one should seek
his own ?good?, but ?the good? of the other
33-year-old Nathan Grindal was removed from a
dart tournament in England because the people
around him found his appearance distracting.
Grindal has long hair and a full beard. During
the final match of the tournament, people seated
around him began chanting, “Jesus! Jesus!”
Before long, the majority of the 4,500 fans in
attendance joined the chant, and security
officers had to escort Grindal to another part
of the stadium, concerned the commotion would
distract the players. Fans found the incident
funny, but Grindal was not amused. Even though
the runner up in the tournament later signed his
program, Grindal said the event was distressing.
He told a local paper, “I was emotionally
distraught. The crowd was bullying me and
picking on me. It would have been OK if security
hadn’t made a fuss getting me out.”—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Man who resembles ‘Jesus’ tossed from darts
December 19, 2012.
Hebrews 13:7 (ESV) Remember your leaders, those
who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the
outcome of their way of life, and imitate their
A study designed to examine the ability to do
more than one thing at a time has found that
most people who think they can perform
simultaneous tasks fairly well really can’t. The
study conducted at the University of Utah
assigned multiple tasks to college students and
measured their ability to do things such as use
a cell phone and drive. The researchers also
looked at other personality factors such as
impulsivity and the desire to seek sensations,
as well as asked each person to rate their
ability to do more than one thing at a time. The
results indicated that people who said they
liked to multitask were the worst at it, while
those who rarely attempted more than one thing
at a time were much better.
Previous research has shown multitasking
reduces the quality of a person’s work, and the
new study suggests that one of the main reasons
people try to do more than one things at a time
is that they think they are good at it.
Research spokesman David Strayer observed, “The
people who multitask the most tend to be
impulsive, sensation-seeking, overconfident of
their multitasking abilities, and they tend to
less capable of multitasking.”—Jim L. Wilson and
Jim Sandell
Frequent Multitaskers Aren't Good At
Multitasking, Study Shows,
January 27, 2013.
Ephesians 6:7 (ESV) rendering service with a
good will as to the Lord and not to man,
While visiting China for a residency and 40th
anniversary tour, members of the Philadelphia
Orchestra were delayed on the tarmac waiting for
a flight to Macao. Instead of getting irritated,
the Orchestra members decided to offer an
impromptu concert. Two violin players, a viola
player, and a cello player launched into the
Finale of the String Quartet No. 12 by Antonin
Dvorak. The musicians played for about 6
minutes. A ringing cell phone joined the music
at one point, but at the conclusion, the
presentation ended with applause and calls for
an encore.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Orchestra delayed on airplane performs 'pop-up'
June 7, 2013.
Galatians 5:13 (CEV) My friends, you were
chosen to be free. So don't use your freedom as
an excuse to do anything you want. Use it as an
opportunity to serve each other with love.
New York Yankees relief pitcher Mariano Rivera
says he plans to retire at the end of the
baseball season, and then he will begin a new
life planting a church in the community of New
Rochelle. Rivera and his wife will lead the
church which is known as Refuge of Hope. The
building is under construction, and the church
says they are committed to the revitalization of
its community and will provide projects and
special programs delivered as a genuine
demonstration of God’s love. Rivera’s wife says
part of their ministry focus will be young
people. The church started in the Rivera’s home
in 2009, and has continued to grow. The couple
met in Panama years ago and faith has always
been a key part of their lives together. They
have faced some difficult times together, and
they say that same faith will sustain them in
this new endeavor. Rivera has already funded
church starts in Mexico, the Dominican Republic,
California, and Florida. When asked about the
new church, Rivera said, “We’ll have all kinds.
It don’t matter. As long as you love Christ, we
in it. And if you don’t love him, we will work
with you so we put you on the right path.”—Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Yankees Pitcher Mariano Rivera to Retire, Start
Pentecostal Church,
June 21, 2013.
Exodus 9:16 (CEV) (16) But he has kept you
alive, just to show you his power and to bring
honor to himself everywhere in the world.
The concept of “paying it forward” has become a
new trend in many parts of the world despite the
fact that the book and motion picture that
spawned the phrase are several years old.
“Paying it forward refers to doing good deeds,
without expecting anything in return, in the
hope that the action will make a difference in
the life of another person. Experts say the
trend is transforming communities and it seems
to be growing because it brings pleasure to
everyone involved. Debbie Tenzer has written a
book entitled, Do One Nice Thing, which deals
with the topic of acts of kindness. Tenser says
a random act of kindness has the potential to
help many people and bring a smile to people’s
faces. People naturally feel pleasure when they
are generous, so it feels good to something nice
with the possibility of return. When multiple
people do it together, the effect is magnified
and a common bond develops between people.
Tenser says, “These days a lot of people feel
powerless. We’re worried about the economy,
crime, terrorism, and even the weather. We can’t
fix the big problems, but we can still fix some
small ones.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
JULY 20, 2013
Proverbs 3:27-28 (CEV) (27) Do all you can for
everyone who deserves your help. (28) Don't tell
your neighbor to come back tomorrow, if you can
help today.
A 64-year-old woman in New Zealand has it
figured out to control her tongue. When she
called the New Zealand equivalent of 911, she
mumbled and groaned throughout the call and
operators sent police to her home. There they
discovered the mute woman had mistaken her lip
ointment with a tube of super glue and glued her
lips shut.
