Helping Pastors be More Effective

No one has to tell you how challenging ministry can be. Pastors are preaching to people with short attention spans, ministering in change-adverse churches, while reaching out to gospel-resistant communities.  Yet, they still bear the responsibility of preaching biblical messages, leading those who attend their churches and reaching new people. The challenge is great. The opportunities are greater.

FreshMinistry exists to help pastors be more effective by providing resources for many and coaching services for a few.

Coaching Services




Ministry Resources

Featured Resource: Impact Preaching
Impact Preaching

 2018 Lexham Press  Available on Amazon, Kindle, and direct from the distributor or in Logos Software
Pastoral Ministry in
                                the Real World
  2018  Lexham Press (2nd Edition) Available on Amazon, direct from the distributor, or in Logos Software
Books by Jim L.
                                Sermon Illustrations
Contact us at the email address below: was established in 1999

Brief Bio

FreshMinistry's Jim Wilson started preaching when he was 17, became a pastor when he was 18 and served as a full-time pastor until he became a professor.  Today, he is Distinguished Professor of Leadership Formation at Gateway Seminary where he has served since 2006. 

Though a full-time member of the Seminary faculty, Dr. Wilson continues to serve the local church as a Teaching Pastor of Lakeshore City Church in Corona, CA  In addition, he is speaks at conferences, seminars, retreats and in other local churches.

Wilson is an award winning writer with hundreds of  pieces in print and the author, co-author or contributor to more than thirty books. Zondervan Academic, Broadman & Holman,  Lexham Press, Serendipity House, LifeWay, Weaver Book Company, Standard Publishing, and Tyndale House have published his work. His sermons and sermon illustrations appear in WordSearch, Accordance and Logos Bible Software.

Jim graduated with a BA from Wayland University and a MDiv and DMin from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He has certifications as a Church Consultant from Society of Church Consultants. Transitional Pastor from LifeWay, and is a MBTI practitioner.