It is a desperate move, but it would work. Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
World, July 27, 2013 p. 18
James 3:6 HCSB “And the tongue is a fire. The
tongue, a world of unrighteousness, is placed
among the parts of our bodies. It pollutes the
whole body, sets the course of life on fire, and
is set on fire by hell”
When a priest mysteriously showed up at an
accident scene in Missouri, his prayers seemed
to change life-threatening events, many people
thought the mystery man might have been an
angel. Emergency workers were not able to find
the priest in any of the pictures taken at the
accident scene. Later the priest saw a
newspaper article and acknowledged that he was
the man who prayed with 19-year-old Katie Lentz
at the scene. Father Patrick Dowling offered a
humble assessment of the situation, explaining
that he saw many people praying for Katie.
He thought he might have been an answer to some
of those prayers, when he stopped by the scene,
but refused to take much credit for anything
else. He said he anointed the young woman and
prayed that her leg would not hurt. Even
though the mystery was solved, New London
Missouri Fire chief Raymond reed said he thought
it was still a miracle. Reed said, “I would say
whether it was an angel that was sent to us in
the form of a priest or a priest that became our
angel, I don’t know. Either way, I’m good with
it.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Father Patrick Dowling Is Mystery Angel Priest
From Missouri Car Crash,
August 13, 2013.
Ephesians 3:7 (CEV) God treated me with
kindness. His power worked in me, and it became
my job to spread the good news.
At a time when cutting budgets is fashionable,
Mike marsh is a federal employee who would like
to help the reduction process. Marsh wrote to
Congress and asked them to fire him and everyone
he works with. Marsh told lawmakers that his
agency is an experiment that didn’t work out,
and he recommended they put their money
somewhere more profitable. Marsh is the
Inspector-General for the Denali Commission, an
economic development agency based in Alaska.
Only two other people have ever tried to have
their funding cut off and both failed. Marsh is
not likely to be successful either, but when
asked about the plan, his coworkers were upset
because Marsh had not told them about his
letters. Although Marsh presented a compelling
case for why the agency should be abolished,
several of his coworkers complained that he was
limiting their ability to help the people they
were supposed to serve.
—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Federal employee Mike Marsh’s mission: Getting
himself fired, and his agency closed, by David
September 26, 2013.
Titus 3:8-9 (NASB) This is a trustworthy
statement; and concerning these things I want
you to speak confidently, so that those who have
believed God will be careful to engage in good
deeds. These things are good and profitable for
men. (9) But avoid foolish controversies and
genealogies and strife and disputes about the
Law, for they are unprofitable and
Ron Elliott, 67, was a caregiver at a nursing
home in London, when won a $12.8 million jackpot
in the lottery. Today Ron Elliott is a rich
caregiver at a nursing home in London. The day
after winning he returned to work and plans to
keep working as long as he can.
“My clients have dementia and suffer from
memory loss,” he said. “They don’t care that
I’ve won the lottery, and they still need care.”
In addition Elliott plans to spend some of his
winnings on a Christmas party for his nursing
home residents.
When a person has a gift of service, that gift
shines through no matter the circumstances.
--Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
The Week, November 22, 2013, p. 2
Romans 15:1-2 (NKJV) We then who are strong
ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and
not to please ourselves. (2) Let each of us
please his neighbor for his good, leading to
After the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the
Houston Texans in 2013, Coach Andy Reid told
players to celebrate but to do it wisely.
After the game Chief’s defensive player Tambia
Hali took 15 friends to a local restaurant for a
huge all-you-can eat-meal. The bill totaled
$1,800 and the restaurant automatically added
and tip of $300. When Hali saw the bill, he was
surprised that the tip was so small. He stunned
employees when he added an additional gratuity
of $1,000. The employees say Hali is a regular
customer and a gracious tipper, but the size of
this tip surprised them. One server said it
really made their day. Hali says he only wanted
to help others like he has been helped. In an
interview later, Hali added, “I have been helped
all my life to this point. However, I can give
back. I try to do that. I do this all the time
when I go out because these people work hard.
I’m just fortunate to be in this position.”—Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Tamba Hali leaves extra $1,000 tip at Plaza
October 24, 2013.
Philippians 2:3-4 (NKJV) Let nothing be done
through selfish ambition or conceit, but in
lowliness of mind let each esteem others better
than himself. (4) Let each of you look out not
only for his own interests, but also for the
interests of others.
Josh Kerns is a sanitation worker in Ohio, and
he sees a lot of garbage every day. One of the
people on his route is happy that Kerns pays
attention to his work. While emptying the trash
in the truck, Kerns found a card that looked
important among the garbage from Lucy Hamer’s
house. He saved the card, and dumped the rest of
the contents. When he opened the card at the end
of the route, Kerns found $50 inside and
realized the family would want it back. He and a
supervisor went to Hamer’s home and gave her the
card and the money. Hamer said it was from her
sister-in-law, but she didn’t know about the
card. It apparently had been sent inside of box
of presents for her son, and she never saw it.
Kerns said he was glad he saved the card. He
said, ”In this day and age, $50 is a lot of
money. It’s a tank of gas. We had to take it
back.” Hamer was glad too. She said her
sister-in-law would have been wondering why she
didn’t a thank you for the card and it could
have created an awkward situation.—Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell.
Sanitation Worker Delivers Discarded Birthday
Gift, By Genevieve Shaw Brown,
February 27, 2014.
Matthew 5:16 (HCSB) In the same way, let your
light shine before men, so that they may see
your good works and give glory to your Father in
An article published by Lifeway Research states
that fewer people may be calling themselves
Christians in the future, and the trend may be a
good thing. After reading the article written by
Ed Stetzer, Greg Jao said he agrees with the
prediction and says this is not bad because more
people will be more honest about their faith and
the meaning of “Christian” will be more defined
which would create new opportunities to share
the Gospel. Both Stetzer and Jao say the number
of people with a real faith in Jesus will not
diminish, but rather fewer people who identify
themselves, as Christian due to the culture will
decrease. Jao says the trend will also be good
for the church because they will tend to become
more united and better focused. He says the
overall effect will be to actually make people
think about spiritual things and when they
actively think through their faith they have a
better chance of encountering the truth of the
Gospel.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Decrease in cultural Christians, By Julie
Accessed June 6, 2014.
John 13:34–35 (HCSB) “I give you a new command:
Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you
must also love one another. 35 By this all
people will know that you are My disciples, if
you have love for one another.”.
56-year-old Benny Gonzales loves to serve his
community and help. Gonzales suffered a brain
injury when he was a child but still is able to
spend his days removing trash along the roadways
of his city. Gonzales puts the trash in a black
plastic bag, but takes the time to return items
like lost purses or wallets. Once he found
a purse on the roadside and though it took him
eleven months, Gonzales managed to find the
owner and return it to them. Gonzales says
returning these lost items make him happy
because he wants to return things to their
rightful owner. When asked why he gives so much
time cleaning along the roads in his city
Gonzales said, “People have been good to me, so
I pass it on.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
NJ Man Cleans Roadside, Reunites Owners With
Lost Items, By Anthony Johnson,
September 18, 2014.
1 Peter 4:10 (HCSB) Based on the gift each one
has received, use it to serve others, as good
managers of the varied grace of God.
Sixteen-year-old Noah Cornuet had planned a
very ambitious project to complete the work for
his Eagle Scout Badge. He had just gotten
started on the project to make improvements to
sites at his church and in his community, when
he died suddenly due to a rare noncancerous
heart tumor. Though part of the project was
finished, a lot still needed to be done, and
members of the community decide to honor the
young Scout by finishing the work he began.
About seventy people from the community joined
forces to finish the work in one day. They
worked on the church parking lot, built an
access ramp, and finished Cornuet’s planned work
at the local cemetery. Cornuet’s parents said
they were happy to see so many people turn out.
Many of those who came said they wanted to honor
Cornuet’s memory and continue his tradition of
helping people. The Scoutmaster of the troop
said he expects Cornuet will receive his Eagle
Scout Award posthumously after the review board
meets with those who worked on the project.—Jim
L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Friends carry on Lower Burrell Scout Cornuet's
work toward Eagle badge after his death, By Jodi
September 7, 2014.
Galatians 5:13 (HCSB) For you were called to be
free, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as
an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one
another through love.
In 2015, there was an increase in the number of
sea lion pups found on the Southern California
beaches. The National Marine Fisheries
Service is overwhelmed by the number and do not
have the resources to rescue all of them, one
official said, “It’s like a paramedic not having
a hospital to bring a patient.” –Jim L. Wilson
& Kelvin A. Aikens
There is a great need today for people to work
on a rescue mission for souls. We must pray that
God with send His workers into the fields to
rescue those who will perish without the gospel.
Luke 10:2 (TLB) These were his instructions to
them: "Plead with the Lord of the harvest to
send out more laborers to help you, for the
harvest is so plentiful and the workers so
When 15-year-old Yasir Moore went into a Target
store to buy a clip on tie for a job interview,
he was surprised by the response of the store
staff. When he asked one of the employees, they
told him they didn’t carry clip-ons. Rather than
let the young man leave, Dennis Roberts helped
him find a tie and tied it for him, and then he
and two other employees gave him some advice
about how to interview, shake hands, and look
the interviewer in the eye. Then, when Moore got
the job, the same people were on hand to
congratulate him. Though the story made national
news, Moore’s mother Najirah was impressed. She
said, “They could have just sold my son a tie.
But they took the time, helped him tie the tie
and talked to him. They treated my son with
dignity, respect.”—Jim L. Wilson & Jim
Target Teen Gone Viral Gets Huge Surprise From
Chick-fil-A, By Steve Osunsami, Faryn Shiro, and
Justin Weaver,
February 13, 2015.
Galatians 5:13 (TLB) For, dear brothers, you
have been given freedom: not freedom to do
wrong, but freedom to love and serve each
Sometimes the duty to protect and serve means
going the extra mile. A police officer in
Illinois stopped a pizza delivery man for
cutting through a parking lot to avoid a red
light and found that the driver had drug
paraphernalia in the car. After arresting the
delivery man and a passenger in the car, the
officer noticed a pizza in the passenger seat.
He then decided to go a few extra yards and make
the delivery because the customer only lived a
few blocks from the police station. The customer
was surprised when a police car pulled up and
relieved to find that the officer was only
bringing them their dinner. Police Chief Jeff
Burgner said, “We try to do all we can to help
our residents, but I think this is the first
time we’ve delivered a pizza.” --Jim L. Wilson
& Jim Sandell.
Illinois police officer completes pizza
delivery after arresting delivery man,
February 2, 2015.
Matthew 5:41 (NKJV) And whoever compels you to
go one mile, go with him two.
In a difficult neighborhood of Los Angeles, the
Central City Community Church of the Nazarene
hosts a karaoke night for the homeless and
nearly homeless in the neighborhood. They come,
about 200 per week, and shut out the depressing
street life to sing and dance and share
Pastor Tony, who has been doing this for 17
years, shows the men and women of his church
neighborhood that he cares. He takes the gifts
given to him by the Holy Spirit and uses them in
serving others.
One night a homeless man approached Pastor Tony
Stallworth and gave him $3. He said, “I was on
the way to the dope house one night when I heard
the music and walked in, and now I come here
every week, and I just want to help out.”
-- Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
referenced in The Week, May 22, 2015, p.2
1 Peter 4:10 (HCSB) Based on the gift each one
has received, use it to serve others, as good
managers of the varied grace of God.
Peggy Uhle was already on a flight from Chicago
to Columbus waiting to take off when the plane
turned back to the gate and a flight attendant
asked her to get off. She thought maybe she had
gotten on the wrong plane and she complied. The
gate agent asked her to check in at the desk,
and the desk told her to call her husband. When
she checked with her family, Uhle found out that
her son, who lives in Denver was in a coma after
suffering a head injury. She also learned that
the airline had rebooked her on a flight to
Denver with no additional services, so she could
go to be with her son. Uhle was surprised by the
special service. She said, “They offered a
private waiting area, rerouted my luggage,
allowed me to board first, and packed a lunch
for when I got off the plane in Denver.”— Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Southwest Airlines Did Something AMAZING for
This Mom’s Son Who Slipped Into a Coma, By
Michael Cantrell,
June 2, 2015.
2 Corinthians 9:12 (HCSB) (12) For the ministry
of this service is not only supplying the needs
of the saints, but is also overflowing in many
acts of thanksgiving to God.
Eighteen-year-old Sam Ray says his cell phone’s
voice recognition feature lead rescuers to him
after his truck slipped off the jack and fell on
him. Ray said he was pinned under the truck in a
location where he couldn’t be seen or heard
easily. He was trying to get free when he heard
Siri activate. He said, “Call 911, and the phone
contacted the emergency dispatcher. The
dispatcher said she thought it was a mistaken
dial until she heard Ray calling for help and
sent crews. The phone gave a general idea of
Ray’s location, but he was able to yell the
address to help rescuers find him. Authorities
say Ray was fortunate to have only suffered some
broken ribs and a few other minor injuries. Ray
said he was thankful to be alive and added, “I
guess I’m stuck with an iPhone for the rest of
my life. I owe them that.”—Jim L. Wilson and by
Jim Sandell
'Call 911': Man says Siri made the call that
saved his life
August 17, 2015.
Psalm 121:2 (NASB) “My help comes from the
LORD, Who made heaven and earth.”
Kaylee Goemans found herself in a pickle. Her
6-week-old son, Dominic, was in a lot of pain
from intestinal problems. Kaylee packed him up
in the car and rushed him to the emergency room.
Once there she realized that she had let her car
parked in a metered spot and hadn’t put in
enough change. Because Dominic was in such
distress she didn’t feel she could leave to add
change to the meter. Instead she posted to her
“Mothers Facebook group” and told of her
problem. “Women just started pouring in, asking
where I was parked to put change in for me.” She
said. At least five women filled the meter.
Kaylee said, “It made my situation so much less
stressful. I was able to focus on my son’s
needs.” —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
This is the way we want to serve one another in
the church. Are you a member of a small group
where you can be helped if you are in need? Are
you in a group where you could be called on for
assistance? These things don’t just happen. We
have to build the kind of relationships that
help us in crisis.
The Week August 7, 2015, p. 4
Acts 20:35 (NASB) "In everything I showed you
that by working hard in this manner you must
help the weak and remember the words of the Lord
Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed
to give than to receive.'"
Mr Densley, an 87-year-old
man in Lincoln, California, passed out while
mowing his lawn. When the neighbors saw it, they
immediately dialed 911. No one could have
predicted what would happen next.
Not only did the Emergency
Medical Technicians help him medically, but
after he was stabilized, one of them, Chris
Spires, finished mowing his lawn for him.—Jim L.
Matthew 5:41 (HCSB)“And
if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him
Elena Griffing has worked at
the same San Francisco hospital for 70 years,
and says she has no plans to retire. Griffing,
who just celebrated her 90th birthday, says she
still loves working at the hospital. Though she
has held several positions over the years, she
says every day on the job is a celebration. In
the 70 years she has worked at the hospital,
Griffing has only taken four sick days off of
work. She says if she has her way, she will work
“Until they throw me out or they carry me out in
a box.” She added, ”I enjoy anything I can do to
be of service. Truly, it’s the patient that
counts. If it’s helping someone, it’s my
bag.”–Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
90-year-old has no plans to
leave job she's had for 70 years, By Kristin
April 11, 2016.
1 Corinthians 9:19 (HCSB)“Although
I am a free man and not anyone’s slave, I have
made myself a slave to everyone, in order to win
more people.”
Carl Babik got the surprise
of his life when Police officer Joe Sparks
knocked on his front door holding a pizza box.
As it turned out, Babik was not in any trouble.
Officer Sparks delivered the pizza after
responding to an accident call of an injured
pizza delivery driver. Sparks said, "Just
figured it was the right thing to do" since
"someone on the other end was waiting for their
Matthew 5:38–42 (HCSB)“You
have heard that it was said, An eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth.39
But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the
contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right
cheek, turn the other to him also. 40
As for the one who wants to sue you and take
away your shirt, let him have your coat as well.
41 And if anyone forces you to go one
mile, go with him two. 42 Give to
the one who asks you, and don’t turn away from
the one who wants to borrow from you.”
Katie Davis, a young girl
from Tennessee, moved to Uganda immediately
after graduating high school to serve others.
She spends her days helping orphans, teaching
school, and feeding street children.
Not long after arriving in
Uganda, Katie was amazed at how difficult it was
for families to send their children to school.
It was expensive and required great sacrifice.
“School fees far exceed, by about four times,
the cost of water or electricity, which most
families do without anyway. These realities
apply to children who have parents; many
children don’t, so going to school is not even a
possibility for them.”
This reality left Katie
broken over what she saw and experienced. In
America, children can attend school free, go on
lavish shopping trips to buy school clothes, and
do so with little sacrifice. Even school life in
America is lavish compared to life in many parts
of the world. It left her thinking, “why aren’t
people who live these lives doing more to help
others?” –Jim L. Wilson and Eric Gibbs
--Kisses from Katie, 32-33.
Acts 2:44–45 (HCSB) “Now all
the believers were together and held all things
in common. 45 They sold their
possessions and property and distributed the
proceeds to all, as anyone had a need.”
While on his way to lunch, Bo
Graf saw a young man helping an elderly woman
cross the parking lot at the market. He spoke to
the man who was an employee of the store. He
told the man that his deed had far-reaching
consequences and had helped more than just one
woman. In a social media post describing what he
saw, Graf said, “God put me at this place, this
moment in time for a reason. Maybe it’s simply
to capture this moment, maybe to change the way
I look at the world today and kids of tomorrow,
or perhaps how I could change the way I live
each day; there are so many reasons that put me
in this brief moment.”—Submitted Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Grocery store worker helps
elderly woman walk across parking lot, By
Rebekah Lowin,
June 15, 2016.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (HCSB)
“Therefore encourage one another and build each
other up as you are already doing.”
Mesa Arizona police officer
Kent Green had been driving by a dumpster and
saw a man inside collecting cans and bottles. He
stopped the man and asked him to get out, due to
safety concerns. As he turned to leave, he
noticed the man needed some shoes, and asked if
he would like to try a pair on. Green is a
runner, and carries his old running shoes with
him to give to people on the streets who need
shoes. A neighbor witnessed his act of kindness
and posted Green’s picture on Face Book. Green
says many officers do similar things, he just
happens to give away shoes. After the social
media attention, Green has heard from many
people who want to help by giving him more shoes
to give away. He pointed out that his car is
only so big then added, “It’s been
overwhelmingly positive, humbling, and just
awesome. I just hope (this) brings a little
positivity to police and what they do behind the
scenes every day, every night.”—Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
Caught on camera: Officer's
act of kindness,
Accessed August 1, 2106.
Matthew 10:42 (HCSB) “And
whoever gives just a cup of cold water to one of
these little ones because he is a disciple —I
assure you: He will never lose his reward!”
A Missouri police officer is
getting a lot of attention for an act of
service, but he says he was just doing his job.
Officer Jason Hill found a man in a wheelchair
that was having trouble with the battery at the
bottom of a steep hill. Officer Hill helped push
the man three blocks back to his home. While he
was pushing, a bystander took a picture of the
kind deed and posted it online. The picture got
hundreds of likes and shares, but Officer Hill
says he did not do it for attention. He said, “A
lot of officers that I work with, they do the
same thing pretty routinely. It’s just that
there’s usually not somebody there that snaps a
picture and doesn’t go viral or anything like
that so it’s just another day on the job.”–By
Jim L. Wilson & Jim Sandell.
St. Joe officer steps in to
help after man’s wheelchair battery dies three
blocks from home,
October 28, 2016.
1 Peter 4:10 (HCSB)“Based
on the gift each one has received, use it to
serve others, as good managers of the varied
grace of God.”
During the
2016 summer Olympic Games held in Rio de
Janeiro, New Zealand’s Nikki Hamblin and
America’s Abbey D’agostino competed against
one another in the 5000 meter race. Neither
won the race, but they both participated into
one of the most memorial events in Olympic
history. Midway through the race, Nikki
Hamblin stumbled and fell, tripping D’agostino
on her way down. Both women found themselves
laying on the track when suddenly D’agostino
rose up, and instead of continuing to run her
race, urged Hamblin to “get up! Get up! We
have to finish!” Hamblin, not realizing that
she was severely injured, got up and with the
help of D’agostino, finished the race. —Jim L.
Wilson and Douglas Diggs
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (HCSB)“Therefore
encourage one another and build each other up as
you are already doing.”
In November 2016, officials
disqualified Liana Blomgren, an athlete running
the final race of her high school career, for
helping a fellow athlete cross the finish line.
As she neared the end of the
race, Blomgren noticed Gracie Bucher, struggling
to reach the finish line. Despite attempting to
make her way the final 100 feet to the finish
Without giving it a second
thought, Blomgren ran up to Bucher, helped her
to her feet, and supported her as they both
crossed the finish line together. “[Blomgren]
said she knew she was going to be disqualified
from the race, which was her last before she’d
graduated high school. She said she just had to
There are times in our lives
when doing the right thing will cost us.
However, I have no doubt that Blomgren will
never regret stopping that cold November
afternoon to help someone in need, even when it
wasn’t in her own best interest. —Jim L. Wilson
& Eric Mann
Philippians 2:3–4 (HCSB)“Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but
in humility consider others as more important
than yourselves. 4 Everyone should
look out not only for his own interests, but
also for the interests of others.”
The philosophy
of the Waffle House restaurant chain has
always been, “We are not in the food business,
we are in the people business.” Founder Joe
Rogers insisted that in addition to good basic
food his staff offer Southern-style
hospitality. His son, Joe Jr., says it is that
approach that helped the business thrive. He
says, “Our job is to make people feel better
because they ate with us.”
Every church
should have the same attitude. “We are in the
people business. We want people to have a
better life because they participate with us.”
The way that happens is when the church, from
the pastor to the nursery worker, and everyone
in between seek to be a servant to those they
meet. –Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week,
March 24, 2017 p. 35
2 Corinthians 4:5 (HCSB)“For we are not proclaiming ourselves but
Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your
slaves because of Jesus.”
Pedro Viloria was working at the McDonalds
drive-thru in Doral, FL when he noticed that
his customer—an off-duty policewoman with her
two children in the backseat—had passed out at
the wheel. When the car slowly rolled away
with the children screaming, Viloria leapt
through his window and reached the car just as
hit the curb. With the help of a coworker he
administered CPR until emergency help arrived.
When asked about his heroism he replied, “If I
would have had to die to save that woman, I
would have. My brain was on hero mode.”
What are the
lengths we would go through to serve others?
–Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week,
March 31, 2017 p. 5
John 15:13 (CSB)“No
one has greater love than this: to lay down his
life for his friends.”
Youth from a
local church undertake a unique challenge each
year. In the Fall, they drive around their
town, find yards filled with leaves, and rack
the lawn without the homeowner noticing. The
youth leader Dave Sigworth, said the young
people are practicing random acts of kindness.
He says they were not paid or even hired, but
they did not mind being caught being kind to
their neighbors. The annual project is called
“Rake and Run.” Sigworth said, “This is all
part of the Methodist charge of doing good
works.”–Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Colossians 3:23–24 (CSB)“Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as
something done for the Lord and not for people,
knowing that you will receive the reward of an
inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord
Sarah and Terry Benson lost
their home in a wildfire near Gatlinburg
Tennessee in 2016. A volunteer organization
called, “God’s Pit Crew” stepped in and helped
the Bensons rebuild their home as part of
their ministry to restore home to families
that have lost everything. The donation-based
organization has built seven homes in the last
two years; often providing an added blessing
by writing messages of faith and hope on
nearly every beam in the home. Sarah said,
“It’s just unbelievable. It just shows if you
have faith in God that He will come through.”
She added, “They say he makes beauty out of
ashes and that’s what He is doing.” —Jim L.
Wilson & Jim Sandell
for Gatlinburg couple as faith-based team
http://www.wbir.com/news/special-reports/and-finally/prayers-answered-for-gatlinburg-couple-faith-based-team-rebuilds-home/446057604, Accessed June
5, 2017.
1 Peter 4:10
(CSB) “Just as each one has received a
gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards
of the varied grace of God.”
80 years of playing the piano for her church,
Shirley Kendrick decided to retire. Kendrick
started playing the piano in the church basement
when she was nine, and first played for worship
services at age eleven when the other pianist
moved away. Over the years, Kendrick taught many
students how to play, and one of those students
became her assistant. Kendrick said her age and
declining health convinced her that it was time
to retire. From now on she will sit on the pews
with the rest of the congregation. Her pastor,
Stephen Hudspath, said playing the piano for 80
years is an amazing feat. He said, “I don't think I can ever
say that I've known somebody that's served one
church for 80 years.” —Jim L. Wilson & Jim
pianist retires after 80 years, By Collin
May 28, 2017.
Corinthians 9:12 (CSB) “For the
ministry of this service is not only supplying
the needs of the saints but is also overflowing
in many expressions of thanks to God.”
The US postal service creed says,
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of
night stays these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds,” but it
doesn’t say anything about turkeys. Mail
carriers in Ohio said a rafter of wild turkeys
kept them from getting the mail to more than
two dozen homes in a Cleveland suburb.
Residents on a number of streets in the Rocky
River area had to pick up their mail at the
post office because the turkeys made it unsafe
to deliver mail at home. The mayor of Rocky
River, Pam Bobst said the problem persisted
for at least three weeks. She said city
ordinances would not permit the turkeys to be
eradicated, but she asked people to stop
putting out food so the birds would go
somewhere else. A Postal Service spokesman
said a few carriers were paced, but none were
injured.—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
As each one has received a special
gift, employ it in serving one another as good
stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Some passengers on KLM airline
flights within the Netherlands have recognized
that it was not just any co-pilot giving them
the weather and estimated arrival on their
flight, but they were hearing the voice of
their king.King Willem-Alexander told the national
newspaper that he is ending his role as a
regular “guest pilot” after 21 years with KLM.The
paper said the King is a qualified pilot and
flies about twice a month. He may actually
continue to train to fly a new aircraft the
airline is introducing. Even though the King
is a pilot, he always takes the role of
co-pilot on the flights he works. He said
flying is a hobby that allows him to leave his
royal duties on the ground and focus on
something else. The king said, “You can’t take
your problems from the ground into the skies.
You have an aircraft, passengers, and crew.
You have responsibility for them.” When asked
how many passengers recognized his voice, King
Willem-Alexander said,
“But most people don’t listen
anyway.”——Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
down, he called the Twelve and said to them, “If
anyone wants to be first, he must be last and
servant of all.”
When a medical emergency
arose on a flight he was on, the U.S.
Surgeon General stepped in to help. Dr.
Jerome Adams, an anesthesiologist, Dr. Adams
and two nurses responded to a person who
lost consciousness when the plane was on the
ground on Florida. When
the patient woke up, Dr. Adams determined it
was best for the plane to return to the gate
so the patient could be taken to a hospital
for further evaluation. Dr. Adams was on his
way to Mississippi to be part of a panel
discussion on opiod abuse. He later tweeted
that the patient was doing well and that he
was happy to have assisted.—Jim L. Wilson
and Jim Sandell
If anyone has this world’s goods
and sees a fellow believer in need but
withholds compassion from him—how does God’s
love reside in him?
Bruce Lorenz
is believed to the North Dakota’s oldest
mayor, and has been reelected to another term
by a unanimous vote. Lorenz is 86 years old,
and estimates that he has been mayor of the
small town of Ruso for about 30 years. He
admitted that he forgot about Election Day
until his daughter reminded him. His platform
is working to get rural water service for
Ruso, even though Lorenz knows it would be
very expensive for just a couple of people. He
plans to serve out his term, even though he
said, “My health went to pot this spring. I
can’t walk anymore without a walker. Life
gives us some strange roads. We’ll see what
takes place.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to
Melissa and Gene Work were rushing
to finish required yard work to avoid a fine
from their homeowner’s association when Gene
had a heart attack and collapsed. His wife
called paramedics who rushed him t the
hospital for care. On the way, the man kept
asking his wife to keep the grass from dying
and the rescue team took action. After they
dropped him off, they left the couple at the
hospital and returned to finish the yard work
for them. After the couple thanked the
department, a spokesperson said the people of
the department “believe in helping the
community whenever we are needed.” –Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
Just as each one has received a
gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards
of the varied grace of God.
If you’ve
ever thrown a party you know that few guests
stick around to clean up afterward. That’s
what makes the Senegal and Japan fans at the
2018 World Cup so unusual. Both teams were
underdogs, and both won their matches. As you
can imagine, their fans were in no hurry to
leave so they could celebrate. Some of them
even stayed after the celebration to clean up
after themselves.—Jim L. Wilson
For you
were called to be free, brothers and sisters;
only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity
for the flesh, but serve one another through
of residents of New Bern, North Carolina needed
help after Hurricane Florence flooded their
community with torrential downpours.One of
those helping was retired Marine Jason Weinmann.
After he left the Corps, Weinmann purchased a
large military transport vehicle at a government
auction with the intent of using it to help
people. The storm gave him the opportunity to
reach people in need of rescue.Since
the vehicle was so high he was able to drive
into many flooded neighborhoods and deliver
residents to the safety of local shelters. When
asked why he decided to join the effort,
Weinmann said, “That’s why I got this thing, to
use in times like this.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim
For the
ministry of this service is not only supplying
the needs of the saints but is also
overflowing in many expressions of thanks to
Pennsylvania Police officer
Bridgette Wilson noticed Sharon Markle’s flushed
face and pulled her squad car over and offered
to saw take over her lawn mowing duties. Markle,
who suffers from arthritis, was grateful, and
allowed the officer to finish the lawn.
However, that is not the end
of the story. Ryan Brunner, an employee at a
nearby barbershop saw what the officer was doing
and was inspired by her selfless act to organize
his friends at the barber shop to take turns
mowing her lawn for the summer.—Jim L. Wilson
Zechariah 7:9–10 (CSB)“The
of Armies says this: ‘Make fair decisions. Show
faithful love and compassion to one another. Do
not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the
resident alien or the poor, and do not plot evil
in your hearts against one another.’”
Howard Mullen graduated from
high school in 1946 and has dedicated his life
to serving the community of Pomeroy, Ohio. In
1952 he received his EMT certification and
joined the local fire department and then became
a sheriff’s deputy in the county. He continued
to serve for decades and has never really
retired. Mullen spends his winters in Florida,
but still volunteers with the Fort Myers Fire
Department when he is away from home. A
spokesman for the Meigs County Sheriff’s Office
said Mullen was an important part of a recent
investigation and he participates in all the
local parades.When he was honored for 67 years of
service by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost,
Mullen said he would rather serve than waste his
life watching TV. He added, “It’s just something
that you like. Just something about it. It’s in
your blood.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
A lot of people will go the
extra mile to help a person in need, but few
have gone as far Airzona Police officer Jeff
Turney. Turney was called to the home of a 94
year-old man, after the man’s son told police he
was concerned because his father had loaded a
trailer was preparing to drive himself to
Florida to live in an assisted living facility.
Turney was asked to talk to the man and try to
convince him to fly to Florida and ship his
belongs to his new home.When
Turney talked to the man, Howard Benson, he
realized that man was not going to change his
mind. Rather than leave the situation there,
Turney asked Benson to let him drive him, and
took vacation time to make the trip. After four
days on the road, Turney decided to stay a few
more days to make sure Benson settled in to his
new home.Benson
said he was fine, thanks to the officer who went
out of his way to help. When asked about his
actions, Turney said, "As
person, though, you've gotta step up,"—Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him
Miami bus
driver Laronda Marshall believes that part of
her job as a bus driver involves helping
people in need.In November, 2017 she saw a pedestrian
lying in the road after he was hit by a car. A
month later, she saw a young girl in the road
by herself, and brought her onto the bus to
keep her safe. Recently, Marshall noticed a
passenger on the bus slumped over his seat.
She immediately stopped the bus, and
administered CPR until police and paramedics
arrived. Doctors credited Marshall’s quick
action with saving the man’s life. In a
television interview, Marshall said it was her
heart to help others. She added, “We (bus
drivers) wear my hats. We’re counselors, we’re
doctors, we’re teachers, even CPR, you gotta
learn it, it helps.”—Jim L. Wilson and Jim
the word; be ready in season and out of season;
rebuke, correct, and encourage with great
patience and teaching.
relaxing Caribbean cruise on the Celebrity Equinox was
interrupted when Hurricane
devastated the Bahamas. The ship detoured to
Grand Bahama Island and became a floating aid
station. The ship’s kitchen staff prepared
some 10,000 meals for storm-struck Bahamians.
The 3000 passengers whose vacations were
suddenly changed helped to serve the meals.
They also, along with the crew donated clothes
for victims.
Week, September 20, 2019, p. 4
attitude displayed by the crew and passengers
is the kind of service Christians should
display in their lives and churches. We should
be open to the times when our lives are
interrupted to perform ministry in Jesus’
Name. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
Matthew 25:40 (CSB)
the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you,
whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
businessperson Tan Youhui had a business rival
he decided to get rid of. He hired an
assassin, Xi Guangan to “take out” his rival.
He gave him $282,000 for the task. Xi
subcontracted the job to another for half the
amount. The subcontractor gave the job to
another assassin who gave it to even another.
Eventually the fifth would be assassin met the
intended target and the two of them agreed
that the target would just fake his death. The
end? All five hitmen and Tan were convicted of
attempted murder. —Jim
L. Wilson and Rodger Russell.
The Week,
November 8, 2019 P. 12
1 Peter 4:10 (CSB)
as each one has received a gift, use it to serve
others, as good stewards of the varied grace of
A horse
in South Korea has become a YouTube sensation
by perfecting the art of playing dead whenever
someone approaches to ride him. Jingang—dubbed
“the world’s most melodramatic horse”—buckles
his legs, theatrically collapses, and closes
his eyes at the mere sight of a prospective
rider. —Jim L. Wilson
and Rodger Russell.
The Week,
November 8, 2019 P. 12
Colossians 3:23–24 (CSB)
you do, do it from the heart, as something done
for the Lord and not for people, knowing that
you will receive the reward of an inheritance
from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.
16-year-old TJ Kim has
spent a lot of time hoping to make a
difference in Virginia and Maryland by
collecting and flying personal protective
equipment to rural hospitals. Kim donated
4,300 pieces of PPE to August Health in
Virginia. Over the three months prior to that,
Kim made close to a dozen flights to collect
supplies and get them to hospitals. The
teenager is also working on his private
pilot’s license and all the flights he made
helped him earn his required flight hours.
Medical professionals said they believe people
like Kim are an inspiration and show how a
pandemic can bring out the best in people. Kim
said the feeling he gets from serving others
is the best feeling in the world he added,
“The love for flying and the love for helping
out others makes doing every single one of
these missions just really fun.” –Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
For the ministry of
this service is not only supplying the needs
of the saints but is also overflowing in many
expressions of thanks to God.
When Michelle Brenner
was furloughed from her job as a sales
manager, she decided to use her time to help
other people.While Brenner was shopping, she felt
inspired to make homemade lasagna for those
who could not get out during the pandemic. She
started with a social media post offering to
cook and deliver homemade, 6-pound pans of
lasagna. Better long Brenner was known as
“Lasagna Lady” and had prepared more than a
thousand pans of lasagna.She
made the dish for medical providers, fire
departments, prisons, the elderly, and anyone
else who asked her. Brenner said she has found
her purpose in life through providing love and
comfort through home cooked meals.She
said she goes to bed each night, content and
happy to live a life better than the best
she’s ever known. –Jim L. Wilson and Jim
Do not lack diligence
in zeal; be fervent in the Spirit; serve the
Eight-year-old Greyson Winfield keeps busy feeding
the hungry and mowing lawns for first responders
and single mothers.Greyson told his parents that he wanted to
help people, so they helped him start an
organization called Helping Footprint.Greyson’s
organization collects donations for buying food or
helping families pay their bills. The boy wants to
be a Navy SEAL and even become President one day.
He said he started the organization because he
wanted to make the word a better place. Greyson
said, “There are other people who have nobody to
help them and it’s the right thing to do.” –Jim L.
Wilson and Jim Sandell
but whoever shows kindness to the poor will be
Rachel Nichols of Richmond, Missouri tells of her
fourth grader who was on crutches on his birthday.
He was unable to carry cupcakes into the school
without some help. She asked Noah, her sixth
grader if he could help his brother carry the
cupcakes. “I could,” he said, “but I’d prefer not
Rachel’s husband asked their son Noah,
“What would Jesus do?”
Noah answered, “Jesus would heal him so he
could carry his own cupcakes.”
— Readers Digest, June 2020, p.
If we have a heart to serve others, an
attitude of kindness, a caring personality we will
find a way to express it in service to others. If
we would “prefer not to,” we can always find an
excuse. —Jim Wilson and Rodger Russell
Galatians 5:13 (CSB)
For you were called to be free, brothers and
sisters; only don’t use this freedom as an
opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another
through love.
In Leaders Eat Last, Simon
Sinek writes, “In healthy organizations,
as in a healthy society, the drive to win should
not precede the desire to take care of the very
people we claim to serve.”
--Leaders Eat Last, 239.
1 Peter 4:10 (CSB)
Just as each one has received a gift, use it to
serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace
of God.
In Leaders Eat Last, Simon
Sinek writes, “James Sinegal, of Costco,
believed he had a greater responsibility to the
people who worked for his company than to those
who simply profited from their labor. A leader of
Marines is taught to put the Marines in their
charge before themselves. Every CEO of Southwest
Airlines has known that their first responsibility
is to their people. Serve them and they will serve
the customer, who will ultimately drive the
business and benefit the stakeholders. In that
order. These remarkable leaders and all those who
work in their organizations believe they serve a
cause rather than an outsider with selfish
motives. And that cause is always human. Everyone
knows why they come to work.”
--Leaders Eat Last, 285.
Mark 10:45 (CSB)
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for